diff --git a/R/mechanism-bootstrap.R b/R/mechanism-bootstrap.R index 35c2363..ed8cf58 100644 --- a/R/mechanism-bootstrap.R +++ b/R/mechanism-bootstrap.R @@ -10,6 +10,10 @@ #' @import stats #' @export +# There are 2 options for handling empty partitions: + +# 1: skip it entirely, and say the total number of partitions is just the number of partitions that are not empty + bootstrap.replication <- function(x, n, sensitivity, epsilon, fun, inputObject, ...) { partition <- rmultinom(n=1, size=n, prob=rep(1 / n, n)) # make a sorted vector of the partitions of the data @@ -33,6 +37,34 @@ bootstrap.replication <- function(x, n, sensitivity, epsilon, fun, inputObject, return(apply(stat.out, 2, sum)) } +# 2: treat it as a partition with a mean of 0 and keep it in the calculation, adding noise and adding it to the final calculation + +# bootstrap.replication <- function(x, n, sensitivity, epsilon, fun, inputObject, ...) { +# partition <- rmultinom(n=1, size=n, prob=rep(1 / n, n)) +# # make a sorted vector of the partitions of the data +# # because it is not guaranteed that every partition from 1:max.appearances will have a value in it +# validPartitions <- validPartitions <- sort(unique(partition[,1])) +# # print the unique values of the partition, to track which entries may result in NaN +# print(validPartitions) +# max.appearances <- max(partition) +# probs <- sapply(1:max.appearances, dbinom, size=n, prob=(1 / n)) +# stat.partitions <- vector('list', max.appearances) +# for (i in 1:max.appearances) { +# variance.i <- (i * probs[i] * (sensitivity^2)) / (2 * epsilon) +# if (i %in% validPartitions) { +# stat.i <- fun(x[partition == i]) +# noise.i <- dpNoise(n=length(stat.i), scale=sqrt(variance.i), dist='gaussian') +# stat.partitions[[i]] <- i * stat.i + noise.i +# } else { +# stat.i <- 0 +# noise.i <- dpNoise(n=length(stat.i), scale=sqrt(variance.i), dist='gaussian') +# stat.partitions[[i]] <- i * stat.i + noise.i +# } +# } +# stat.out <- do.call(rbind, stat.partitions) +# return(apply(stat.out, 2, sum)) +# } + #' Bootstrap mechanism #'