This roadmap outlines what features we're locked on and currently building (Working On Now); what features we'll build in the future (Up Next); and what else we're considering even further out (Future). Please, try out our Alpha version and let us know your thoughts - both good and bad. Also, give us feedback on this roadmap and what you'd want us to focus on in the future.
- Description: Host Blazor WASM static sites directly within PureBlazor with your choice of a built-in subdomain (e.g.
- Description: Host static pages on a PureBlazor custom domain (e.g.
- Description: Extend the CMS with your own custom plugins with C# and Blazor.
- Description: Automatically issue HTTPS certificates on a PureBlazor-custom domain.
- Description: Support automatic Tailwind CSS generation.
- Description: Basic Identity/Login with a Local Account. No external/social login Providers (Auth0, Google, etc.).
- Description: Implement a drag-and-drop intuitive interface allowing users to create content in a visual fashion, without having to write code. Users will be able to select components like text, buttons, sliders, etc. in a crude approximation to tools like Retool or Bubble.
- Description: REST API to manage all actions in the CMS using either REST or gRPS.
- Description: Being able to include the CMS easily in existing B2B applications in the customer's stack.
- Description: Fix deficiency with Blazor's refresh to resolve a number of user experience bugs (i.e. Make Blazor PWA auto-detect a newer version of the app; Web Assembly is too big and the signalr connection is not smooth; Failing to reconnect when tabbing away.)
- Description: Add a component library to build pages with code (like Radzen or Devexpress). Support reusable blocks of content across different website sections.
- Description: AI support to generate titles, summaries, references, tags, and more.
- Description: Custom form builder for customer content type.
- Description: Support Spanish, German, Portuguese, and French.
- Description: Support background jobs for adhoc and recurring CMS tasks.
- Description: Build Blazor identity, a bespoke openID-complaint identity solution.
- Description: Support exporting all data components and pages to use with a different hosting solution without being tied to PureBlazor.
- Description: Support Right to Left language styling for CMS.
- Description: Support Asset Management to streamline the organization, storage, and retrieval of assets such as photos, animations, videos, documents, etc.
- Description: Use roles and claims to create security boundaries and authotization policies such as administrative access, guest/client login, etc.
- Description: Create a full single-page static site with Markdown. Deprioritizing this milestone for now, because we aim to build PB in a way that abstracts all of Azure's infrastructure from the user and creates a container app for them.
- Description: Support bespoke analytics for Blazor instead of solutions like GA/Amplitude.
- Description: Support bespoke logging service for Blazor or bring your own log solution such as Elastic/Datadog/text files.
- Description: Publish history and rollback (undo or rollback to a previous version if needed).
- Description: Enable simple fetch and dom manipulation.
- Description: Support bespoke Application Performance Monitoring (APM) or bring your own APM solution such as New Relic, DataDog, etc.
- Description: Automatically and securely backup all your content and data.
- Description: Support the following user requests: Be able to format numbers/strings on mobile (not just desktop). Detect which device the app is running on (like Bit Platform does). Preview in different screen layouts before publishing. Extensibility between web and mobile.
- Description: Support Visual Studio templates.
- Description: First-party e-commerce support and integration capability for your own ecomm solution such as Shopify, Woo, etc.
- Description: Run the app offline for customers in areas with low/unsteady internet connectivity.
- Description: Text editor built with Blazor, instead of a wrapper around existing JS implementations.
- Description: Support for workflow integrations (e.g. trigger actions after certain rules are met, approve content for publishing, etc.).
- Description: One-click landing page and contact forms (e.g. TypeForm).
- Description: First-party integration for payments, sms, etc.
- Description: Support for a theme marketplace.
- Description: Share your plugins with others and find others' plugins to add to your CMS.
- Description: Convert Figma files to Blazor.
- Description: Enable CMS webhooks to be notified of new content, analytics, comments, etc.
- Description: Support experimentation, A/B testing, and feature flags all within the Blazor CMS.