Releases: rhythmictech/terraform-aws-imagebuilder-component-ansible
set region when getting ssh key
retain old versions in cfn
compose arn
arn depends_on
make region set more explicit
escape env var ref
fix ssh key retrieval
start ssh agent
fix git auth
explain cfn retain
move Ansible setup and teardown to separate components
-Allow additional packages to be included when calling the module (inspired by libselinux, which is otherwise missing)
-Prepare ssh key (if provided) before calling ansible-galaxy, also
-Allow branches to be specified in the playbook_repo
fix ansible role cleanup
Cleanup script would not remove the correct dir, causing downstream amis that also clone to the same dir to fail.
SSH key support
Added support for SSH keys and some minor fixes
Fix Typo
Merge pull request #6 from rhythmictech/typo fix typo
SSH key support
Add the ability to pass in a secretsmanager secret containing an SSH key for private repo auth.
Lint all the things
Merge pull request #2 from rhythmictech/readme Add hooks and README
Initial Release
Merge pull request #1 from rhythmictech/init init