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failed to load the pretrained v2 model to run Go bot #138

hejin opened this issue Feb 16, 2019 · 12 comments

failed to load the pretrained v2 model to run Go bot #138

hejin opened this issue Feb 16, 2019 · 12 comments


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hejin commented Feb 16, 2019

Hi guys,

I completely followed the project homepage instructions (all the software versions are strictly aligned) and tried to run the Go bot with the pretrained v2 model but failed with the msg:
RuntimeError: Error(s) in loading state_dict for Model_PolicyValue:
Missing key(s) in state_dict: "init_conv.0.weight", "init_conv.0.bias", "init_conv.1.weight", "init_conv.1.bias", "init_conv.1.running_mean", "init_conv.1.running_var".
Unexpected key(s) in state_dict: "init_conv.module.0.weight", "init_conv.module.0.bias", "init_conv.module.1.weight", "init_conv.module.1.bias", "init_conv.module.1.running_mean", "init_conv.module.1.running_var", "init_conv.module.1.num_batches_tracked".

The box is a 24 core x86-64 with a Nvidia GPU V100 / 16GB.

The full log is here and thanks much!

(base) roobot@ELF:~/play-ELF/ELF/scripts/elfgames/go$ ./ /home/roobot/play-ELF/ELF/scripts/elfgames/go/pretrained-go-19x19-v2.bin
Python version: 3.7.1 (default, Dec 14 2018, 19:28:38)
[GCC 7.3.0]
PyTorch version: 1.0.1.post2
CUDA version 10.0.130
Conda env: base
[2019-02-16 22:29:30.383] [rlpytorch.model_loader.load_env0] [info] Loading env
<module '' from '/home/roobot/play-ELF/ELF/src_py/elfgames/go/'>
<module 'elfgames.go.df_model3' from '/home/roobot/play-ELF/ELF/src_py/elfgames/go/'> elfgames.go.df_model3
[2019-02-16 22:29:30.394] [rlpytorch.model_loader.load_env0] [info] Parsed options: {'T': 1,
'actor_only': False,
'adam_eps': 0.001,
'additional_labels': ['aug_code', 'move_idx'],
'batchsize': 16,
'batchsize2': -1,
'black_use_policy_network_only': False,
'bn': True,
'bn_eps': 1e-05,
'bn_momentum': 0.1,
'cheat_eval_new_model_wins_half': False,
'cheat_selfplay_random_result': False,
'check_loaded_options': False,
'client_max_delay_sec': 1200,
'comment': '',
'data_aug': -1,
'dim': 256,
'dist_rank': -1,
'dist_url': '',
'dist_world_size': -1,
'dump_record_prefix': '',
'epsilon': 0.0,
'eval_model_pair': '',
'eval_num_games': 400,
'eval_old_model': -1,
'eval_stats': '',
'eval_winrate_thres': 0.55,
'expected_num_clients': -1,
'following_pass': False,
'gpu': 0,
'greedy': True,
'keep_prev_selfplay': False,
'keys_in_reply': ['V', 'rv'],
'leaky_relu': False,
'list_files': [],
'load': '/home/roobot/play-ELF/ELF/scripts/elfgames/go/pretrained-go-19x19-v2.bin',
'load_model_sleep_interval': 0.0,
'loglevel': 'debug',
'lr': 0.001,
'mcts_alpha': 0.0,
'mcts_epsilon': 0.0,
'mcts_persistent_tree': True,
'mcts_pick_method': 'most_visited',
'mcts_puct': 1.5,
'mcts_rollout_per_batch': 16,
'mcts_rollout_per_thread': 8192,
'mcts_root_unexplored_q_zero': False,
'mcts_threads': 2,
'mcts_unexplored_q_zero': False,
'mcts_use_prior': True,
'mcts_verbose': False,
'mcts_verbose_time': True,
'mcts_virtual_loss': 1,
'mode': 'online',
'model': 'online',
'momentum': 0.9,
'move_cutoff': -1,
'multipred_backprop': True,
'num_block': 20,
'num_future_actions': 1,
'num_games': 1,
'num_games_per_thread': -1,
'num_minibatch': 5000,
'num_reader': 50,
'num_reset_ranking': 5000,
'omit_keys': [],
'onload': [],
'opt_method': 'adam',
'parameter_print': False,
'parsed_args': ['',
'ply_pass_enabled': 0,
'policy_distri_cutoff': 0,
'policy_distri_training_for_all': False,
'port': 1234,
'preload_sgf': '',
'preload_sgf_move_to': -1,
'print_result': False,
'q_max_size': 1000,
'q_min_size': 10,
'ratio_pre_moves': 0,
'replace_prefix': ['resnet.module,resnet'],
'resign_thres': 0.05,
'sample_nodes': ['pi,a'],
'sample_policy': 'epsilon-greedy',
'selfplay_async': False,
'selfplay_init_num': 2000,
'selfplay_timeout_usec': 0,
'selfplay_update_num': 1000,
'server_addr': 'localhost',
'server_id': '',
'start_ratio_pre_moves': 0.5,
'store_greedy': False,
'suicide_after_n_games': -1,
'use_data_parallel': False,
'use_data_parallel_distributed': False,
'use_df_feature': False,
'use_fp16': False,
'use_mcts': True,
'use_mcts_ai2': False,
'verbose': True,
'weight_decay': 0.0,
'white_mcts_rollout_per_batch': -1,
'white_mcts_rollout_per_thread': -1,
'white_puct': -1.0,
'white_use_policy_network_only': False}
[2019-02-16 22:29:30.396] [rlpytorch.model_loader.load_env0] [info] Finished loading env
[2019-02-16 22:29:30.397] [elf::base::ThreadedDispatcherT-11] [info] Wait all games[1] to register their mailbox
human_actor: {'input': ['s', 'aug_code', 'move_idx'], 'reply': ['pi', 'a', 'V'], 'batchsize': 1}
SharedMem: "human_actor", keys: ['a', 'V', 'pi', 's', 'aug_code', 'move_idx']
a int64_t [16]
V float [16]
pi float [16, 362]
s float [16, 18, 19, 19]
aug_code int32_t [16]
move_idx int32_t [16]
a int64_t [16]
V float [16]
pi float [16, 362]
s float [16, 18, 19, 19]
aug_code int32_t [16]
move_idx int32_t [16]
actor_black: {'input': ['s', 'aug_code', 'move_idx'], 'reply': ['pi', 'V', 'a', 'rv'], 'timeout_usec': 10, 'batchsize': 16}
SharedMem: "actor_black", keys: ['a', 'V', 'rv', 'pi', 's', 'aug_code', 'move_idx']
a int64_t [16]
V float [16]
rv int64_t [16]
pi float [16, 362]
s float [16, 18, 19, 19]
aug_code int32_t [16]
move_idx int32_t [16]
a int64_t [16]
V float [16]
rv int64_t [16]
pi float [16, 362]
s float [16, 18, 19, 19]
aug_code int32_t [16]
move_idx int32_t [16]
[2019-02-16 22:29:34.512] [rlpytorch.model_loader.ModelLoader-1-model_indexNone] [info] Loading model from /home/roobot/play-ELF/ELF/scripts/elfgames/go/pretrained-go-19x19-v2.bin
[2019-02-16 22:29:34.512] [rlpytorch.model_loader.ModelLoader-1-model_indexNone] [info] replace_prefix for state dict: [['resnet.module', 'resnet']]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 87, in
File "", line 47, in main
model = model_loader.load_model(GC.params)
File "/home/roobot/play-ELF/ELF/src_py/rlpytorch/", line 161, in load_model
File "/home/roobot/play-ELF/ELF/src_py/rlpytorch/", line 147, in load
File "/home/roobot/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 769, in load_state_dict, "\n\t".join(error_msgs)))
RuntimeError: Error(s) in loading state_dict for Model_PolicyValue:
Missing key(s) in state_dict: "init_conv.0.weight", "init_conv.0.bias", "init_conv.1.weight", "init_conv.1.bias", "init_conv.1.running_mean", "init_conv.1.running_var".
Unexpected key(s) in state_dict: "init_conv.module.0.weight", "init_conv.module.0.bias", "init_conv.module.1.weight", "init_conv.module.1.bias", "init_conv.module.1.running_mean", "init_conv.module.1.running_var", "init_conv.module.1.num_batches_tracked".

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l1t1 commented Feb 16, 2019

#133 (comment)
i still have two errors not solved by using replace prefix

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l1t1 commented Feb 17, 2019

did you try the and

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hejin commented Feb 17, 2019

No :(
I will try. Thanks much! @l1t1

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This is probably because of the version of PyTorch. A fix is on the way.

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yuandong-tian commented Feb 18, 2019

@hejin @l1t1 what version of pytorch did you use? We use PyTorch 1.0.

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l1t1 commented Feb 18, 2019

I use 1.0.1 with too, but the windows binary df_console.exe shouldnt require pytorch installed by user

Python 3.7.1 (v3.7.1:260ec2c36a, Oct 20 2018, 14:57:15) [MSC v.1915 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import torch
>>> print(torch.__version__)

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l1t1 commented Feb 18, 2019

suggest df_console.exe also support load elfv2.bin and train data such as 1500000.bin etc

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jma127 commented Feb 20, 2019

Could you please try the newly-revised in master?

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l1t1 commented Feb 21, 2019

I download todays

D:\elfv2>\tool\wget -c
--2019-02-21 07:45:54--
Length: 1076887016 (1.0G) [application/zip]
Saving to: ''            100%[=================================================>]   1.00G

2019-02-21 08:30:52 (391 KB/s) - '' saved [1076887016/1076887016]

and run the cpu version with buildin sabaki
set engine to D:\elfv2\play_opengo_v2\elf_cpu_full\elf\df_console.exe
it dosent work at all

○ newelfv2> name 
connection failed
○ newelfv2> version 
connection failed
○ newelfv2> protocol_version 
connection failed
○ newelfv2> list_commands 
connection failed
○ newelfv2> komi 6.5
connection failed
[5504] Failed to execute script df_console
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 92, in <module>
  File "", line 85, in main
  File "elf\", line 435, in run
  File "elf\", line 383, in _call
  File "elf\", line 253, in cpu2gpu
  File "elf\", line 253, in <dictcomp>
  File "site-packages\torch\cuda\", line 161, in _lazy_init
  File "site-packages\torch\cuda\", line 75, in _check_driver
AssertionError: Torch not compiled with CUDA enabled

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l1t1 commented Feb 21, 2019

but the gpu version works


= boardsize

play b d16

genmove w
= N1

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l1t1 commented Feb 21, 2019

and the gpu version also support --load weights

D:\>fc /b D:\elfv2\play_opengo_v2\elf_gpu_full\elf\model-v2.bin d:\elfv2.bin |more
正在比较文件 D:\ELFV2\PLAY_OPENGO_V2\ELF_GPU_FULL\ELF\model-v2.bin 和 D:\ELFV2.BIN
FC: 找不到差异

some tests

[2019-02-21 09:52:26.508] [elf::base::Context-3] [info] Prepare to stop ...
[2019-02-21 09:52:26.692] [elfgames::go::GoGameSelfPlay-0-15] [warning] Invalid move: x = 3 y = 15 move: dp please try a
[2019-02-21 09:52:27.259] [elfgames::go::GoGameSelfPlay-0-15] [warning] Invalid move: x = 3 y = 15 move: dp please try a
[2019-02-21 09:52:27.369] [elf::base::Context-3] [info] Stop all game threads ...
[2019-02-21 09:52:27.682] [elf::base::Context-3] [info] All games sent notification, Waiting until they join
[2019-02-21 09:52:27.684] [elf::base::Context-3] [info] Stop all collectors ...
[2019-02-21 09:52:27.687] [elf::base::Context-3] [info] Stop tmp pool...

D:\elfv2\play_opengo_v2\elf_gpu_full\elf>df_console --load d:/elfv2.bin
= 1.0

[2019-02-21 09:55:16.300] [elf::base::Context-3] [info] Prepare to stop ...
[2019-02-21 09:55:16.301] [elfgames::go::GoGameSelfPlay-0-15] [warning] Invalid move: x = 0 y = 1 move: ab please try ag
[2019-02-21 09:55:16.303] [elfgames::go::mcts::MCTSActor-21] [error] model version 1 and required version 1290000 are no
t consistent

D:\elfv2\play_opengo_v2\elf_gpu_full\elf>df_console --load d:/1500000.bin
genmove b
= D3

? Invalid input

? Invalid input

? Invalid input

? Invalid input

? Invalid input

? Invalid input

genmove w
= C16

[2019-02-21 10:08:29.307] [elf::base::Context-3] [info] Prepare to stop ...
[2019-02-21 10:08:30.431] [elf::base::Context-3] [info] Stop all game threads ...
[2019-02-21 10:08:30.933] [elf::base::Context-3] [info] All games sent notification, Waiting until they join
[2019-02-21 10:08:30.937] [elf::base::Context-3] [info] Stop all collectors ...
[2019-02-21 10:08:30.957] [elf::base::Context-3] [info] Stop tmp pool...

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l1t1 commented Feb 21, 2019

test elf v1 weight

D:\elfv2\play_opengo_v2\elf_gpu_full\elf>df_console --load  d:/pretrained-go-19x19-v1.bin --num_block 20 --dim 224

? Invalid input

? Invalid input

genmove b
= Q16

? Invalid input

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