A simple LLRP-based RFID reader emulator with go-llrp. Try the demo with docker-compose.
You need to confirm the tag stream events in scenarios, but not really thrilled to use a heavily armed simulator like RIFIDI Edge suite.
$ go get -u github.com/iomz/golemu
$ golemu --help
usage: golemu [<flags>] <command> [<args> ...]
A mock LLRP-based logical reader emulator for RFID Tags.
--help Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
-v, --debug Enable debug mode.
--initialMessageID=1000 The initial messageID to start from.
The initial keepaliveID to start from.
-a, --ip= LLRP listening address.
-k, --keepalive=0 LLRP Keepalive interval.
-p, --port=5084 LLRP listening port.
-m, --pdu=1500 The maximum size of LLRP PDU.
-i, --reportInterval=10000 The interval of ROAccessReport in ms. Pseudo ROReport spec option.
--version Show application version.
help [<command>...]
Show help.
server [<flags>]
Run as an LLRP tag stream server.
Run as an LLRP client.
simulate <simulationDir>
Run in the simulator mode.
Iori Mizutani (iomz)