The behavior of the analysis can be controlled by several bitbake-variables
var | purpose | type | default |
SCA_ALLOW_LAYER | layer names, like 'core' or 'openembedded-layer' to apply SCA to on all recipes of that layer | space seperated list | "" |
SCA_AUTO_INH_ON_IMAGE | Do automatically enable analysis on image-recipes | string | "1" |
SCA_AUTO_INH_ON_RECIPE | Do automatically enable analysis on other recipes | string | "1" |
SCA_AUTO_LICENSE_FILTER | Filter according to recipe license if sca should invoked | space separated regular expression | ".*" |
SCA_AVAILABLE_MODULES | List of all available modules, use to globally enable/disable modules | space-separated-string | all available modules |
SCA_BACKTRACK | Backtrack findings in images to their original recipes | string: 0 or 1 | "0" |
SCA_CLEAN_BEFORE_EXPORT | Remove old files from export dir | string: 0 or 1 | "1" |
SCA_ENABLE | Does globally enable the analysis | string | "1" |
SCA_ENABLED_MODULES_IMAGE | The analysis modules to be activated on images | space-separated-string | see sca-on-image.bbclass |
SCA_ENABLED_MODULES_RECIPE | The analysis modules to be activated on recipes | space-separated-string | see sca-on-recipe.bbclass |
SCA_EXPORT_DIR | Directory where to store the results of analysis | path | ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/sca |
SCA_EXPORT_FINDING_DIR | The folder where to store the original source-files of findings | path | ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/sca/sources/${PN}/ |
SCA_EXPORT_FINDING_SRC | Do copy the source-files of any finding to deploy-dir. This proved to helpful when integrating into Jenkins. | string | "1" |
SCA_EXPORT_FORMAT | Specifies the output format(s) | space separated list | "checkstyle" (for valid formatter see sca-global.bbclass ) |
SCA_FILE_FILTER | List of glob-expression of file to skip for testing | space separated list | "tests/* test/* doc/* testsuite/* **/tests/* **/test/* **/doc/* **/testsuite/*" |
SCA_FINDINGS_DIR | Local folder where to store sca findings | path | ${WORKDIR}/sca/ |
SCA_FORCE_RUN | Force running SCA every time, no matter if recipe code was changed | string: "0" or "1" | "0" |
SCA_LOCAL_FILE_FILTER | List of glob-expression of additional files to skip for testing. This is applied when S dir is the same as WORKDIR | space separated list | "$RECIPE_SYSROOT $RECIPE_SYSROOT_NATIVE $T" |
SCA_SCOPE_FILTER | Filter for scope of findings | space separted list of 'security', 'functional', 'compliance' and 'style' | "security functional compliance style" |
SCA_SKIP_DEVTOOL | Skip SCA tasks when running under devtool | string: 0 or 1 | 0 |
SCA_SOURCES_DIR | Path where to find the source-files to be checked | path | "${B}" for recipes, "${IMAGE_ROOTFS}" for images |
SCA_SPARE_DIRS | Additional regular expressions for paths that shouldn't run SCA | space seperated list | "" |
SCA_SPARE_IGNORE_BBAPPEND | Ignore bbappend files for making the decision if the recipe should be spared or not | string: 1 = yes, other no | "0" |
SCA_SPARE_LAYER | layer names, like 'core' or 'openembedded-layer' to suppress SCA on all recipes of that layer | space seperated list | "" |
SCA_TRACEFILES_LOOSE_INC | Files extensions to add in loose mode of tracefiles | space seperated list | .h .hpp |
SCA_TRACEFILES_MODE | Mode to trace source files from compiled binaries | string: full, loose or strict | "full" |
SCA_TRACEFILES_PKGS | Packages to inspect for tracing files | space seperated list | "${PN}-lib ${PN}-bin ${PN}" |
SCA_VERBOSE_OUTPUT | Verbose output of included tools | string: 0 or 1 | "1" |
SCA_WARNING_LEVEL | Filter for severity of findings | string: info, warning or error | "warning" |
In the following you'll find recommended setting for different use cases. Only settings that differ default are shown.
For more examples see
var | setting |
var | setting |