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ADITYA TANIKANTI edited this page Mar 1, 2019 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the qresp wiki!

To release a new version of qresp please adhere to the following steps

a) Create a new branch and send a merge request after development

b) Create a new tag and release as qresp-. For e.g qresp-1.0, qresp-1.1 etc

c) Upload to Pypi

  • Update version number in

  • python3 sdist bdist_wheel

  • twine upload dist/*

d) Upload to Dockerhub

  • docker commit -m "comments" -a "NAME" qresp_container_web_1 qrespcontainer/qresp:<version no>

  • docker login

  • docker push qrespcontainer/qresp

e) Upload to zenodo the tar file

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