- Support symfony/process ^5 via illicit access to a private member (#58)
- Avoid verbose output when we have nothing to say in ProcessFailedException. (#54)
- Support PHP 8.1. (n.b. No code changes to library; this release is merely to enable testing on 8.1 and explicitly declare support.)
- Support PHP 8
- Support symfony/process ^4.4, and other symfony components ^5
- Added environment variables in aliases (#47)
- Bugfix: Better error reporting when json output fails to parse. (#46)
- Bugfix: Use posix_isatty when available. (#43)
- When the transport is Docker, allow setting any docker-compose flags in the alias file Alexandru Szasz (#39)
- Added vagrant transport. Alexandru Szasz (#40)
- Added Util class to help detect TTY properly. Dane Powell (#41)
- Do not format output in RealTimeOutput
- Add a separaate 'addTransports' method for clients that wish to subclass the process manager (#32)
- Rename AliasRecord to SiteAlias; Use SiteAliasWithConfig::create (#31)
- Use SiteAliasWithConfig (#30)
- Use ConfigAwareInterface/Trait (#26)
- Allow configuration to be injected into ProcessManager. (#22)
- setWorkingDirectory() controls remote execution dir (#25)
- ms-slasher13 improve escaping on Windows (#24)
- Initial release