Tryout: Git, Raspberry Pi, Docker, Sense-Hat and Flask.
I have a RaspberryPi 3 with Docker installed and a web application running in a container. It's a Flask enabled website that displays temperature, air pression and relative humidity collected from Sense-Hat.
Install Docker on Raspberry Pi 3
Download Dockerfile and web.tar.gz
Build Docker image: docker build -t rbontekoe/myflaskapp:1.0 .
Create container: docker run --privileged -it -p 5005:80 rbontekoe/myflaskapp:1.0
Start app: python3 web/
Load web app in browser: http://raspi2:5005/ - I use my Chromebook to access my Raspberry Pi 3 remote via ssh, otherwise use
Getting started with docker:
Beginners's guide: