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82 lines (81 loc) · 4.46 KB

File metadata and controls

82 lines (81 loc) · 4.46 KB

Infinity OS

  • Features:
    • ✅ Architecture x86;
    • ✅ Boot process usign a single stage in assembly;
    • ✅ Vga Text mode 80x25;
      • ✅ Print text on screen;
      • ✅ Scroll content up on last line reached and is full filled;
      • ✅ Supported Scape sequences:
        • ✅ \n = Line break;
        • ✅ \t = Tabulation;
        • ⬜ \r = Carriage return (move cursor position to start of the line);
        • ✅ \b = Backspace;
        • ⬜ \f = Form feed (clear screen);
      • ✅ Format strings (stdlib::kprintf("A String: %s", "My string")):
        • ✅ %s = String data type;
        • ✅ %c = Char data type;
        • ✅ %d = Integer data type;
        • ✅ %x = Hex representation of int data type;
        • ✅ %b = Binary representation of int data type;
        • ✅ %0d = Leading zeros for above format types %d, $x, %b;
    • ✅ PS/2 8042 - Controller:
      • ✅ Self Tests and Configuration;
    • ✅ PS/2 Keyboard;
      • ✅ Self Tests and Configuration;
      • ✅ Key code scan read;
      • ✅ ASCII key buffer to send key data to processes;
    • ✅ PIT - Programmable Interval Timer;
      • ✅ Minimum implementation;
      • ✅ Kernel sleep function pit::ksleep(int Millis);
      • ✅ Configurable channels;
    • ✅ GDT - Global Descriptor Table;
    • ✅ IDT - Interrupt Descriptor Table;
    • ✅ ISR - Interrupt Service Routine;
      • ✅ CPU Interruptions (0-31);
      • ✅ PIC Interruptions (32-47);
      • ✅ Kernel Interruptions (48-255) (Kernel Syscalls);
        • ✅ int 0x30 Syscall that handle all SYSFUNCS;
    • ✅ PIC 8259 - Programmable Interrupt Controller;
      • ✅ Remaped the Master and Slave PIC IRQs vectors to offsets (Master = 0x20), (Slave = 0x28);
      • ✅ Maskable IRQs lines. Mask function implemented to disable/enable IRQs lines from being triggered by hardware and notified to the CPU.
      • ✅ EOI - End Of Interruption. Implemented to clear the In Service Register (ISR).
      • ✅ Possibility to disable the PIC to use in it's place the APIC;
    • ⬜ APIC - Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller;
    • ✅ CPUID - Central Processing Unit Identification;
      • ✅ Vendor id implemented to get the CPU vendor, like AMD, INTEL, ARM, etc;
      • ✅ Func EAX=1 Fully implemented to get the CPU capabilities;
      • ⬜ Not fully implemented yet;
    • ✅ MMU - Memory Management Unity or Paging;
      • ✅ PageDirs and PageTables configured;
      • ✅ Kernel mapped successfully;
      • ✅ VGA memory mapped successfully;
      • ⬜ I/O ports mapped successfully;
    • ✅ HEAP - Heap system management mechanism;
      • ✅ SHARED - For test purpose the user process heaps are allocated inside kernel heap;
      • ✅ KERNEL - Functions that handle kernel heap. kmalloc and kfree;
      • ✅ PROCESS - Functions that handle user process heap. malloc and free;
    • ✅ VFS - Virtual file system. Since we actually don't have a file system;
      • ✅ findFile - Function to search a file by it's name in virtual file system list;
    • ✅ SYSCALLS - System calls that is executed when a SYSFUNCS is called;
      • ✅ INT 0x30(48) - General Syscall that handle all SYSFUNCS;
        • ✅ EAX 0x01(1) - VGA - print;
        • ✅ EAX 0x02(2) - SCHEDULER - exit;
    • ⬜ Programs/Processes/Libs;
      • ✅ SYSFUNCS - System Functions that runs in user mode and perform SYSCALLS;
        • ✅ VGA - Video Graphics Array;
          • ✅ TEXT - print - Prints raw text with escape sequences only in the screen;
          • ✅ TEXT - printf - Prints formatted text with escape sequences in the screen; Uses the same interruption of print;
        • ✅ SCHEDULER - Process Scheduler;
          • ✅ EXIT - exit - Terminate current process and return a result code, then move to the next process;
        • ✅ KEYBOARD - Keyboard Driver;
          • ✅ TEXT - readln - Read one line of text typed by the user and stop in next \n (KEY_ENTER) scape sequence;
      • ✅ SHELL process creation;
        • ✅ Communicate with kernel using IDT Interruptions to access VGA memory;
        • ✅ Hello World Print;
      • ✅ IMAGEFS - Format Storage Devices Using a File System Architecture;
        • ⬜ FAT32 - File system format implemented;
          • ✅ LIST - List all archives inside a absolute folder path;
          • ⬜ READ - Read file content;
          • ⬜ CREATE DIR - Create directories;
          • ⬜ CREATE FILE - Create files;
        • ⬜ CREATE - Creates a .img for a file system format;