2.5.3 (2020-01-13)
- Correct touch event. (0133a0b)
- Correct play audio. (0133a0b)
- Issue #185 drawTextOnBitmap 部分特殊文字会出现IndexOutOfBoundsException【必现】 (1534cd2)
- Add shareParser. (3a4d5b9)
- Clear audio when remove svga image view. (35ec8ca)
- Correct touch event when mvideoItem == null; (e50751e)
- Update threadPoolExecutor. (3bc8915)
2.5.2-beta (2019-11-26)
- Add canvas save and restore when Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP. (f605c5b)
- Add isRecycle check to avoid Bitmap recycled outside and draw. (763a510)
- Add try catch for resetImages to avoid OOM. (ef1f232)
- correct bitmap size. (3ae8390)
- Delete useless file. (1a4ff57)
- Extra code causes antiAlias not effective. (ac91e2a)
- filter no matte. (1257db4)
- filter no matte. (ae7e802)
- Ignore matte layer when Build.VERSION.SDK_INT unsupport. (0db05f2)
- Remove clipPath support. (f9e3827)
- reset image when bitmap matte layer. (3f06512)
- Restore audio prepare block. (193c7d9)
- return share clear bitmap when matte bitmap is null for avoiding crash. (9e1f0f3)
- support reuse bitmap paint and canvas. (3df95bb)
- update filter when matte sprite frame alpha = 0, it is visuable. (b25fafb)
- Use shared ThreadPoolExecutor avoid p_thread create OOM. (e6d72ef)
- add 2.x proto support for matte. (741eb01)
- Add dynamicDrawerSized logic. (f37722f)
- Add StaticLayout maxLines support. (fd63642)
- Avoid null sprite. (25eb9ea)
- Catch Error OOM. (8070ec6)
- draw matte sprite with PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.DST_IN). (3a39ff6)
- draw matte sprite with PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.DST_IN). (bd55948)
- Set ParseCompletion Nullable. (41b2c8f)
- Set parser class variables for demo. (ae36dc3)
- Update matte draw logic. (07e7d11)
- Add try catch for resetImages to avoid OOM. (ef1f232)
- Correct bitmap size. (3ae8390)
- Extra code causes antiAlias not effective. (ac91e2a)
- Filter no matte. (ae7e802)
- Remove clipPath support. (f9e3827)
- reset image when bitmap matte layer. (3f06512)
- Restore audio prepare block. (193c7d9)
- Return share clear bitmap when matte bitmap is null for avoiding crash. (9e1f0f3)
- Support reuse bitmap paint and canvas. (3df95bb)
- Update filter when matte sprite frame alpha = 0, it is visuable. (b25fafb)
- Use shared ThreadPoolExecutor avoid p_thread create OOM. (e6d72ef)
- Add 2.x proto support for matte. (741eb01)
- Add dynamicDrawerSized logic. (f37722f)
- Catch Error OOM. (8070ec6)
- Set ParseCompletion Nullable. (41b2c8f)
- Set parser class variables for demo. (ae36dc3)
- Update matte draw logic. (07e7d11)
2.4.4 (2019-05-15)
* Add finalize method to release some resources. (8506240) * Add protected keyword to finalize. (197f4f9) * Remove recycle operation on finalize method, this line due to crash on some devices. (a0c5a79)
2.4.2 (2019-01-21)
2.4.0 (2019-01-16)
* Fix fail to play 1.0 format file. (7fad1cd) * Fix memory issue, due to android.view.ImageView drawable cycle reference, let drawable sets to WeakReference if ImageView detached. (d040e36) * Remove unnecessary code. (cd31b1b) * Fix stroke color did not apply sprite alpha. (2077be9)
* Add audio support.
* Fix vector stroke width scale for old version.
* Fix alpha not set while drawing shapes.
- Handle null return for func readAsBytes