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horizon not defined for my environment #103

weiliu620 opened this issue Mar 27, 2017 · 2 comments

horizon not defined for my environment #103

weiliu620 opened this issue Mar 27, 2017 · 2 comments


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I wrote a gym environment similar to gym's CartPole, except that I want to move the cart pole from one location to another location while still keep balance. However, my new environment got an error when I train with TRPO algorithm. My new environment looks good if I simulate it and the error message also seem to point to max_path_length not assigned somehow.

Here is my environment definition:

import logging
import math
import gym
from gym import spaces
from gym.utils import seeding
import numpy as np

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class CartPoleMovingEnv(gym.Env):
    metadata = {
        'render.modes': ['human', 'rgb_array'],
        'video.frames_per_second' : 50

    def __init__(self):
        self.gravity = 9.8
        self.masscart = 1.0
        self.masspole = 0.1
        self.total_mass = (self.masspole + self.masscart)
        self.length = 0.5 # actually half the pole's length
        self.polemass_length = (self.masspole * self.length)
        self.force_mag = 10.0
        self.tau = 0.02  # seconds between state updates
        self._destination = 2

        # Angle at which to fail the episode
        self.theta_threshold_radians = 30 * 2 * math.pi / 360
        self.x_threshold = 4

        # Angle limit set to 2 * theta_threshold_radians so failing observation is still within bounds
        high = np.array([
            self.theta_threshold_radians * 2,

        self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(2)
        self.observation_space = spaces.Box(-high, high)

        self.viewer = None
        self.state = None

        self.steps_beyond_done = None

    def _seed(self, seed=None):
        self.np_random, seed = seeding.np_random(seed)
        return [seed]

    def _step(self, action):
        assert self.action_space.contains(action), "%r (%s) invalid"%(action, type(action))
        state = self.state
        x, x_dot, theta, theta_dot = state
        force = self.force_mag if action==1 else -self.force_mag
        costheta = math.cos(theta)
        sintheta = math.sin(theta)
        temp = (force + self.polemass_length * theta_dot * theta_dot * sintheta) / self.total_mass
        thetaacc = (self.gravity * sintheta - costheta* temp) / (self.length * (4.0/3.0 - self.masspole * costheta * costheta / self.total_mass))
        xacc  = temp - self.polemass_length * thetaacc * costheta / self.total_mass
        d_old = np.abs(x - self._destination)
        x  = x + self.tau * x_dot
        x_dot = x_dot + self.tau * xacc
        theta = theta + self.tau * theta_dot
        theta_dot = theta_dot + self.tau * thetaacc
        self.state = (x,x_dot,theta,theta_dot)
        done =  x < -self.x_threshold \
                or x > self.x_threshold \
                or theta < -self.theta_threshold_radians \
                or theta > self.theta_threshold_radians
        done = bool(done)

        if not done:
            # destination is at x = 4.
            d = np.abs(x - self._destination) # distancce to destination
            # constant -1 to reward fast moving. Only when d is small, we care about theta and theta_dot, otherwise only reward moving towards destination.
            reward = -1 + np.exp(-d)*(theta) + np.exp(-d)*theta_dot - (d - d_old)
        elif self.steps_beyond_done is None:
            # Pole just fell!
            self.steps_beyond_done = 0
            reward = 1.0
            if self.steps_beyond_done == 0:
                logger.warning("You are calling 'step()' even though this environment has already returned done = True. You should always call 'reset()' once you receive 'done = True' -- any further steps are undefined behavior.")
            self.steps_beyond_done += 1
            reward = 0.0

        return np.array(self.state), reward, done, {}

    def _reset(self):
        # position is set to one end of the pole. valocity, angle and angle valocity is set as before, to some random number.
        self.state = self.np_random.uniform(low=-0.05, high=0.05, size=(4,))
        self.state[0] = - 2
        self.steps_beyond_done = None
        return np.array(self.state)

    def _render(self, mode='human', close=False):
        if close:
            if self.viewer is not None:
                self.viewer = None

        screen_width = 600
        screen_height = 400

        world_width = 5
        scale = screen_width/world_width
        carty = 100 # TOP OF CART
        polewidth = 10.0
        polelen = scale * 1.0
        cartwidth = 50.0
        cartheight = 30.0

        if self.viewer is None:
            from gym.envs.classic_control import rendering
            self.viewer = rendering.Viewer(screen_width, screen_height)
            l,r,t,b = -cartwidth/2, cartwidth/2, cartheight/2, -cartheight/2
            axleoffset =cartheight/4.0
            cart = rendering.FilledPolygon([(l,b), (l,t), (r,t), (r,b)])
            self.carttrans = rendering.Transform()
            l,r,t,b = -polewidth/2,polewidth/2,polelen-polewidth/2,-polewidth/2
            pole = rendering.FilledPolygon([(l,b), (l,t), (r,t), (r,b)])
            self.poletrans = rendering.Transform(translation=(0, axleoffset))
            self.axle = rendering.make_circle(polewidth/2)
            self.track = rendering.Line((0,carty), (screen_width,carty))

        if self.state is None: return None

        x = self.state
        cartx = x[0]*scale+screen_width/2.0 # MIDDLE OF CART
        self.carttrans.set_translation(cartx, carty)

        return self.viewer.render(return_rgb_array = mode=='rgb_array')

And here is the code I train it:

    env = normalize(GymEnv("CartPoleMoving-v0", force_reset = True))

    policy = CategoricalMLPPolicy(
        # The neural network policy should have two hidden layers, each with 32 hidden units.
        hidden_sizes=(8, 8)

    baseline = LinearFeatureBaseline(env_spec=env.spec)

    algo = TRPO(
        # Uncomment both lines (this and the plot parameter below) to enable plotting
        # plot=True,

Then I got errors

In [12]: rl_prac.run_task()
2017-03-27 17:47:46.192399 EDT | Warning: skipping Gym environment monitoring since snapshot_dir not configured.
[2017-03-27 17:47:46,192] Making new env: CartPoleMoving-v0
2017-03-27 17:47:46.196242 EDT | observation space: Box(4,)
2017-03-27 17:47:46.196631 EDT | action space: Discrete(2)
2017-03-27 17:47:46.264618 EDT | Populating workers...
2017-03-27 17:47:46.264905 EDT | Populated
0%                          100%
[                              ]---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-12-f8411f69ae72> in <module>()
----> 1 rl_prac.run_task()

/home/weiliu/projects/rl_learning/ in run_task(*_)
     70         # plot=True,
     71     )
---> 72     algo.train()
     74 def run():

/home/weiliu/packages/rllab/rllab/algos/ in train(self)
    120         for itr in range(self.current_itr, self.n_itr):
    121             with logger.prefix('itr #%d | ' % itr):
--> 122                 paths = self.sampler.obtain_samples(itr)
    123                 samples_data = self.sampler.process_samples(itr, paths)
    124                 self.log_diagnostics(paths)

/home/weiliu/packages/rllab/rllab/algos/ in obtain_samples(self, itr)
     27             max_samples=self.algo.batch_size,
     28             max_path_length=self.algo.max_path_length,
---> 29             scope=self.algo.scope,
     30         )
     31         if self.algo.whole_paths:

/home/weiliu/packages/rllab/rllab/sampler/ in sample_paths(policy_params, max_samples, max_path_length, env_params, scope)
    123         threshold=max_samples,
    124         args=(max_path_length, scope),
--> 125         show_prog_bar=True
    126     )

/home/weiliu/packages/rllab/rllab/sampler/ in run_collect(self, collect_once, threshold, args, show_prog_bar)
    148                 pbar = ProgBarCounter(threshold)
    149             while count < threshold:
--> 150                 result, inc = collect_once(self.G, *args)
    151                 results.append(result)
    152                 count += inc

/home/weiliu/packages/rllab/rllab/sampler/ in _worker_collect_one_path(G, max_path_length, scope)
     92 def _worker_collect_one_path(G, max_path_length, scope=None):
     93     G = _get_scoped_G(G, scope)
---> 94     path = rollout(G.env, G.policy, max_path_length)
     95     return path, len(path["rewards"])

/home/weiliu/packages/rllab/rllab/sampler/ in rollout(env, agent, max_path_length, animated, speedup, always_return_paths)
     16     if animated:
     17         env.render()
---> 18     while path_length < max_path_length:
     19         a, agent_info = agent.get_action(o)
     20         next_o, r, d, env_info = env.step(a)

TypeError: unorderable types: int() < NoneType()

It looks for my new env, max_path_lengh is not initialized correctly. After a careful look, I found that it is related to this line
self._horizon = env.spec.tags['wrapper_config.TimeLimit.max_episode_steps']. It seems this is not set for the environment that I created.

How to fix it for my environment? What does the 'tags' mean for the environments from gym?

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Silly me, I just need to set max_path_length = 200 in the definitino of TRPO, and quickly fix it. At least I got my env running, though I don't know why the horizon is not set correctly.

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Hi @weiliu620
Could you please explain me - env.spec.tags['wrapper_config.TimeLimit.max_episode_steps'] property is the one which is responsible for max episode length? The default one is 200?

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