- Core
- Forged in the Barrens
- United in Stormwind
- Fractured in Alterac Valley
- Voyage to the Sunken City
- Murder at Castle Nathria
Set | ID | Name | Implemented |
CORE | CORE_AT_021 | Tiny Knight of Evil | O |
CORE | CORE_AT_029 | Buccaneer | O |
CORE | CORE_AT_037 | Living Roots | O |
CORE | CORE_AT_055 | Flash Heal | O |
CORE | CORE_AT_064 | Bash | O |
CORE | CORE_AT_075 | Warhorse Trainer | O |
CORE | CORE_BOT_453 | Shooting Star | O |
CORE | CORE_BOT_533 | Menacing Nimbus | O |
CORE | CORE_BRM_006 | Imp Gang Boss | O |
CORE | CORE_BRM_013 | Quick Shot | O |
CORE | CORE_BT_035 | Chaos Strike | O |
CORE | CORE_BT_036 | Coordinated Strike | O |
CORE | CORE_BT_235 | Chaos Nova | O |
CORE | CORE_BT_271 | Flamereaper | O |
CORE | CORE_BT_323 | Sightless Watcher | O |
CORE | CORE_BT_351 | Battlefiend | O |
CORE | CORE_BT_355 | Wrathscale Naga | O |
CORE | CORE_BT_416 | Raging Felscreamer | O |
CORE | CORE_BT_427 | Feast of Souls | O |
CORE | CORE_BT_429 | Metamorphosis | O |
CORE | CORE_BT_480 | Crimson Sigil Runner | O |
CORE | CORE_BT_491 | Spectral Sight | O |
CORE | CORE_BT_801 | Eye Beam | O |
CORE | CORE_BT_921 | Aldrachi Warblades | O |
CORE | CORE_CFM_120 | Mistress of Mixtures | O |
CORE | CORE_CFM_605 | Drakonid Operative | O |
CORE | CORE_CFM_751 | Abyssal Enforcer | O |
CORE | CORE_CS1_112 | Holy Nova | O |
CORE | CORE_CS1_130 | Holy Smite | O |
CORE | CORE_CS2_009 | Mark of the Wild | O |
CORE | CORE_CS2_013 | Wild Growth | O |
CORE | CORE_CS2_023 | Arcane Intellect | O |
CORE | CORE_CS2_028 | Blizzard | O |
CORE | CORE_CS2_029 | Fireball | O |
CORE | CORE_CS2_032 | Flamestrike | O |
CORE | CORE_CS2_042 | Fire Elemental | O |
CORE | CORE_CS2_045 | Rockbiter Weapon | O |
CORE | CORE_CS2_046 | Bloodlust | O |
CORE | CORE_CS2_053 | Far Sight | O |
CORE | CORE_CS2_062 | Hellfire | O |
CORE | CORE_CS2_065 | Voidwalker | O |
CORE | CORE_CS2_072 | Backstab | O |
CORE | CORE_CS2_073 | Cold Blood | O |
CORE | CORE_CS2_074 | Deadly Poison | O |
CORE | CORE_CS2_075 | Sinister Strike | O |
CORE | CORE_CS2_076 | Assassinate | O |
CORE | CORE_CS2_077 | Sprint | O |
CORE | CORE_CS2_080 | Assassin's Blade | O |
CORE | CORE_CS2_092 | Blessing of Kings | O |
CORE | CORE_CS2_093 | Consecration | O |
CORE | CORE_CS2_097 | Truesilver Champion | O |
CORE | CORE_CS2_106 | Fiery War Axe | O |
CORE | CORE_CS2_108 | Execute | O |
CORE | CORE_CS2_122 | Raid Leader | O |
CORE | CORE_CS2_142 | Kobold Geomancer | O |
CORE | CORE_CS2_179 | Sen'jin Shieldmasta | O |
CORE | CORE_CS2_182 | Chillwind Yeti | O |
CORE | CORE_CS2_188 | Abusive Sergeant | O |
CORE | CORE_CS2_189 | Elven Archer | O |
CORE | CORE_CS2_203 | Ironbeak Owl | O |
CORE | CORE_CS2_222 | Stormwind Champion | O |
CORE | CORE_CS2_235 | Northshire Cleric | O |
CORE | CORE_DAL_086 | Sunreaver Spy | O |
CORE | CORE_DAL_371 | Marked Shot | O |
CORE | CORE_DAL_416 | Hench-Clan Burglar | O |
CORE | CORE_DAL_609 | Kalecgos | O |
CORE | CORE_DRG_090 | Murozond the Infinite | O |
CORE | CORE_DRG_226 | Amber Watcher | O |
CORE | CORE_DRG_229 | Bronze Explorer | O |
CORE | CORE_DS1_184 | Tracking | O |
CORE | CORE_DS1_185 | Arcane Shot | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_005 | Big Game Hunter | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_007 | Acolyte of Pain | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_010 | Worgen Infiltrator | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_011 | Voodoo Doctor | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_012 | Bloodmage Thalnos | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_017 | Jungle Panther | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_028 | Stranglethorn Tiger | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_043 | Twilight Drake | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_046 | Dark Iron Dwarf | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_049 | Youthful Brewmaster | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_059 | Crazed Alchemist | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_066 | Acidic Swamp Ooze | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_082 | Mad Bomber | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_093 | Defender of Argus | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_095 | Gadgetzan Auctioneer | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_096 | Loot Hoarder | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_103 | Coldlight Seer | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_110 | Cairne Bloodhoof | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_130 | Noble Sacrifice | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_134 | SI:7 Agent | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_144 | Shadowstep | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_145 | Preparation | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_154 | Wrath | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_158 | Soul of the Forest | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_160 | Power of the Wild | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_162 | Dire Wolf Alpha | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_164 | Nourish | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_165 | Druid of the Claw | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_169 | Innervate | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_186 | SI:7 Infiltrator | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_187 | Arcane Devourer | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_193 | Psychic Conjurer | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_194 | Power Infusion | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_195 | Kul Tiran Chaplain | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_197 | Shadow Word: Ruin | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_238 | Lightning Bolt | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_246 | Hex | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_248 | Feral Spirit | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_249 | Baron Geddon | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_259 | Lightning Storm | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_275 | Cone of Cold | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_279 | Pyroblast | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_284 | Azure Drake | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_287 | Counterspell | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_289 | Ice Barrier | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_302 | Mortal Coil | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_304 | Void Terror | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_309 | Siphon Soul | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_312 | Twisting Nether | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_319 | Flame Imp | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_323 | Lord Jaraxxus | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_362 | Argent Protector | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_382 | Aldor Peacekeeper | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_383 | Tirion Fordring | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_391 | Slam | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_400 | Whirlwind | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_402 | Armorsmith | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_407 | Brawl | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_410 | Shield Slam | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_411 | Gorehowl | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_414 | Grommash Hellscream | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_506 | Murloc Tidehunter | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_507 | Murloc Warleader | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_509 | Murloc Tidecaller | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_534 | Savannah Highmane | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_543 | King Krush | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_554 | Snake Trap | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_564 | Faceless Manipulator | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_565 | Flametongue Totem | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_567 | Doomhammer | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_571 | Force of Nature | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_573 | Cenarius | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_575 | Mana Tide Totem | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_586 | Sea Giant | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_603 | Cruel Taskmaster | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_604 | Frothing Berserker | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_606 | Shield Block | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_610 | Explosive Trap | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_611 | Freezing Trap | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_617 | Deadly Shot | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_619 | Equality | O |
CORE | CORE_EX1_622 | Shadow Word: Death | O |
CORE | CORE_FP1_007 | Nerubian Egg | O |
CORE | CORE_FP1_020 | Avenge | O |
CORE | CORE_GIL_124 | Mossy Horror | O |
CORE | CORE_GIL_191 | Fiendish Circle | O |
CORE | CORE_GIL_547 | Darius Crowley | O |
CORE | CORE_GIL_598 | Tess Greymane | O |
CORE | CORE_GIL_622 | Lifedrinker | O |
CORE | CORE_GIL_650 | Houndmaster Shaw | O |
CORE | CORE_GIL_801 | Snap Freeze | O |
CORE | CORE_GIL_828 | Dire Frenzy | O |
CORE | CORE_GVG_008 | Lightbomb | O |
CORE | CORE_GVG_053 | Shieldmaiden | O |
CORE | CORE_GVG_076 | Explosive Sheep | O |
CORE | CORE_GVG_085 | Annoy-o-Tron | O |
CORE | CORE_ICC_026 | Grim Necromancer | O |
CORE | CORE_ICC_029 | Cobalt Scalebane | O |
CORE | CORE_ICC_038 | Righteous Protector | O |
CORE | CORE_ICC_055 | Drain Soul | O |
CORE | CORE_ICC_809 | Plague Scientist | O |
CORE | CORE_KAR_006 | Cloaked Huntress | O |
CORE | CORE_KAR_009 | Babbling Book | O |
CORE | CORE_KAR_069 | Swashburglar | O |
CORE | CORE_KAR_073 | Maelstrom Portal | O |
CORE | CORE_LOE_003 | Ethereal Conjurer | O |
CORE | CORE_LOE_011 | Reno Jackson | O |
CORE | CORE_LOE_012 | Tomb Pillager | O |
CORE | CORE_LOE_039 | Gorillabot A-3 | O |
CORE | CORE_LOE_050 | Mounted Raptor | O |
CORE | CORE_LOE_076 | Sir Finley Mrrgglton | O |
CORE | CORE_LOE_077 | Brann Bronzebeard | O |
CORE | CORE_LOE_079 | Elise Starseeker | O |
CORE | CORE_LOEA10_3 | Murloc Tinyfin | O |
CORE | CORE_LOOT_101 | Explosive Runes | O |
CORE | CORE_LOOT_124 | Lone Champion | O |
CORE | CORE_LOOT_137 | Sleepy Dragon | O |
CORE | CORE_LOOT_222 | Candleshot | O |
CORE | CORE_LOOT_413 | Plated Beetle | O |
CORE | CORE_LOOT_516 | Zola the Gorgon | O |
CORE | CORE_NEW1_008 | Ancient of Lore | O |
CORE | CORE_NEW1_010 | Al'Akir the Windlord | O |
CORE | CORE_NEW1_018 | Bloodsail Raider | O |
CORE | CORE_NEW1_020 | Wild Pyromancer | O |
CORE | CORE_NEW1_021 | Doomsayer | O |
CORE | CORE_NEW1_023 | Faerie Dragon | O |
CORE | CORE_NEW1_026 | Violet Teacher | O |
CORE | CORE_NEW1_027 | Southsea Captain | O |
CORE | CORE_NEW1_031 | Animal Companion | O |
CORE | CORE_OG_044 | Fandral Staghelm | O |
CORE | CORE_OG_047 | Feral Rage | O |
CORE | CORE_OG_109 | Darkshire Librarian | O |
CORE | CORE_OG_218 | Bloodhoof Brave | O |
CORE | CORE_OG_229 | Ragnaros, Lightlord | O |
CORE | CORE_OG_273 | Stand Against Darkness | O |
CORE | CORE_TRL_243 | Pounce | O |
CORE | CORE_TRL_252 | High Priestess Jeklik | O |
CORE | CORE_TRL_307 | Flash of Light | O |
CORE | CORE_TRL_315 | Pyromaniac | O |
CORE | CORE_TRL_345 | Krag'wa, the Frog | O |
CORE | CORE_TRL_348 | Springpaw | O |
CORE | CORE_ULD_191 | Beaming Sidekick | O |
CORE | CORE_ULD_209 | Vulpera Scoundrel | O |
CORE | CORE_ULD_271 | Injured Tol'vir | O |
CORE | CORE_UNG_020 | Arcanologist | O |
CORE | CORE_UNG_034 | Radiant Elemental | O |
CORE | CORE_UNG_108 | Earthen Scales | O |
CORE | CORE_UNG_813 | Stormwatcher | O |
CORE | CORE_UNG_817 | Tidal Surge | O |
CORE | CORE_UNG_833 | Lakkari Felhound | O |
CORE | CORE_UNG_844 | Humongous Razorleaf | O |
CORE | CORE_UNG_848 | Primordial Drake | O |
CORE | CORE_UNG_928 | Tar Creeper | O |
CORE | CORE_UNG_963 | Lyra the Sunshard | O |
CORE | CORE_YOD_006 | Escaped Manasaber | O |
CORE | CS3_001 | Aegwynn, the Guardian | |
CORE | CS3_003 | Felsoul Jailer | O |
CORE | CS3_005 | Vanessa VanCleef | |
CORE | CS3_007 | Novice Zapper | O |
CORE | CS3_008 | Bloodsail Deckhand | O |
CORE | CS3_013 | Shadowed Spirit | O |
CORE | CS3_015 | Selective Breeder | O |
CORE | CS3_016 | Reckoning | O |
CORE | CS3_017 | Gan'arg Glaivesmith | O |
CORE | CS3_019 | Kor'vas Bloodthorn | O |
CORE | CS3_020 | Illidari Inquisitor | O |
CORE | CS3_022 | Fogsail Freebooter | O |
CORE | CS3_024 | Taelan Fordring | O |
CORE | CS3_025 | Overlord Runthak | O |
CORE | CS3_027 | Focused Will | O |
CORE | CS3_028 | Thrive in the Shadows | O |
CORE | CS3_031 | Alexstrasza the Life-Binder | O |
CORE | CS3_032 | Onyxia the Broodmother | O |
CORE | CS3_033 | Ysera the Dreamer | O |
CORE | CS3_034 | Malygos the Spellweaver | O |
CORE | CS3_035 | Nozdormu the Eternal | |
CORE | CS3_036 | Deathwing the Destroyer | O |
CORE | CS3_037 | Emerald Skytalon | O |
CORE | CS3_038 | Redgill Razorjaw | O |
- Progress: 98% (247 of 250 Cards)
Set | ID | Name | Implemented |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_020 | Razormane Raider | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_021 | Gold Road Grunt | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_022 | Peon | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_024 | Oasis Thrasher | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_025 | Sunwell Initiate | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_026 | Death's Head Cultist | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_027 | Darkspear Berserker | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_030 | Pack Kodo | |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_031 | Sunscale Raptor | |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_032 | Piercing Shot | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_033 | Prospector's Caravan | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_034 | Tame Beast (Rank 1) | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_035 | Kolkar Pack Runner | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_037 | Warsong Wrangler | |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_038 | Tavish Stormpike | |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_040 | South Coast Chieftain | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_041 | Nofin Can Stop Us | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_042 | Primordial Protector | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_043 | Tinyfin's Caravan | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_044 | Chain Lightning (Rank 1) | |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_045 | Arid Stormer | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_048 | Bru'kan | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_060 | Hog Rancher | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_061 | Ratchet Privateer | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_062 | Lushwater Murcenary | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_063 | Lushwater Scout | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_064 | Talented Arcanist | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_065 | Venomous Scorpid | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_069 | Injured Marauder | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_070 | Gruntled Patron | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_071 | Taurajo Brave | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_072 | Burning Blade Acolyte | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_073 | Barrens Blacksmith | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_074 | Far Watch Post | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_075 | Crossroads Watch Post | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_076 | Mor'shan Watch Post | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_077 | Kargal Battlescar | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_078 | Blademaster Samuro | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_079 | Kazakus, Golem Shaper | |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_080 | Shadow Hunter Vol'jin | |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_081 | Southsea Scoundrel | |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_082 | Barrens Trapper | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_305 | Flurry (Rank 1) | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_306 | Sigil of Flame | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_307 | Void Flayer | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_308 | Power Word: Fortitude | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_309 | Desperate Prayer | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_310 | Lightshower Elemental | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_311 | Devouring Plague | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_312 | Soothsayer's Caravan | |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_313 | Priest of An'she | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_314 | Condemn (Rank 1) | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_315 | Serena Bloodfeather | |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_316 | Oil Rig Ambusher | |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_317 | Field Contact | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_318 | Silverleaf Poison | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_319 | Wicked Stab (Rank 1) | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_320 | Efficient Octo-bot | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_321 | Paralytic Poison | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_322 | Swinetusk Shank | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_323 | Yoink! | |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_324 | Apothecary Helbrim | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_325 | Razorboar | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_326 | Razorfen Beastmaster | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_327 | Vile Call | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_328 | Vengeful Spirit | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_329 | Death Speaker Blackthorn | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_330 | Tuskpiercer | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_333 | Kurtrus Ashfallen | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_334 | Overlord Saurfang | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_430 | Horde Operative | |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_533 | Thorngrowth Sentries | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_534 | Pride's Fury | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_535 | Thickhide Kodo | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_536 | Living Seed (Rank 1) | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_537 | Razormane Battleguard | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_538 | Druid of the Plains | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_539 | Celestial Alignment | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_540 | Plaguemaw the Rotting | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_541 | Runed Orb | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_542 | Refreshing Spring Water | |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_544 | Reckless Apprentice | |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_545 | Arcane Luminary | |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_546 | Wildfire | |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_547 | Mordresh Fire Eye | |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_549 | Mark of the Spikeshell | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_550 | Galloping Savior | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_551 | Barak Kodobane | |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_552 | Scabbs Cutterbutter | |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_705 | Sigil of Silence | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_720 | Guff Runetotem | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_721 | Mankrik | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_735 | Xyrella | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_743 | Toad of the Wilds | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_744 | Spirit Healer | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_745 | Hecklefang Hyena | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_748 | Varden Dawngrasp | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_750 | Earth Revenant | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_751 | Spawnpool Forager | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_801 | Wound Prey | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_812 | Oasis Ally | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_840 | Whirling Combatant | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_841 | Bulk Up | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_842 | Conditioning (Rank 1) | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_843 | Warsong Envoy | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_844 | Outrider's Axe | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_845 | Rancor | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_846 | Mor'shan Elite | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_847 | Rokara | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_848 | Lilypad Lurker | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_854 | Kindling Elemental | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_860 | Firemancer Flurgl | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_871 | Soldier's Caravan | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_873 | Knight of Anointment | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_875 | Sword of the Fallen | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_876 | Northwatch Commander | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_878 | Veteran Warmedic | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_879 | Cannonmaster Smythe | |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_880 | Conviction (Rank 1) | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_881 | Invigorating Sermon | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_888 | Rimetongue | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_890 | Crossroads Gossiper | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_891 | Fury (Rank 1) | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_896 | Stonemaul Anchorman | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_902 | Cariel Roame | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_910 | Grimoire of Sacrifice | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_911 | Soul Rend | |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_912 | Apothecary's Caravan | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_913 | Altar of Fire | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_914 | Imp Swarm (Rank 1) | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_915 | Kabal Outfitter | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_916 | Blood Shard Bristleback | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_917 | Barrens Scavenger | O |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_918 | Tamsin Roame | |
THE_BARRENS | BAR_919 | Neeru Fireblade | |
THE_BARRENS | WC_003 | Sigil of Summoning | O |
THE_BARRENS | WC_004 | Fangbound Druid | O |
THE_BARRENS | WC_005 | Primal Dungeoneer | O |
THE_BARRENS | WC_006 | Lady Anacondra | O |
THE_BARRENS | WC_007 | Serpentbloom | O |
THE_BARRENS | WC_008 | Sin'dorei Scentfinder | O |
THE_BARRENS | WC_013 | Devout Dungeoneer | O |
THE_BARRENS | WC_014 | Against All Odds | O |
THE_BARRENS | WC_015 | Water Moccasin | |
THE_BARRENS | WC_016 | Shroud of Concealment | |
THE_BARRENS | WC_017 | Savory Deviate Delight | |
THE_BARRENS | WC_020 | Perpetual Flame | |
THE_BARRENS | WC_021 | Unstable Shadow Blast | O |
THE_BARRENS | WC_022 | Final Gasp | O |
THE_BARRENS | WC_023 | Stealer of Souls | |
THE_BARRENS | WC_024 | Man-at-Arms | O |
THE_BARRENS | WC_025 | Whetstone Hatchet | O |
THE_BARRENS | WC_026 | Kresh, Lord of Turtling | O |
THE_BARRENS | WC_027 | Devouring Ectoplasm | O |
THE_BARRENS | WC_028 | Meeting Stone | O |
THE_BARRENS | WC_029 | Selfless Sidekick | O |
THE_BARRENS | WC_030 | Mutanus the Devourer | |
THE_BARRENS | WC_032 | Seedcloud Buckler | O |
THE_BARRENS | WC_033 | Judgment of Justice | O |
THE_BARRENS | WC_034 | Party Up! | O |
THE_BARRENS | WC_035 | Archdruid Naralex | |
THE_BARRENS | WC_036 | Deviate Dreadfang | O |
THE_BARRENS | WC_037 | Venomstrike Bow | O |
THE_BARRENS | WC_040 | Taintheart Tormenter | O |
THE_BARRENS | WC_041 | Shattering Blast | O |
THE_BARRENS | WC_042 | Wailing Vapor | O |
THE_BARRENS | WC_701 | Felrattler | O |
THE_BARRENS | WC_803 | Cleric of An'she | O |
THE_BARRENS | WC_805 | Frostweave Dungeoneer | O |
THE_BARRENS | WC_806 | Floecaster | O |
- Progress: 81% (139 of 170 Cards)
Set | ID | Name | Implemented |
STORMWIND | DED_001 | Druid of the Reef | O |
STORMWIND | DED_002 | Moonlit Guidance | |
STORMWIND | DED_003 | Jerry Rig Carpenter | |
STORMWIND | DED_004 | Blackwater Cutlass | |
STORMWIND | DED_005 | Parrrley | |
STORMWIND | DED_006 | Mr. Smite | |
STORMWIND | DED_007 | Defias Blastfisher | |
STORMWIND | DED_008 | Monstrous Parrot | |
STORMWIND | DED_009 | Doggie Biscuit | |
STORMWIND | DED_500 | Wealth Redistributor | |
STORMWIND | DED_501 | Sunwing Squawker | |
STORMWIND | DED_502 | Righteous Defense | |
STORMWIND | DED_503 | Shadowblade Slinger | |
STORMWIND | DED_504 | Wicked Shipment | |
STORMWIND | DED_505 | Hullbreaker | |
STORMWIND | DED_506 | Need for Greed | |
STORMWIND | DED_507 | Crow's Nest Lookout | |
STORMWIND | DED_508 | Proving Grounds | |
STORMWIND | DED_509 | Brilliant Macaw | |
STORMWIND | DED_510 | Edwin, Defias Kingpin | |
STORMWIND | DED_511 | Suckerhook | |
STORMWIND | DED_512 | Amulet of Undying | |
STORMWIND | DED_513 | Defias Leper | O |
STORMWIND | DED_514 | Copycat | |
STORMWIND | DED_515 | Grey Sage Parrot | |
STORMWIND | DED_516 | Deepwater Evoker | |
STORMWIND | DED_517 | Arcane Overflow | |
STORMWIND | DED_518 | Man the Cannons | O |
STORMWIND | DED_519 | Defias Cannoneer | O |
STORMWIND | DED_521 | Maddest Bomber | |
STORMWIND | DED_522 | Cookie the Cook | O |
STORMWIND | DED_523 | Golakka Glutton | |
STORMWIND | DED_524 | Multicaster | |
STORMWIND | DED_525 | Goliath, Sneed's Masterpiece | |
STORMWIND | DED_527 | Blacksmithing Hammer | |
STORMWIND | SW_001 | Celestial Ink Set | |
STORMWIND | SW_003 | Runed Mithril Rod | |
STORMWIND | SW_006 | Stubborn Suspect | O |
STORMWIND | SW_012 | Shadowcloth Needle | |
STORMWIND | SW_021 | Cowardly Grunt | O |
STORMWIND | SW_023 | Provoke | |
STORMWIND | SW_024 | Lothar | |
STORMWIND | SW_025 | Auctionhouse Gavel | |
STORMWIND | SW_026 | Spirit Alpha | |
STORMWIND | SW_027 | Shiver Their Timbers! | O |
STORMWIND | SW_028 | Raid the Docks | |
STORMWIND | SW_029 | Harbor Scamp | O |
STORMWIND | SW_030 | Cargo Guard | O |
STORMWIND | SW_031 | Command the Elements | |
STORMWIND | SW_032 | Granite Forgeborn | |
STORMWIND | SW_033 | Canal Slogger | O |
STORMWIND | SW_034 | Tiny Toys | |
STORMWIND | SW_035 | Charged Call | |
STORMWIND | SW_036 | Two-Faced Investor | |
STORMWIND | SW_037 | Irebound Brute | O |
STORMWIND | SW_039 | Final Showdown | |
STORMWIND | SW_040 | Fel Barrage | |
STORMWIND | SW_041 | Sigil of Alacrity | |
STORMWIND | SW_042 | Persistent Peddler | |
STORMWIND | SW_043 | Felgorger | O |
STORMWIND | SW_044 | Jace Darkweaver | |
STORMWIND | SW_045 | Auctioneer Jaxon | |
STORMWIND | SW_046 | City Tax | O |
STORMWIND | SW_047 | Highlord Fordragon | |
STORMWIND | SW_048 | Prismatic Jewel Kit | |
STORMWIND | SW_049 | Blessed Goods | |
STORMWIND | SW_050 | Maestra of the Masquerade | |
STORMWIND | SW_052 | Find the Imposter | |
STORMWIND | SW_054 | Stormwind Guard | O |
STORMWIND | SW_055 | Impatient Shopkeep | O |
STORMWIND | SW_056 | Spice Bread Baker | |
STORMWIND | SW_057 | Package Runner | |
STORMWIND | SW_059 | Deeprun Engineer | |
STORMWIND | SW_060 | Florist | |
STORMWIND | SW_061 | Guild Trader | O |
STORMWIND | SW_062 | Goldshire Gnoll | |
STORMWIND | SW_063 | Battleground Battlemaster | O |
STORMWIND | SW_064 | Northshire Farmer | |
STORMWIND | SW_065 | Pandaren Importer | |
STORMWIND | SW_066 | Royal Librarian | O |
STORMWIND | SW_067 | Stockades Guard | O |
STORMWIND | SW_068 | Mo'arg Forgefiend | O |
STORMWIND | SW_069 | Enthusiastic Banker | |
STORMWIND | SW_070 | Mailbox Dancer | O |
STORMWIND | SW_071 | Lion's Guard | O |
STORMWIND | SW_072 | Rustrot Viper | O |
STORMWIND | SW_073 | Cheesemonger | |
STORMWIND | SW_074 | Nobleman | |
STORMWIND | SW_075 | Elwynn Boar | |
STORMWIND | SW_076 | City Architect | O |
STORMWIND | SW_077 | Stockades Prisoner | |
STORMWIND | SW_078 | Lady Prestor | |
STORMWIND | SW_079 | Flightmaster Dungar | |
STORMWIND | SW_080 | Cornelius Roame | O |
STORMWIND | SW_081 | Varian, King of Stormwind | |
STORMWIND | SW_084 | Bloodbound Imp | O |
STORMWIND | SW_085 | Dark Alley Pact | |
STORMWIND | SW_086 | Shady Bartender | O |
STORMWIND | SW_087 | Dreaded Mount | |
STORMWIND | SW_088 | Demonic Assault | O |
STORMWIND | SW_089 | Entitled Customer | |
STORMWIND | SW_090 | Touch of the Nathrezim | O |
STORMWIND | SW_091 | The Demon Seed | |
STORMWIND | SW_092 | Anetheron | O |
STORMWIND | SW_093 | Stormwind Freebooter | O |
STORMWIND | SW_094 | Heavy Plate | O |
STORMWIND | SW_095 | Investment Opportunity | O |
STORMWIND | SW_097 | Remote-Controlled Golem | |
STORMWIND | SW_107 | Fire Sale | O |
STORMWIND | SW_108 | First Flame | O |
STORMWIND | SW_109 | Clumsy Courier | |
STORMWIND | SW_110 | Ignite | |
STORMWIND | SW_111 | Sanctum Chandler | |
STORMWIND | SW_112 | Prestor's Pyromancer | |
STORMWIND | SW_113 | Grand Magus Antonidas | |
STORMWIND | SW_114 | Overdraft | |
STORMWIND | SW_115 | Bolner Hammerbeak | |
STORMWIND | SW_305 | First Blade of Wrynn | O |
STORMWIND | SW_306 | Encumbered Pack Mule | |
STORMWIND | SW_307 | Traveling Merchant | |
STORMWIND | SW_310 | Counterfeit Blade | |
STORMWIND | SW_311 | Garrote | O |
STORMWIND | SW_313 | Rise to the Occasion | |
STORMWIND | SW_314 | Lightbringer's Hammer | |
STORMWIND | SW_315 | Alliance Bannerman | O |
STORMWIND | SW_316 | Noble Mount | O |
STORMWIND | SW_317 | Catacomb Guard | |
STORMWIND | SW_319 | Peasant | |
STORMWIND | SW_320 | Rats of Extraordinary Size | |
STORMWIND | SW_321 | Aimed Shot | O |
STORMWIND | SW_322 | Defend the Dwarven District | |
STORMWIND | SW_323 | The Rat King | |
STORMWIND | SW_400 | Entrapped Sorceress | |
STORMWIND | SW_405 | Sketchy Information | |
STORMWIND | SW_411 | SI:7 Informant | |
STORMWIND | SW_412 | SI:7 Extortion | O |
STORMWIND | SW_413 | SI:7 Operative | O |
STORMWIND | SW_417 | SI:7 Assassin | |
STORMWIND | SW_418 | SI:7 Skulker | |
STORMWIND | SW_419 | Oracle of Elune | O |
STORMWIND | SW_422 | Sow the Soil | O |
STORMWIND | SW_428 | Lost in the Park | O |
STORMWIND | SW_429 | Best in Shell | O |
STORMWIND | SW_431 | Park Panther | O |
STORMWIND | SW_432 | Kodo Mount | O |
STORMWIND | SW_433 | Seek Guidance | |
STORMWIND | SW_434 | Loan Shark | O |
STORMWIND | SW_436 | Wickerclaw | O |
STORMWIND | SW_437 | Composting | O |
STORMWIND | SW_439 | Vibrant Squirrel | O |
STORMWIND | SW_440 | Call of the Grave | |
STORMWIND | SW_441 | Shard of the Naaru | O |
STORMWIND | SW_442 | Void Shard | O |
STORMWIND | SW_443 | Elekk Mount | O |
STORMWIND | SW_444 | Twilight Deceptor | |
STORMWIND | SW_445 | Psyfiend | O |
STORMWIND | SW_446 | Voidtouched Attendant | |
STORMWIND | SW_447 | Sheldras Moontree | |
STORMWIND | SW_448 | Darkbishop Benedictus | |
STORMWIND | SW_450 | Sorcerer's Gambit | |
STORMWIND | SW_451 | Metamorfin | O |
STORMWIND | SW_452 | Chaos Leech | O |
STORMWIND | SW_454 | Lion's Frenzy | |
STORMWIND | SW_455 | Rodent Nest | O |
STORMWIND | SW_457 | Leatherworking Kit | |
STORMWIND | SW_458 | Ramming Mount | |
STORMWIND | SW_459 | Stormwind Piper | |
STORMWIND | SW_460 | Devouring Swarm | |
STORMWIND | SW_462 | Hot Streak | |
STORMWIND | SW_463 | Imported Tarantula |
- Progress: 35% (60 of 170 Cards)
Set | ID | Name | Implemented |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_100 | Drek'Thar | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_101 | Herald of Lokholar | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_102 | Popsicooler | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_107 | Glaciate | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_108 | Shield Shatter | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_109 | Frozen Buckler | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_112 | Snowblind Harpy | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_113 | Beaststalker Tavish | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_114 | Shivering Sorceress | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_115 | Amplified Snowflurry | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_116 | Arcane Brilliance | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_118 | Battleworn Vanguard | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_119 | To the Front! | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_121 | Gnome Private | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_122 | Corporal | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_123 | Sneaky Scout | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_124 | Direwolf Commander | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_125 | Tower Sergeant | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_126 | Bunker Sergeant | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_127 | Ice Revenant | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_128 | Frozen Mammoth | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_129 | Blood Guard | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_130 | Legionnaire | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_131 | Knight-Captain | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_132 | Troll Centurion | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_133 | Icehoof Protector | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_134 | Frostwolf Warmaster | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_135 | Stormpike Marshal | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_136 | Kobold Taskmaster | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_137 | Irondeep Trogg | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_138 | Grimtotem Bounty Hunter | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_139 | Abominable Lieutenant | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_141t | Lokholar the Ice Lord | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_142t | Ivus, the Forest Lord | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_143 | Korrak the Bloodrager | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_145 | Captain Galvangar | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_147 | Dun Baldar Bunker | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_200 | Magister Dawngrasp | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_201 | Coldtooth Yeti | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_202 | Rokara, the Valorous | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_203 | Shadowcrafter Scabbs | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_204 | Kurtrus, Demon-Render | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_205 | Wildheart Guff | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_206 | Lightforged Cariel | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_207 | Xyrella, the Devout | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_209 | Dreadprison Glaive | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_210 | Pathmaker | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_211 | Dire Frostwolf | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_212 | Siphon Mana | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_213 | Vitality Surge | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_215 | Frantic Hippogryph | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_218 | Mass Polymorph | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_219 | Ram Commander | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_222 | Spammy Arcanist | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_223 | Vanndar Stormpike | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_224 | Spring the Trap | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_226 | Ice Trap | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_238 | Gankster | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_244 | Bloodseeker | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_250 | Snowball Fight! | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_251 | Cheaty Snobold | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_255 | Snowfall Guardian | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_256 | Reflecto Engineer | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_257 | Bearon Gla'shear | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_258 | Bru'kan of the Elements | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_259 | Frostbite | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_260 | Sleetbreaker | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_261 | Flag Runner | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_262 | Warden of Chains | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_264 | Sigil of Reckoning | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_265 | Ur'zul Giant | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_266 | Windchill | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_267 | Caria Felsoul | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_268 | Wildpaw Cavern | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_269 | Flanking Maneuver | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_277 | Seeds of Destruction | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_281 | Felfire in the Hole! | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_282 | Build a Snowman | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_283 | Rune of the Archmage | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_284 | Balinda Stonehearth | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_285 | Full-Blown Evil | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_286 | Felwalker | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_290 | Iceblood Tower | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_291 | Frostsaber Matriarch | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_292 | Heart of the Wild | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_293 | Wing Commander Mulverick | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_294 | Clawfury Adept | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_295 | Capture Coldtooth Mine | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_296 | Pride Seeker | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_298 | Wildpaw Gnoll | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_308 | Grave Defiler | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_309 | Piggyback Imp | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_312 | Sacrificial Summoner | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_313 | Hollow Abomination | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_315 | Deliverance | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_316 | Dreadlich Tamsin | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_317 | Tamsin's Phylactery | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_321 | Glory Chaser | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_322 | Snowed In | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_323 | Scrapsmith | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_324 | Shadow Word: Devour | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_325 | Undying Disciple | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_326 | Luminous Geode | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_328 | Spirit Guide | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_329 | Bless | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_330 | Gift of the Naaru | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_331 | Najak Hexxen | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_333 | Revive Pet | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_334 | Stormpike Battle Ram | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_335 | Ram Tamer | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_336 | Wing Commander Ichman | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_337 | Mountain Bear | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_338 | Hold the Bridge | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_339 | Templar Captain | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_340 | Brasswing | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_341 | Cavalry Horn | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_342 | Protect the Innocent | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_343 | Stonehearth Vindicator | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_344 | Dun Baldar Bridge | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_345 | Saidan the Scarlet | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_360 | Frostwolf Kennels | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_400 | Snowfall Graveyard | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_401 | Stormpike Quartermaster | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_402 | The Lobotomizer | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_403 | Cera'thine Fleetrunner | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_405 | Contraband Stash | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_565 | Axe Berserker | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_601 | Forsaken Lieutenant | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_657 | Desecrated Graveyard | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_660 | Iceblood Garrison | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_661 | Field of Strife | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_664 | Stormpike Aid Station | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_704 | Humongous Owl | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_710 | Reconnaissance | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | AV_711 | Double Agent | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | ONY_001 | Onyxian Warder | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | ONY_002 | Gear Grubber | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | ONY_003 | Whelp Bonker | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | ONY_004 | Raid Boss Onyxia | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | ONY_005 | Kazakusan | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | ONY_006 | Deep Breath | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | ONY_007 | Haleh, Matron Protectorate | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | ONY_008 | Furious Howl | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | ONY_009 | Pet Collector | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | ONY_010 | Dragonbane Shot | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | ONY_011 | Don't Stand in the Fire! | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | ONY_012 | Spirit Mount | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | ONY_013 | Bracing Cold | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | ONY_014 | Keen Reflex | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | ONY_016 | Wings of Hate (Rank 1) | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | ONY_017 | Horn of Wrathion | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | ONY_018 | Boomkin | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | ONY_019 | Raid Negotiator | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | ONY_020 | Stormwind Avenger | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | ONY_021 | Scale of Onyxia | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | ONY_022 | Battle Vicar | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | ONY_023 | Hit It Very Hard | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | ONY_024 | Onyxian Drake | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | ONY_025 | Shoulder Check | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | ONY_026 | Lightmaw Netherdrake | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | ONY_027 | Ring of Courage | O |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | ONY_028 | Mi'da, Pure Light | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | ONY_029 | Drakefire Amulet | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | ONY_030 | SI:7 Smuggler | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | ONY_031 | Smokescreen | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | ONY_032 | Tooth of Nefarian | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | ONY_033 | Impfestation | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | ONY_034 | Curse of Agony | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | ONY_035 | Spawn of Deathwing | |
ALTERAC_VALLEY | ONY_036 | Razorglaive Sentinel |
- Progress: 35% (61 of 170 Cards)
Set | ID | Name | Implemented |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TID_000 | Spirit of the Tides | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TID_001 | Moonbeam | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TID_002 | Herald of Nature | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TID_003 | Tidelost Burrower | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TID_004 | Clownfish | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TID_005 | Command of Neptulon | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TID_074 | Ancient Krakenbane | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TID_075 | Shellshot | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TID_077 | Lightray | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TID_078 | Shattershambler | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TID_080 | Inkveil Ambusher | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TID_085 | Herald of Light | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TID_098 | Myrmidon | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TID_099 | K9-0tron | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TID_700 | Disarming Elemental | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TID_703 | Topple the Idol | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TID_704 | Fossil Fanatic | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TID_706 | Herald of Chaos | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TID_707 | Submerged Spacerock | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TID_708 | Polymorph: Jellyfish | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TID_709 | Lady Naz'jar | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TID_710 | Snapdragon | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TID_711 | Ozumat | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TID_712 | Neptulon the Tidehunter | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TID_713 | Bubbler | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TID_714 | Igneous Lavagorger | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TID_715 | Clash of the Colossals | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TID_716 | Tidal Revenant | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TID_717 | Herald of Shadows | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TID_718 | Immolate | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TID_719 | Commander Ulthok | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TID_744 | Coilfang Constrictor | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TID_920 | Drown | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TID_931 | Jackpot! | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TID_949 | Front Lines | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_001 | Naval Mine | O |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_002 | Pufferfist | O |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_006 | Multi-Strike | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_007 | Gangplank Diver | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_013 | Slimescale Diver | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_017 | Baba Naga | O |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_020 | Barbaric Sorceress | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_023 | Barbed Nets | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_026 | Colaque | O |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_029 | Gaia, the Techtonic | O |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_030 | The Leviathan | O |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_032 | Blademaster Okani | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_034 | Gorloc Ravager | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_039 | Azsharan Scavenger | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_052 | School Teacher | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_053 | Rainbow Glowscale | O |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_054 | Mecha-Shark | O |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_055 | Seafloor Gateway | O |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_056 | Volcanomancy | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_057 | Azsharan Defector | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_058 | Predation | O |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_059 | Bubblebot | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_060 | Shimmering Sunfish | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_061 | The Garden's Grace | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_064 | Slithering Deathscale | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_065 | Helmet Hermit | O |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_067 | Ambassador Faelin | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_069 | Amalgam of the Deep | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_070 | Harpoon Gun | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_071 | Twinbow Terrorcoil | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_072 | Conch's Call | O |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_073 | Raj Naz'jan | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_074 | Kotori Lightblade | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_076 | Immortalized in Stone | O |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_079 | Radar Detector | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_083 | Seafloor Savior | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_085 | Cutlass Courier | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_086 | Swordfish | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_087 | Commander Sivara | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_209 | Whirlpool | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_210 | Illuminate | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_211 | Whispers of the Deep | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_212 | Handmaiden | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_213 | Queensguard | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_215 | Serpent Wig | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_216 | Blackwater Behemoth | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_217 | Wayward Sage | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_218 | Lady S'theno | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_219 | Xhilag of the Abyss | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_608 | Abyssal Depths | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_609 | Coilskar Commander | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_610 | Glaiveshark | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_614 | Voidgill | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_620 | Spitelash Siren | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_630 | Wrathspine Enchanter | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_631 | Schooling | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_632 | Click-Clocker | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_633 | Piranha Poacher | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_635 | Radiance of Azshara | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_637 | Scalding Geyser | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_638 | Piranha Swarmer | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_639 | Glugg the Gulper | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_640 | Reefwalker | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_641 | Queen Azshara | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_642 | Trench Surveyor | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_643 | Spellcoiler | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_644 | Azsharan Mooncatcher | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_645 | Mothership | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_646 | Seascout Operator | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_647 | Pelican Diver | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_648 | Coral Keeper | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_649 | Ini Stormcoil | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_650 | Flipper Friends | O |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_651 | Seaweed Strike | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_652 | Green-Thumb Gardener | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_653 | Bottomfeeder | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_654 | Aquatic Form | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_656 | Miracle Growth | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_657 | Dozing Kelpkeeper | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_658 | Hedra the Heretic | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_659 | Trenchstalker | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_660 | Nellie, the Great Thresher | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_702 | Switcheroo | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_753 | Bloodscent Vilefin | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_772 | Azsharan Scroll | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_775 | Azsharan Ritual | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_776 | Azsharan Sweeper | O |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_823 | Murkwater Scribe | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_826 | Crushclaw Enforcer | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_827 | Vicious Slitherspear | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_828 | Priestess Valishj | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_829 | Naga Giant | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_908 | Sir Finley, Sea Guide | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_909 | Tuskarrrr Trawler | O |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_911 | Excavation Specialist | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_912 | Azsharan Vessel | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_913 | Azsharan Trident | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_915 | Bone Glaive | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_916 | Gone Fishin' | O |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_917 | Blackscale Brute | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_919 | Azsharan Sentinel | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_922 | Anchored Totem | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_923 | Bioluminescence | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_924 | Abyssal Wave | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_925 | Rock Bottom | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_926 | Smothering Starfish | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_927 | Azsharan Gardens | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_928 | Security Automaton | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_929 | Emergency Maneuvers | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_932 | Blood in the Water | O |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_933 | Bootstrap Sunkeneer | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_934 | Pirate Admiral Hooktusk | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_935 | Selfish Shellfish | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_936 | Swiftscale Trickster | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_937 | Crabatoa | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_938 | Treasure Guard | O |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_939 | Forged in Flame | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_940 | From the Depths | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_941 | Guard the City | O |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_942 | Obsidiansmith | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_943 | Lady Ashvane | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_944 | The Fires of Zin-Azshari | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_945 | Azsharan Saber | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_946 | Urchin Spines | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_947 | Naga's Pride | O |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_948 | Gifts of Azshara | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_950 | Hydralodon | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_952 | Holy Maki Roll | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_955 | Sira'kess Cultist | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_956 | Dragged Below | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_957 | Chum Bucket | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_959 | Za'qul | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_960 | Twin-fin Fin Twin | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_962 | Gigafin | |
THE_SUNKEN_CITY | TSC_963 | Filletfighter | O |
- Progress: 12% (22 of 170 Cards)
Set | ID | Name | Implemented |
REVENDRETH | REV_000 | Suspicious Alchemist | |
REVENDRETH | REV_002 | Suspicious Usher | |
REVENDRETH | REV_006 | Suspicious Pirate | |
REVENDRETH | REV_011 | The Harvester of Envy | |
REVENDRETH | REV_012 | Bog Beast | |
REVENDRETH | REV_013 | Stoneborn Accuser | |
REVENDRETH | REV_014 | Red Herring | |
REVENDRETH | REV_015 | Masked Reveler | |
REVENDRETH | REV_016 | Crooked Cook | |
REVENDRETH | REV_017 | Insatiable Devourer | |
REVENDRETH | REV_018 | Prince Renathal | |
REVENDRETH | REV_019 | Famished Fool | |
REVENDRETH | REV_020 | Dinner Performer | |
REVENDRETH | REV_021 | Kael'thas Sinstrider | |
REVENDRETH | REV_022 | Murloc Holmes | |
REVENDRETH | REV_023 | Demolition Renovator | |
REVENDRETH | REV_238 | Theotar, the Mad Duke | |
REVENDRETH | REV_239 | Suffocating Shadows | |
REVENDRETH | REV_240 | Tome Tampering | |
REVENDRETH | REV_242 | Flustered Librarian | |
REVENDRETH | REV_244 | Mischievous Imp | |
REVENDRETH | REV_245 | Impending Catastrophe | |
REVENDRETH | REV_246 | Mysterious Visitor | |
REVENDRETH | REV_247 | Partner in Crime | |
REVENDRETH | REV_248 | Boon of the Ascended | |
REVENDRETH | REV_249 | The Light! It Burns! | |
REVENDRETH | REV_250 | Pelagos | |
REVENDRETH | REV_251 | Sinrunner | |
REVENDRETH | REV_252 | Clean the Scene | |
REVENDRETH | REV_253 | Identity Theft | |
REVENDRETH | REV_290 | Cathedral of Atonement | |
REVENDRETH | REV_307 | Natural Causes | |
REVENDRETH | REV_308 | Maze Guide | |
REVENDRETH | REV_310 | Death Blossom Whomper | |
REVENDRETH | REV_311 | Nightshade Bud | |
REVENDRETH | REV_313 | Planted Evidence | |
REVENDRETH | REV_314 | Topior the Shrubbagazzor | |
REVENDRETH | REV_316 | Remornia, Living Blade | |
REVENDRETH | REV_318 | Widowbloom Seedsman | |
REVENDRETH | REV_319 | Sesselie of the Fae Court | |
REVENDRETH | REV_332 | Anima Extractor | |
REVENDRETH | REV_333 | Hedge Maze | |
REVENDRETH | REV_334 | Burden of Pride | |
REVENDRETH | REV_336 | Plot of Sin | |
REVENDRETH | REV_337 | Riot! | |
REVENDRETH | REV_338 | Dredger Staff | |
REVENDRETH | REV_350 | Frenzied Fangs | |
REVENDRETH | REV_351 | Roosting Gargoyle | |
REVENDRETH | REV_352 | Stonebound Gargon | |
REVENDRETH | REV_353 | Huntsman Altimor | |
REVENDRETH | REV_356 | Batty Guest | |
REVENDRETH | REV_360 | Spirit Poacher | |
REVENDRETH | REV_361 | Wild Spirits | |
REVENDRETH | REV_362 | Castle Kennels | |
REVENDRETH | REV_363 | Ara'lon | |
REVENDRETH | REV_364 | Stag Charge | |
REVENDRETH | REV_365 | Convoke the Spirits | |
REVENDRETH | REV_369 | Collateral Damage | |
REVENDRETH | REV_370 | Party Crasher | |
REVENDRETH | REV_371 | Vile Library | |
REVENDRETH | REV_372 | Shadow Waltz | |
REVENDRETH | REV_373 | Lady Darkvein | |
REVENDRETH | REV_374 | Shadowborn | |
REVENDRETH | REV_375 | Stoneborn General | |
REVENDRETH | REV_377 | Invitation Courier | |
REVENDRETH | REV_378 | Forensic Duster | |
REVENDRETH | REV_504 | Solid Alibi | |
REVENDRETH | REV_505 | Cold Case | |
REVENDRETH | REV_506 | Sinful Brand | |
REVENDRETH | REV_507 | Dispose of Evidence | |
REVENDRETH | REV_508 | Relic of Dimensions | |
REVENDRETH | REV_509 | Magnifying Glaive | |
REVENDRETH | REV_510 | Kryxis the Voracious | |
REVENDRETH | REV_511 | Bibliomite | |
REVENDRETH | REV_513 | Chatty Bartender | |
REVENDRETH | REV_514 | Kel'Thuzad, the Inevitable | |
REVENDRETH | REV_515 | Orion, Mansion Manager | |
REVENDRETH | REV_516 | Vengeful Visage | |
REVENDRETH | REV_517 | Criminal Lineup | |
REVENDRETH | REV_601 | Frozen Touch | |
REVENDRETH | REV_602 | Nightcloak Sanctum | |
REVENDRETH | REV_750 | Sinstone Graveyard | |
REVENDRETH | REV_825 | Double Cross | |
REVENDRETH | REV_826 | Private Eye | |
REVENDRETH | REV_827 | Sticky Situation | |
REVENDRETH | REV_828 | Kidnap | |
REVENDRETH | REV_829 | Halkias | |
REVENDRETH | REV_834 | Relic of Extinction | |
REVENDRETH | REV_835 | Imp King Rafaam | |
REVENDRETH | REV_837 | Muck Plumber | |
REVENDRETH | REV_838 | Gigantotem | |
REVENDRETH | REV_839 | Sinstone Totem | |
REVENDRETH | REV_840 | Deathborne | |
REVENDRETH | REV_841 | Anonymous Informant | |
REVENDRETH | REV_842 | Promotion | |
REVENDRETH | REV_843 | Sinfueled Golem | |
REVENDRETH | REV_845 | Volatile Skeleton | |
REVENDRETH | REV_900 | Scuttlebutt Ghoul | |
REVENDRETH | REV_901 | Dispossessed Soul | |
REVENDRETH | REV_906 | Sire Denathrius | |
REVENDRETH | REV_916 | Creepy Painting | |
REVENDRETH | REV_917 | Carving Chisel | |
REVENDRETH | REV_920 | Convincing Disguise | |
REVENDRETH | REV_921 | The Stonewright | |
REVENDRETH | REV_923 | Muck Pools | |
REVENDRETH | REV_924 | Primordial Wave | |
REVENDRETH | REV_925 | Baroness Vashj | |
REVENDRETH | REV_930 | Crazed Wretch | |
REVENDRETH | REV_931 | Conqueror's Banner | |
REVENDRETH | REV_933 | Imbued Axe | |
REVENDRETH | REV_934 | Decimator Olgra | |
REVENDRETH | REV_935 | Party Favor Totem | |
REVENDRETH | REV_936 | Crud Caretaker | |
REVENDRETH | REV_937 | Artificer Xy'mox | |
REVENDRETH | REV_938 | Door of Shadows | |
REVENDRETH | REV_939 | Serrated Bone Spike | |
REVENDRETH | REV_940 | Necrolord Draka | |
REVENDRETH | REV_942 | Relic Vault | |
REVENDRETH | REV_943 | Relic of Phantasms | |
REVENDRETH | REV_945 | Sketchy Stranger | |
REVENDRETH | REV_946 | Steamcleaner | |
REVENDRETH | REV_947 | Muckborn Servant | |
REVENDRETH | REV_948 | Service Bell | |
REVENDRETH | REV_950 | Divine Toll | |
REVENDRETH | REV_951 | The Countess | |
REVENDRETH | REV_952 | Sinful Sous Chef | |
REVENDRETH | REV_955 | Stewart the Steward | |
REVENDRETH | REV_956 | Priest of the Deceased | O |
REVENDRETH | REV_957 | Murlocula | O |
REVENDRETH | REV_958 | Buffet Biggun | |
REVENDRETH | REV_959 | Ghastly Gravedigger | |
REVENDRETH | REV_960 | Ashen Elemental | |
REVENDRETH | REV_961 | Elitist Snob | |
REVENDRETH | REV_983 | Great Hall | |
REVENDRETH | REV_990 | Sanguine Depths |
- Progress: 1% (2 of 135 Cards)