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Publishing to PyPI

Axel Hecht edited this page Feb 13, 2019 · 10 revisions

python-fluent hosts the code of the following packages available on PyPI:


To publish new versions, first follow the setup instructions for twine and for the .pypirc file.

Publishing new versions

For either package:

  1. From the root, ensure correct file permissions:

    $ git ls-tree --full-tree --name-only -r HEAD | xargs chmod ugo+r
    $ find . -type d | xargs chmod ugo+x
  2. If you normally use a different umask, set umask to 000:

    $ umask 000
  3. cd fluent.syntax or cd fluent.runtime

  4. Update and

  5. Commit and push. Either:

    $ git commit -m "fluent.syntax X.Y.Z"


    $ git commit -m "fluent.runtime X.Y.Z"


    $ git push
  6. Draft a new release on GitHub.

  7. Publish:

    $ rm -rf *.egg-info build dist
    $ python sdist bdist_wheel
    $ twine upload dist/XXX.tar.gz dist/XXX.whl    # the new packages you just created

The fluent package

Up to version 0.10, the fluent.syntax module used to be published as fluent on PyPI. That package is still available but shouldn't be updated any more.

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