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AgnosticD Development Setup using Ansible Execution Environments



  1. On Mac make sure you have Homebrew installed (

  2. Using Docker Desktop (right now on M1 Macs)

    1. Install Docker Desktop ( - make sure to pick the version for your processor and operating system

    2. Once Docker Desktop is running pull the execution environment image:

      docker pull
  3. Using Podman (you need Homebrew) (on Intel Macs)

    brew install podman
    podman machine init
    podman machine start
    podman pull
  4. Install Python

    brew install [email protected]
  5. Install virtualenv

    brew install virtualenv
  6. Set up your Python virtual environment

    mkdir -p ~/virtualenvs
    virtualenv -p $(which python3) ~/virtualenvs/ansible-navigator
    source ~/virtualenvs/ansible-navigator/bin/activate
  7. Install Ansible Navigator in your (now active) virtual environment:

    pip install -U pip ansible-navigator
  8. Create the Ansible Navigator configuration file ~/.ansible-navigator.yaml:

        container-engine: docker
        - src: /Users/wkulhane/Development/agnosticd-workdir/ansible-output
          dest: /ansible-output
      mode: stdout
  9. Set up your working environment

    # Set up AgnosticD
    mkdir -p ~/Development/agnosticd-workdir
    cd ~/Development/
    git clone [email protected]:redhat-cop/agnosticd.git

Create an Empty AWS Account

  1. Navigate to

  2. Select Open Environments

  3. Provision the AWS Blank Open Environment

Creating Input for AgnosticD

  1. Set up a file that holds your generic secrets (e.g. the OCP Pull Secret). Make sure the filename contains the word secret as to not accidentally commit it to the repo.

    # Either use satellite
    set_repositories_satellite_ha: true
    set_repositories_satellite_org: Red_Hat_GPTE_Labs
    set_repositories_satellite_activationkey: << redacted >>
    # Or use your Employee subscription:
    rhel_subscription_user: [email protected]
    rhel_subscription_pass: << redacted >>
    # OpenShift Pull Secret (get from using your employee login)
    ocp4_token: '{"auths":{"":{"auth":"<< redacted>>","email":"<< redacted >>"},"":{"auth":"<< redacted >>","email":"<< redacted >>"},"":{"auth":"<< redacted >>","email":"<< redacted >>"},"":{"auth":"<< redacted >>","email":"<< redacted >>"}}}'
    ocp4_pull_secret: "{{ ocp4_token }}"
    # Make sure your SSH public key is available on Github
    - key:<< redacted >>.keys
  2. Set up a second file that contains your AWS Open Environment Credentials (from the e-mail you received when you created the open environment):

    aws_access_key_id: << redacted >>
    aws_secret_access_key: << redacted >>
    email: << redacted >>
    agnosticd_aws_capacity_reservation_enable: false

Deploy a minimal OpenShift cluster

  1. Set up the input variables file for your OpenShift Cluster

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    # User specific
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    subdomain_base_suffix: .{{ sandbox }}
    output_dir: /ansible-output/{{ guid }}
      - owner: [email protected]
      - Purpose: development
      - env_type: "{{ env_type }}"
      - guid: "{{ guid }}"
      - platform: labs
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Top level vars
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    cloud_provider: ec2
    env_type: ocp4-cluster
    software_to_deploy: openshift4
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Repos to use for the bastion
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    repo_method: satellite
    # repo_method: rhn # for employee subscription
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    # VM configuration
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    master_instance_type: m5a.2xlarge
    master_instance_count: 1
    worker_instance_type: m5a.2xlarge
    worker_instance_count: 2
    bastion_instance_type: t3a.medium
    bastion_instance_image: RHEL84GOLD-latest
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    # OpenShift installer
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    ocp4_installer_version: "4.11"
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Student user on bastion
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    install_student_user: false
    # student_name: lab-user
    # student_sudo: true
    # if not set generate random password
    # student_password: r3dh4t1!
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Workloads
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    # --- Infra Workloads (YAML List)
    - ocp4_workload_authentication
    - ocp4_workload_le_certificates
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Workload: ocp4_workload_authentication
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    ocp4_workload_authentication_idm_type: htpasswd
    ocp4_workload_authentication_admin_user: admin
    ocp4_workload_authentication_htpasswd_admin_password: redhat123
    ocp4_workload_authentication_htpasswd_user_base: user
    #ocp4_workload_authentication_htpasswd_user_password: openshift (autogenerated when not specified)
    ocp4_workload_authentication_htpasswd_user_count: 1
    ocp4_workload_authentication_remove_kubeadmin: true
  2. Run Ansible Navigator to deploy your cluster:

    cd ~/Development/agnosticd
    ansible-navigator run ansible/main.yml -e @~/Development/ansible-workdir/ocp-cluster.yaml -e @~/Development/ansible-workdir/secrets.yaml -e @~/Development/ansible-workdir/sandbox-secrets.yaml -e guid=XXXXXX # replace with your specific GUID - e.g. wkacm

Deploy Workload on an existing Cluster


Run Navigator to deploy a workload to a cluster:


cd ~/Development/agnosticd

ansible-navigator run ansible/main.yml -e @ansible/workdir/ocp-workload.yaml -e guid=jm46



All commands should be run as your own user account - do not take the name of root in vain!


  • Install Podman (we need rootless podman)

  • Python 3.9+ installed with ansible-navigator prerequisites

Configure rootless Podman

If you haven’t configured your subuids and subgids before, this will setup the basics for your user. Follow the rest of the documents in the tutorial for configuring podman:

  1. Configure subuids and subgids for podman

    sudo bash -c "echo $(whoami):100000:65536 > /etc/subuid"
    sudo bash -c "echo $(whoami):100000:65536 > /etc/subgid"
  2. Once complete, pull the multicloud-ee execution environment

    podman pull

This may take some time as the image is currently 3.02GB in size, but it has all of our cloud depenencies and libraries installed and will make your first steps much easier.

Create your virtual environment

Create a python 3.9+ virtualenv somewhere standard - ~/venvs/ or ~/virtualenvs/

mkdir ~/venvs/
cd ~/venvs/
python3 -mvenv ansible-navigator
. ~/venvs/ansible-navigator/bin/activate
(ansible-navigator) [user@localhost venvs]$ _
(ansible-navigator) [user@localhost venvs]$ pip3 install ansible-builder ansible-runner ansible-navigator
Requirement already satisfied: lockfile>=0.10 in ./venvs/ansible-navigator/lib64/python3.11/site-packages (from python-daemon->ansible-runner) (0.12.2)
Requirement already satisfied: types-setuptools>=57.0.0 in ./venvs/ansible-navigator/lib64/python3.11/site-packages (from requirements-parser->ansible-builder) (
Requirement already satisfied: pycparser in ./venvs/ansible-navigator/lib64/python3.11/site-packages (from cffi>=1->onigurumacffi<2,>=1.1.0->ansible-navigator) (2.21)

(ansible-navigator) [user@localhost venvs]$ _

Configure the Ansible Execution Environment

We’ll create the execution environments volume-folders next:


<username> should be substituted with your own username

  1. Create the Ansible Navigator configuration file ~/.ansible-navigator.yaml:

        container-engine: podman
        - src: /home/<username>/development/tmp/
          dest: /tmp
        - src: /home/<username>/development/secrets/
          dest: /secrets
        - src: /home/<username>/development/vars/
          dest: /vars
      mode: stdout
  2. Set up the volume mounts and your agnosticd Directory

    # Set up AgnosticD
    mkdir -p ~/development/{tmp,secrets,vars}
    cd ~/development/
    git clone [email protected]:redhat-cop/agnosticd.git
    cd agnosticd

Create an Empty AWS Account

  1. Navigate to

  2. Select Open Environments

  3. Provision the AWS Blank Open Environment

Creating Input for AgnosticD

  1. Set up a file that holds your generic secrets (e.g. the OCP Pull Secret). Make sure the filename contains the word secret so as to remind you not under any circumstances to accidentally commit it to the repo.

    # Either use satellite
    set_repositories_satellite_ha: true
    set_repositories_satellite_org: Red_Hat_GPTE_Labs
    set_repositories_satellite_activationkey: << redacted >>
    # Or use your Employee subscription:
    rhel_subscription_user: [email protected]
    rhel_subscription_pass: << redacted >>
    # OpenShift Pull Secret (get from using your employee login)
    ocp4_token: '{"auths":{"":{"auth":"username","email":"[email protected]"},"":{"auth":"username","email":"[email protected]"},"":{"auth":"username","email":"[email protected]"},"":{"auth":"username","email":"[email protected]"}}}'
    ocp4_pull_secret: "{{ ocp4_token }}"
    # Make sure your SSH public key is available on Github
    - key:
  2. Set up a second file that contains your AWS Open Environment Credentials (from the e-mail you received when you created the open environment):

    aws_access_key_id: << redacted >>
    aws_secret_access_key: << redacted >>
    email: [email protected]
    agnosticd_aws_capacity_reservation_enable: false

Deploy a minimal OpenShift cluster

  1. Set up the input variables file for your OpenShift Cluster

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    # User specific
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    subdomain_base_suffix: .{{ sandbox }}
    output_dir: /ansible-output/{{ guid }}
      - owner: [email protected]
      - Purpose: development
      - env_type: "{{ env_type }}"
      - guid: "{{ guid }}"
      - platform: labs
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Top level vars
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    cloud_provider: ec2
    env_type: ocp4-cluster
    software_to_deploy: openshift4
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Repos to use for the bastion
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    repo_method: satellite
    # repo_method: rhn # for employee subscription
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    # VM configuration
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    master_instance_type: m5a.2xlarge
    master_instance_count: 1
    worker_instance_type: m5a.2xlarge
    worker_instance_count: 2
    bastion_instance_type: t3a.medium
    bastion_instance_image: RHEL84GOLD-latest
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    # OpenShift installer
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    ocp4_installer_version: "4.12"
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Student user on bastion
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    install_student_user: false
    # student_name: lab-user
    # student_sudo: true
    # if not set generate random password
    # student_password: 1_r3411Y-H4t3_h4Rdc0D3d-p4$$w0rDs_0
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Workloads
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    # --- Infra Workloads (YAML List)
    - ocp4_workload_authentication
    - ocp4_workload_le_certificates
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Workload: ocp4_workload_authentication
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    ocp4_workload_authentication_idm_type: htpasswd
    ocp4_workload_authentication_admin_user: admin
    ocp4_workload_authentication_htpasswd_admin_password: 1_r3511Y-H4t3_hArdc0d3_-p4$$w0rDs_1
    ocp4_workload_authentication_htpasswd_user_base: user
    #ocp4_workload_authentication_htpasswd_user_password: 1_r3A11Y-H4t3_cl34Rt3X7-p4$$w0rDs_2 (autogenerated when not specified)
    ocp4_workload_authentication_htpasswd_user_count: 1
    ocp4_workload_authentication_remove_kubeadmin: true
  2. Run Ansible Navigator to deploy your cluster:


    Outside of the playbook immediately after run, all -e options must be specified relative to their mountpoint inside the execution environment’s container. See ~/.ansible-navigator.yaml for what you previously set

cd ~/development/agnosticd

ansible-navigator run ansible/main.yml \
-e @/vars/ocp-cluster.yaml \
-e @/secrets/secrets.yaml \
-e @/secrets/sandbox-secrets.yaml \
-e guid=XXXXXX # replace with your specific GUID - e.g. 7hbpt

Deploy Workload on an existing Cluster


Run Navigator to deploy a workload to a cluster:

cd ~/development/agnosticd

ansible-navigator run ansible/main.yml \
-e @/vars/ocp-cluster.yaml \
-e guid=7hbpt