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[ENH] Allow setting the startdepth
parameter for the left sidebar
This commit is the next in a commit chain coercing our monolithic `README.rst` documentation onto Read the Docs (RTD), en-route to resolving issue #203 kindly submitted by @LittleBigGene (AKA the dynamo of the cell). Specifically, this commit circumvents upstream theme issues pydata/pydata-sphinx-theme#90, pydata/pydata-sphinx-theme#221, and pydata/pydata-sphinx-theme#1181 with the "standard" `_templates/sidebar-nav-bs.html` hack shamelessly copy-pasted into literally *every* project requiring that theme. This includes @beartype, because why not spew boilerplate that nobody understands everywhere? Sadly, doing so now requires pinning to a maximum obsolete version of this theme that will also surely die soon. And this is why I facepalm. (*Illogical ontological topology!*)
I was coincidentially struggling with this exact problem right now myself as I came across this issue. I tested your solution locally and it's exactly what I was looking for. The only thing I'd like to add is that the title in Alternatively it could be automatically changed to something like "Site Navigation" when using As a user, I'm giving a huge thumbs up to this suggestion 👍 |
@choldgraf a global config for TOC startdepth seems pretty harmless here and would grant a wish that several users have pined for. WDYT? @12rambau any strong feelings here? crossref to #944 |
@leycec I mentioned yesterday that I tested your proposed solution by locally modifying the extension itself, which obviously would be a bad idea for a pipeline build. But building on your template idea, I've found another way to solve this issue that should work with pipeline builds too. I thought I'd share it as a temporary workaround while the maintainers discuss whether they agree to add this feature. I'll write it as a step-by-step guide that can be used by others too.
{%- set sidebar_nav_html = generate_toctree_html("sidebar",
<nav class="bd-links" id="bd-docs-nav" aria-label="{{ _('Section navigation') }}">
<p class="bd-links__title" role="heading" aria-level="1">
{{ _("Site Navigation") }}
<div class="bd-toc-item navbar-nav">
{{ sidebar_nav_html }}
html_sidebars = {
"**": ["sidebar-nav-bs-override"], # Use the newly made template instead of the default sidebar navigation
"index": [] # Don't show sidebar on frontpage
} EDIT: updated to @drammock 's improved implementation from the next comment |
@SimenZhor it actually could be even easier; if you name your template |
@SimenZhor: Such utter cleverness could have only come from the nation that invented black metal. Head-banging Canadians everywhere approve. 👨🎤 @drammock: Actually, @SimenZhor maybe has the right of it... maybe. By defining a completely new sidebar orthogonal to the existing {% if sidebar_nav_html | length == 0 %}
{% set sidebars = sidebars | reject("in", "sidebar-nav-bs.html") | list %}
{% endif %} Of course, my Jinja is weak, I haven't actually tested anything anyone said, and it is currently hailing golf ball-sized ice chunks outside that I'm doing my best to ignore. @beartype needed this to work yesterday. The easiest means of accomplishing that was to roll back time itself to But... yeah. The maddening intensity of this discussion corroborates @drammock's concluding remarks of timeless wisdom:
These words are like sweet raindrops on my brain. |
@drammock Nice! That's even better of course. I've updated my original comment as that may be a very useful trick for other overrides too.
I totally agree, that would be way cleaner. @leycec the implementation @drammock suggests does indeed work. Keep in mind that we're not overriding the main |
🤯 |
@leycec I just noticed this volunteering, which is great because I'm (mostly) off this week for moving house, and ran out of my limited time today to do a proper job of this (viz, testing and docs; as you note the code change is trivial). I'll unassign myself, and if you don't get it done, I can pick up where you leave off next week. |
Wondrous! Although I promise nothing and will surely deliver even less, I'll heartily endeavour to do something... at some point. The current low-hanging fruit for me is to finish transitioning @beartype's documentation onto ReadTheDocs (RTD) using an ancient Sphinx configuration backed by |
Allows users to start the sidebar Toc at level 0 Addresses issue pydata#1181
This minor release delivers pulse-quickening support for **pandera (pandas) type hints,** **PEP 484,** **PEP 585**, **PEP 591**, **PEP 647**, **PEP 3119**, and **pseudo-callables.** This minor release resolves **12 issues** and merges **2 pull requests.** But first, a quiet word from our wondrous sponsors. They are monocled QA wizards who serve justice while crushing bugs for humanity. High fives, please! ## Beartype Sponsors * [**ZeroGuard:** The Modern Threat Hunting Platform](https://zeroguard.com). *All the signals, All the time.* Thunderous applause echoes through the cavernous confines of the Bear Den. 👏 🐻❄️ 👏 And now... the moment we've waited for. A heinous display of plaintext that assaults all five senses simultaneously. ## Compatibility Added * **Pandera (pandas) type hints** (i.e., ad-hoc PEP-noncompliant type hints validating pandas `DataFrame` objects, produced by subscripting factories published by the `pandera.typing` subpackage and validated *only* by user-defined callables decorated by the ad-hoc PEP-noncompliant `@pandera.check_types` runtime type-checking decorator), resolving feature request #227 kindly submitted by @ulfaslakprecis (Ulf Aslak) the Big Boss Typer. @beartype now: * Transparently supports pandera's PEP-noncompliant `@pandera.check_types` decorator for deeply runtime type-checking arbitrary pandas objects. * *Always* performs a rudimentary `O(1)` `isinstance()`-based type-check for each Pandera type hint. Doing so substantially improves usability in common use cases, including: * Callables annotated by one or more pandera type hints that are correctly decorated by @beartype but incorrectly *not* decorated by the pandera-specific `@pandera.check_types` decorator. * (Data)classes annotated by one or more pandera type hints. * Pandera type hints passed as the second argument to statement-level @beartype type-checkers – including: * `beartype.door.is_bearable()`. * `beartype.door.die_if_unbearable()`. * Implements a non-trivial trie data structure to efficiently detect all type hints produced by subscriptable factories in the `pandera.typing` submodule. Let us pretend this never happened, @ulfaslakprecis. * **PEP 484- and 585-compliant generator constraints.** This release relaxes prior constraints erroneously imposed by @beartype prohibiting both asynchronous and synchronous generator callables from being annotated as returning unsubscripted standard abstract base classes (ABCs) defined by the `collections.abc` module. Now, @beartype permits: * Asynchronous generator callables to be annotated as returning the unsubscripted `collections.abc.AsyncGenerator` type. * Synchronous generator callables to be annotated as returning the unsubscripted `collections.abc.Generator` type. * **PEP 591** (i.e., `typing.Final[...]` type hints), partially resolving issue #223 kindly submitted by the acronym known only as @JWCS (Jude). @beartype now trivially reduces *all* `typing.Final[{hint}]` type hints to merely `{hint}` (e.g., `typing.Final[int]` to `int`). In other words, @beartype no longer raises exceptions when confronted with final type hints and instead at least tries to do the right thing. This still isn't *quite* what everyone wants @beartype to do here; ideally, @beartype should also raise exceptions on detecting attempts to redefine instance and class variables annotated as `Final[...]`. Doing so is *definitely* feasible and exactly what @beartype should *eventually* do – but also non-trivial, because whatever @beartype *eventually* does needs to preserve compatibility with all implementations of the `@dataclass` decorator across all versions of Python now and forever. Cue that head-throbbing migraine. It's comin'! Oh, I can feel it! * **PEP 647** (i.e., `typing.TypeGuard[...] type hints`), resolving feature request #221 kindly submitted by Google X researcher extraordinaire @patrick-kidger. @beartype now trivially reduces *all* `typing.TypeGuard[...]` type hints to the builtin `bool` type. ## Compatibility Improved * **PEP 3119.** @beartype now detects both **non-isinstanceable classes** (i.e., classes whose metaclasses define PEP 3119-compliant `__instancecheck__()` dunder methods unconditionally raising `TypeError` exceptions) and **non-issubclassable classes** (i.e., classes whose metaclasses define PEP 3119-compliant `__subclasscheck__()` dunder methods unconditionally raising `TypeError` exceptions) more narrowly for safety, resolving issue #220 kindly submitted by *ex*traordinary Google X researcher @patrick-kidger (Patrick Kidger). Notably, @beartype now *only* accepts `TypeError` exceptions as connoting non-isinstanceability and non-issubclassability. Previously, @beartype broadly treated any class raising any exception whatsoever when passed as the second parameter to `isinstance()` and `issubclass()` as non-isinstanceable and non-issubclassable. Sadly, doing so erroneously raises false positives for isinstanceable and issubclassable metaclasses that have yet to be fully "initialized" at the early time the `@beartype` decorator performs this detection. ## Features Added * **Pseudo-callable monkey-patching support.** `@beartype` now supports **pseudo-callables** (i.e., otherwise uncallable objects masquerading as callable by defining the `__call__()` dunder method), resolving feature request #211 kindly submitted by Google X typing guru @patrick-kidger (Patrick Kidger). When passed a pseudo-callable whose `__call__()` method is annotated by one or more type hints, `@beartype` runtime type-checks that method in the standard way. ## Documentation Revised * **Literally everything,** also known as the release that migrated `README.rst` -> [Read the Docs (RtD)](https://beartype.readthedocs.io), resolving both issue #203 kindly submitted by @LittleBigGene (AKA the dynamo of the cell) and ancient issue #8 kindly submitted by @felix-hilden (AKA the Finnish computer vision art genius that really made all of this possible). Readable documentation slowly emerges from the primordial soup of @beartype's shameless past for which we cannot be blamed. @leycec was young and "spirited" back then. Specifically, this release: * Coerces our prior monolithic slab of unreadable `README.rst` documentation into a website graciously hosted by Read the Docs (RtD) subdividing that prior documentation into well-structured pages, resolving issue #203 kindly submitted by @LittleBigGene (AKA the dynamo of the cell). * Documents *most* previously undocumented public APIs in the @beartype codebase. Although a handful of public APIs remain undocumented (notably, the `beartype.peps` submodule), these undocumented APIs are assumed to either be sufficiently unpopular or non-useful to warrant investing additional scarce resources here. * Updates our installation instructions to note @beartype's recent availability as official packages in the official package repositories of various Linux distributions. Truly, this can only be the final mark of pride. These include: * Gentoo Linux's Portage tree. * Arch Linux's Arch User Repository (AUR). * Improves the Python code sample embedded in the ["Are We on the Worst Timeline?" subsection of our **Beartype Errors** chapter](https://beartype.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api_roar/#are-we-on-the-worst-timeline). Thanks to @JWCS for their related pull request (PR) #210, which strongly inspired this bald-faced improvement to the usability of our `beartype.typing` API. * Circumvents multiple long-standing upstream issues in the PyData Sphinx theme regarding empty left sidebars via the requisite `_templates/sidebar-nav-bs.html` template hack shamelessly copy-pasted into literally *every* project requiring this theme. This includes @beartype, because why not spew boilerplate that nobody understands everywhere? Sadly, doing so requires pinning to a maximum obsolete version of this theme that will surely die soon. And this is why I facepalm. These issues include: * pydata/pydata-sphinx-theme#90. * pydata/pydata-sphinx-theme#221. * pydata/pydata-sphinx-theme#1181. * Truncates our `README.rst` documentation to a placeholder stub that just directs everyone to RtD instead. * Improves `linecache` integration commentary. Specifically, a pull request by @faangbait (AKA the little-known third member of Daft Punk) improves internal commentary in our private `beartype._util.func.utilfuncmake.make_func()` factory function responsible for dynamically synthesizing new in-memory functions on-the-fly. Our suspicious usage of `None` as the second item of tuples added as values to the standard `linecache.cache` global dictionary has now been documented. Thanks so much for this stupendous contribution, @faangbait! ## Tests Improved * **Mypy integration.** This release improves our `test_pep561_mypy()` integration test to intentionally ignore unhelpful non-fatal warnings improperly emitted by mypy (which encourage usage of `typing_extensions`, oddly enough). * **Sphinx integration.** This release resolves multiple intersecting issues involving integration testing of Sphinx + @beartype, including: * `test_beartype_in_sphinx()` h0tfix is h0t. This release generalizes our test-specific `test_beartype_in_sphinx()` integration test to support arbitrary versions of Sphinx, resolving issue #209 kindly submitted by @danigm the sun-loving Málaga resident who frolics in the sea that Canadians everywhere are openly jealous of. Specifically, this release fundamentally refactors this integration test to fork a new Python interpreter as a subprocess of the current `pytest` process running the `sphinx-build` command. * A Python 3.7-specific failure in our continuous integration (CI) workflow caused by Sphinx attempting to call deprecated functionality of the third-party `pkg_resources` package. This release simply avoids installing Sphinx entirely under Python 3.7; although admittedly crude, it's unclear how else @beartype could possibly resolve this. Since Python 3.7 has almost hit its official End-Of-Life (EOL) and thus increasingly poses a security concern, this is hardly the worst resolution ever. Really! Believe what we're saying. Break nothing! It's the @beartype way. This is why @leycec cries like a mewling cat with no milk. (*Thrilling chills spill towards an untoward ontology!*)
Just wanted to add my own request for this to be looked at again. The main theme works amazingly for our main documentation site, but we have two sub-projects that could really use a main page sidebar for top level TOC items. I'm attempting to use the workaround above, but having no luck, since my theme customization experience is nearly zero. Would be so cool to have this so my docs are able to have consistent theming. I'm gonna keep banging my head against the workaround for a while, though, because I love this theme. Thanks! Edit: Of course as soon as I say that, I do get the workaround above to work. Using |
@kathatherine: Consider also migrating from this lower-level theme to the higher-level Personally, I hit the same conundrum that you did. I may grok HTML and CSS, but I'd rather not squander precious unpaid open-source time on fighting Sphinx themes over HTML and CSS. Instead, I just migrated from this theme to |
Hi @leycec I understand that you are frustrated that your issue is not yet solved. Note that some other are also waiting for solutions for extremely large project like scikitlearn (yes @tupui I didn't forget I just cannot find the time as I changed job). This theme is maintained by benevolent contributors and we would be more than happy to count you among us. pydata-sphinx-theme is not by any mean a "low-level" theme. It's just designed for extremely large API (initially pandas) that benefit from the navbar AND left sidebar to avoid overloading their readers. So no, what you ask for is not "what everybody expects and want", it's just the classic way of using Sphinx which is why we advertise We work on issues, but it's hard to keep up. Pierrick Rambaud |
Greetings, wonderful theme devs! I'm currently transitioning @beartype's embarrassingly monolithic
documentation ...which is so large it's actually breakingpip
-based installation for a subset of users onto ReadTheDocs, backed by this wonderful theme.Prior theme versions allowed the left sidebar to be "trivially" customized via a
template with horrifying boilerplate I don't pretend to understand like:Current theme versions instead centralize similar logic inside the main
template. This mostly makes sense, as doing so avoids displaying an empty left sidebar. But this also appears to prevent full-blown customization of the left sidebar (like above), which sorta makes less sense. Specifically,layout.html
is now prefaced by this Jinjamadnesscleverness:My Jinja is weak. Still, I'm pretty sure that precludes meaningful user-driven overrides of the
configuration setting – unless I'm missing something, which I probably am. See: "My Jinja is weak."Superficially, users can (of course) attempt to override
by adding a downstream_templates/layout.html
file resembling:Pragmatically, that's just a noop. This theme's
already detectedsidebar_nav_html
as being empty and then forcefully removedsidebar-nav-bs.html
from thesidebars
list. That behaviour is no longer amenable to user customization. Is that right? If so...What I Am Begging of You Here is...
A new theme-specific configuration global allowing users to intervene in this process... somehow.
In @beartype's case, I'd just like to display the full TOC tree in the left sidebar by passing
to thegenerate_toctree_html()
call. This appears to be a common concern (e.g., at #90, #221, and presumably elsewhere). Tragically, the internal structure of this theme changed so fundamentally that prior workarounds no longer apply. Thankfully, a permanent fix avoiding fragile external workarounds that were guaranteed to fail (and then did) should be trivial!Let's add a new theme-specific
global for parity with existing globals. In theory, adding this single line tolayout.html
should more-or-less suffice: e.g.,If everyone's amenable, I'd be happy to submit a working PR with working tests (and possibly even documentation – but let us not get too optimistic here) at some point. Until then, I've very reluctantly pinned @beartype to a prior version of this theme. (The RTD flyout disappearing under recent versions also made this decision easier than I would have liked. I sigh.)
Thanks again for all the wondrous theming, everyone. PyData FTW forever! 👍
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