issues Search Results · repo:rgomezcasas/dotfiles language:Shell
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inrgomezcasas/dotfiles (press backspace or delete to remove)Da un error 404 al intentar ejecutar el instalador
bash (curl -s
- Opened on Feb 24, 2024
- #25
Hi, I tried to follow the Readme, but the bash installer command is failing. I also tried to find this installer on this
repository, but can t. How I can install the dotfiles?
$ bash (curl -s ...
- 2
- Opened on Dec 31, 2021
- #19 returns http 404 error :(
- 1
- Opened on May 28, 2021
- #16
Excellent repo and collection of dotfiles. However I am not able to install it with the commands in the readme. I see
that the installer files doesn t exist in the repo.
bash (curl -s ...
- 2
- Opened on Feb 12, 2021
- #14
The file login_init.zsh is missing from the repo.
Used in shell/zsh/.zlogin
- 1
- Opened on Jul 21, 2020
- #11
Hola Rafa!
Veo una oportunidad de mejora muy buena:
Cuando cargas tomas todos los aliases, exports y funciones comunes a todas las plataformas. Entre los aliases
veo que utilizas comandos propios ...
- Opened on Jul 21, 2020
- #10
Hola Rafa
En relación a dot . Noté que tarda en printar los comandos disponibles. Señalo la línea que se lleva el tiempo de
ejecución. ...
- 2
- Opened on Jul 14, 2020
- #9
I got this error during the installation
Some links were not successfully set up
Path exists /Users/dsf/.hushlogin
All paths have been set up
== Some tasks were not executed successfully
and this message ...
- 1
- Opened on Jan 1, 2020
- #7
I m very impressed with your startup times. It would be excellent to have some further description of how in the readme,
if you d so oblige
- 1
- Opened on Aug 12, 2019
- #5
- 1
- Opened on Mar 8, 2018
- #3

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