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File metadata and controls

217 lines (136 loc) · 5.34 KB

What is PyASTrX?


"Simple projects are all alike; each complex project is complex in its own way."

(adapted from Tolstoy's Anna Karenina)

The PyASTrX philosophy is to provide a simple, easy-to-use, and extensible framework for code quality analysis, refactoring and codebase analysis.

The main point that I've developed is that sometimes a necessary practice in one project can be a bad practice in another project. In other words, we should walk a **mile in **someone's shoes** before judging the code quality of someone else code.

PyASTrX allows you to define new code analysis patterns using just XPATH expressions. No need to write a parser, create a python file and ship to use in flake8 or pylint!

pip install pyastrx


PyASTrX provides the following features:

An easy customizable code quality analysis tool.

Type pyastrx -h to see all the options.

You can also use a pyastrx.yaml file to configure the tool.


Search and Linter outputs

If your codebase or pull request is huge, looking for possible mistakes, bad practices or code smells can be a pain, so PyASTrX provides a human-friendly output as default.

Human-friendly outputs

Friendly interface

  • autocomplete the previous queries
  • combo box to select the files
  • colorized syntax highlighting

Human friendly outputs


Copy the available at pyastrx/.pre-commit-hook in your folder and add the following entry in your .pre-commit-config.yaml.

- repo: local
    - id: pyastrx
        name: PyASTrX linter
        entry: ./<LOCATION>/
        language: script
        args: ["-q"]
        types: ["python"]
        description: Check for any violations using the pyastrx.yaml config
    - id: pyastrx-yaml
        name: PyASTrX linter
        entry: ./<LOCATION>/
        language: script
        args: ["-q"]
        types: ["yaml"]
        description: Check for any violations using the pyastrx.yaml config

Later on, I will ship this to be used in the pre-commit channels.

VsCode extension

Soon, I will ship a VS Code extension.

Explore the AST and XML

Using the :code: -i arg or adding a :code: interactive: true in your pyastrx.yaml you can explore the AST and XML parsed AST of your code. This can be useful to understand your code base and helps you to write you custom XPATH queries to be used in your project.

Folder exploration

Start the interactive interface

$ pyastrx -i -d path_to_folder (or just save that in yaml)

Press f and choose a file

Interactive interface

Choose the ast (t), xml (x) or code exploration (o)

Interactive interface


Interactive interface

Interactive interface

File exploration (one key-press distance)

Open the interactive with the python file

$ pyastrx -i -f path_to_file (or just save that in yaml)

Choose the ast (t), xml (x) or code exploration (o)

On the shoulders of giants

This project is possible only because of the work of several developers across the following projects:


One of the greatest Python libraries, downloaded over millions of time. Please, consider doing a donation to the lxml developers.


The PyASTrX started with the idea of using the astpath as a dependency, but I've decided to rewrite and redesign it to improve the maintainability and the usability features of PyASTrX. astpath is a great and simple tool developed by H. Chase Stevens.


GAST it's a remarkable tool developed by Serge Sans Paille. GAST allows you to use the same XPATH expressions to analyze different code bases written in different python versions.


A project created by Jonathan Slenders that
provides a powerful and reliable way to construct command-line interfaces.

This project has a lot of features, good documentation and the maintainers keep it well updated.