Configuration examples for complete image monitoring
Languages: *
Scope: final image + all used recipes
New errors should abort the build
If there are more than 5 new warnings -> terminate the build
Only components that are actually shipped should be monitored
INHERIT += "sca"
SCA_SCOPE_FILTER = "security functional"
bandit \
bashate \
bitbake \
checkbashism \
detectsecrets \
flake8 \
jsonlint \
mypy \
pylint \
shellcheck \
systemdlint \
vulture \
xmllint \
yamllint \
bandit \
bashate \
bitbake \
checkbashism \
cppcheck \
cpplint \
cvecheck \
darglint \
dennis \
detectsecrets \
flake8 \
flint \
gcc \
golint \
jsonlint \
kconfighard \
mypy \
pylint \
rats \
revive \
shellcheck \
sparse \
tscancode \
vulture \
xmllint \
yamllint \
def deployDir = " $WORKSPACE /tmp/deploy/images/**" ;
def pokyDir = " $WORKSPACE /meta-poky/poky" ;
def buildDir = " $WORKSPACE /meta-poky/poky/build" ;
def pokyTarget = " fancy-company-image"
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage(' checkout' ) {
echo " !!!Checkout your code out from your repo!!!"
stage(' poky setup' ) {
sh """
cd ${ pokyDir}
. ./oe-init-build-env
sd """
cd ${ buildDir}
echo "!!!Insert your build command line here!!!"
stage(' build' ) {
steps {
sh """
cd ${ pokyDir}
. ./oe-init-build-env
bitbake ${ pokyTarget}
post {
always {
recordIssues qualityGates : [
[threshold : 1 , type : ' NEW_ERROR' , unstable : false ],
[threshold : 5 , type : ' NEW_HIGH' , unstable : false ]
], tools : [checkStyle(pattern : ' $deployDir/sca/checkstyle/*.xml' )]