😎 A curated list of awesome resources for engineer onboarding
Engineer Onboarding is meant to guide new engineers, help them focus on the right tasks, and set expectations to help them be successful at new organization. Onboarding has a high return on investment; the more effort you put in, the better the result.
- Experiences
- 7 Proven Best Practices for Onboarding a New Engineer - by Rachel Klein
- So you want to Onboard a DevOps Practitioner - Guidance on how to make your environment easier to onboard for Web Ops Engineers, SRE's and DevOps Practitioners.
- The Ultimate Guide to Onboarding New Developers: Industry Best Practices and How to Plan the First 90 Days - Onboarding new hires requires taking their perspective into account and designing the best possible experience to get your new teammate assimilated and contributing as quickly as possible.
- GoGaRuCo 2014: Technical Onboarding, Training, and Mentoring [28:25] - About how to make junior engineers into independent and productive members of your engineering team faster and cheaper by outlining a plan for how to onboard engineers effectively.
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To the extent possible under law, Byungjin Park has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.