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This emscripten/webassembly port of GLFW tries to implement as much as possible of the API. See the list of supported functions with some notes for details. This page documents the most important aspects of the library.

Main concept

This port, as well as other library ports (like SDL), associates the concept of a "window" (in this instance a GLFWwindow) to an html "canvas". The framebuffer size of the window is the size of the canvas (canvas.width x canvas.height) and this is what you use for your viewport. The size of the window is the css style size of the canvas (which in the case of Hi DPI is different). The opacity is the css style opacity, etc...


Once the canvas is associated to the window, the library takes control over it and sets various listeners and css styles on the canvas. In particular, the width and height is controlled by the library and as a result this implementation offers another mechanism for the user to be able to resize the canvas.

How to associate the window to the canvas?

Natively, GLFW doesn't know anything about the concept of a canvas. So there needs to be a way to make this association. This library offers 2 ways depending on your needs:

1. Using javascript/Module

Every emscripten application needs to define a Module variable in javascript (see example). By convention in emscripten, the Module["canvas"] field represents the canvas that is associated to the window. To be backward compatible with this option, this library supports it, and it is the default. Obviously this can only work if there is only one window which is why there is another method.

2. Using emscripten_glfw_set_next_window_canvas_selector

This implementation offers an alternative way of specifying which canvas to associate to which window: the function emscripten_glfw_set_next_window_canvas_selector which must be called prior to calling glfwCreateWindow. The single argument to the function is a css path selector to the canvas.


#include <GLFW/emscripten_glfw3.h> // contains the definitions

auto window1 = glfwCreateWindow(300, 200, "hello world", nullptr, nullptr);

This function is required if you use more than one window since the Module solution only supports 1 canvas. It also offers the advantage of defining the association in C/C++ as opposed to html/javascript.

How to make the canvas resizable by the user?

GLFW deals with windows. Windows, in the context of a desktop application, are usually resizable by the user (note that the GLFW window hint/attribute GLFW_RESIZABLE lets you disable this feature). So how does this translate into the html/canvas world?

In order to make the canvas resizable, and behave more like a window, this implementation offers a convenient API: emscripten_glfw_make_canvas_resizable:

int emscripten_glfw_make_canvas_resizable(GLFWwindow *window,
                                          char const *canvasResizeSelector,
                                          char const *handleSelector);

Since this library takes control of the size of the canvas, the idea behind this function is to specify which other (html) element dictates the size of the canvas. The parameter canvasResizeSelector defines the (css path) selector to this element.

The 3 typical uses cases are:

1. Full window

The canvas fills the entire browser window, in which case the parameter canvasResizeSelector should simply be set to "window" and the handleSelector is nullptr. This use case can be found in application like ImGui where the canvas is the window.

Example code:

<!-- html -->
<canvas id="canvas1"></canvas>
// cpp
auto window = glfwCreateWindow(300, 200, "hello world", nullptr, nullptr);
emscripten_glfw_make_canvas_resizable(window, "window", nullptr);

2. Container (div)

The canvas is inside a div, in which case the div acts as a "container" and the div size is defined by CSS rules, like for example: width: 75vw so that when the page/browser gets resized, the div is resized automatically, which then triggers the canvas to be resized. In this case, the parameter canvasResizeSelector is the (css path) selector to this div and handleSelector is nullptr.

Example code:

<!-- html -->
  #canvas1-container {
    width: 75vw;
    height: 50vh;
<div id="canvas1-container">
  <canvas id="canvas1"></canvas>
// cpp
auto window = glfwCreateWindow(300, 200, "hello world", nullptr, nullptr);
emscripten_glfw_make_canvas_resizable(window, "#canvas1-container", nullptr);

3. Container + handle

Same as 2. but the div is made resizable dynamically via a little "handle" (which ends up behaving like a normal desktop window).

Example code:

<!-- html -->
  #canvas1-container {
    position: relative;
  <!-- . . . -->

  #canvas1-handle {
    position: absolute;
    bottom: 0;
    right: 0;
    margin-bottom: 1px;
    margin-right: 1px;
    border-left: 20px solid transparent;
    border-bottom: 20px solid rgba(102, 102, 102, 0.5);
    width: 0;
    height: 0;
    cursor: nwse-resize;
<div id="canvas1-container">
  <div id="canvas1-handle" class="handle"></div>
  <canvas id="canvas1"></canvas>
// cpp
auto window = glfwCreateWindow(300, 200, "hello world", nullptr, nullptr);
emscripten_glfw_make_canvas_resizable(window, "#canvas1-container", "canvas1-handle");


If you do not want the canvas to be resizable by the user, you can simply set its size during window creation (glfwCreateWindow) or with glfwSetWindowSize and don't do anything else.

Fullscreen support

GLFW has a concept of fullscreen window. This is quite tricky for this implementation due to the restrictions imposed by browsers to go fullscreen. Historically, emscripten has offered a way to do it from javascript by the means of a function that gets added automatically to the Module called requestFullscreen.

This implementation adds another javascript function Module.glfwRequestFullscreen(target, lockPointer, resizeCanvas) with

  • target being which canvas need to be fullscreen
  • lockPointer: boolean to enable/disable grabbing the mouse pointer (equivalent to calling glfwSetInputMode(GLFW_CURSOR, xxx))
  • resizeCanvas: boolean to resize (or not) the canvas to the fullscreen size

To be backward compatible with the current emscripten/glfw/javascript implementation, you can also call Module.requestFullscreen(lockPointer, resizeCanvas) and the library does its best to determine which canvas to target.

This implementation also offers a C version of this API:

void emscripten_glfw_request_fullscreen(GLFWwindow *window, bool lockPointer, bool resizeCanvas);

Best practice

To avoid any error while switching to fullscreen, you should always trigger this api from within a user event like a mouse click (callback set via glfwSetMouseButtonCallback) or a keyboard key press (callback set via glfwSetKeyCallback)

At this moment, this implementation does not support creating a window in fullscreen mode due to the same browser restrictions mentioned previously. If you want to create a fullscreen window, create a window with a fixed size, then from a user event call Module.glfwRequestFullscreen.

Hi DPI support

This implementation supports Hi DPI awareness. What this means is that if the browser window is on a screen that is Hi DPI/4k then it will properly adjust the dimension of the canvas to match the scale of the screen. If the window gets moved to a screen that is lower resolution, it will automatically change the scaling. You can set a callback to be notified of the changes (glfwSetWindowContentScaleCallback) or call the direct API glfwGetWindowContentScale.

By default, this feature is enabled and can be turned off like this:

// before creating a window (to turn Hi DPI Awareness OFF)
auto window = glfwCreateWindow(...);

// after window creation, it can be dynamically changed
glfwSetWindowAttrib(window, GLFW_SCALE_FRAMEBUFFER, GLFW_TRUE); // for enabling Hi DPI awareness
glfwSetWindowAttrib(window, GLFW_SCALE_FRAMEBUFFER, GLFW_FALSE); // for disabling Hi DPI awareness


The constant GLFW_SCALE_FRAMEBUFFER was introduced in GLFW 3.4. The constant GLFW_SCALE_TO_MONITOR which was used prior to GLFW 3.4, can still be used to trigger Hi DPI Awareness, but is less descriptive and as a result it is deprecated, and it is preferable to use GLFW_SCALE_FRAMEBUFFER.

Best practice

Almost all GLFW apis deal with screen coordinates which are independent of scaling. The only one which doesn't is glfwGetFramebufferSize which returns the actual size of the surface which takes into account the scaling factor. As a result, for most low level APIs (like OpenGL/webgl) you would use this call to set the viewport size.

Here is an example:

int width = 0, height = 0;
glfwGetFramebufferSize(fWindow, &width, &height);
glViewport(0, 0, width, height);

Keyboard support

This implementation supports the keyboard and uses the same mapping defined in emscripten for scancodes. You can check KeyboardMapping.h for the full mapping. This implementation uses KeyboardEvent.key to compute an accurate codepoint (provided to the GLFWcharfun callback) and not the deprecated KeyboardEvent.charcode like other implementations.

Joystick/Gamepad support

This implementation uses the javascript Gamepad API as defined in the specification which is widely supported by most current browsers.


Due to the nature of the Gamepad API, polling is required, so you must ensure to call glfwPollEvents on each loop iteration.

If you want to disable joystick support entirely (and save some resources), you can use the disableJoystick=true option if you use the port (or set the EMSCRIPTEN_GLFW3_DISABLE_JOYSTICK compilation define).

The mapping returned by this API (as defined here), is represented by this image:

Gamepad Mapping

  • If you use the glfwGetJoystickAxes and glfwGetJoystickButtons functions, you get exactly this mapping
  • The function glfwGetJoystickGUID returns Gamepad.mapping and glfwJoystickIsGamepad returns GLFW_TRUE when the mapping is "standard"
  • The function glfwGetJoystickHats maps the standard gamepad mapping to the GLFW_HAT_XXX bitfield


The function glfwGetGamepadState returns the same information that glfwGetJoystickAxes and glfwGetJoystickButtons but with the mapping specified by GLFW. Although very close to the Gamepad mapping, there are differences, so make sure you use the API that suits your needs. For example GLFW_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_GUIDE is 8 but the Gamepad guide is 16! Example:

int count;
auto buttons = glfwGetJoystickButtons(jid, &count);
auto isGuidePressed = count > 16 && buttons[16];
// versus
GLFWgamepadstate state;
auto isGuidePressed = glfwGetGamepadState(jid, &state) == GLFW_TRUE && state.buttons[GLFW_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_GUIDE];


This implementation offers a few extensions to the normal GLFW api necessary for this specific platform.

C extensions

As explained previously, some C functions are defined in <GLFW/emscripten_glfw3.h>:

Function Notes
emscripten_glfw_set_next_window_canvas_selector to specify the association window <-> canvas
emscripten_glfw_make_canvas_resizable to make the canvas resizable
emscripten_glfw_unmake_canvas_resizable to revert emscripten_glfw_make_canvas_resizable
emscripten_glfw_is_window_fullscreen to check if the window is fullscreen
emscripten_glfw_request_fullscreen to request fullscreen

You can either include this file, or use an extern "C" {} section in your own code to define them

Javascript extensions

This implementation adds the following functions to the Module:

Function Notes
requestFullscreen(lockPointer, resizeCanvas) Same function added by the other emscripten implementations (for backward compatibility purposes)
glfwRequestFullscreen(target, lockPointer, resizeCanvas) The version specific to this implementation with the additional target argument (can be a canvas selector, a HTMLCanvasElement or a GLFWwindow)
glfwGetWindow(any) Returns the GLFWwindow pointer associated to the canvas (any can be a canvas selector or a HTMLCanvasElement)
glfwGetCanvas(any) Returns the canvas associated to the window (any can be a canvas selector or a GLFWwindow)
glfwGetCanvasSelector(any) Returns the canvas selector associated to the window (any can be a canvas selector or a GLFWwindow)
glfwMakeCanvasResizable(any, resizableSelector, handleSelector) Same functionality as emscripten_glfw_make_canvas_resizable (any can be a canvas selector or a GLFWwindow or a HTMLCanvasElement
glfwUnmakeCanvasResizable(any) To revert Module.glfwGetCanvasSelector

In addition, this implementation will check if the function Module.glfwOnWindowCreated(glfwWindow, selector) is defined in which case it will be called once the window is created. This allows to write code like this:

Module = {
  // ...
  glfwOnWindowCreated: (glfwWindow, selector) => {
    if(selector === '#canvas2') {
      Module.glfwMakeCanvasResizable(glfwWindow, '#canvas2-container');
  // ...

Implementation size

This implementation being in C++ and implementing far more features than the library_glfw.js emscripten implementation, it has an impact on size. As of this writing, I ran the following experiment on both implementations using example_minimal

Mode library_glfw.js This implementation Delta
Debug js: 170775, wasm: 75789, total: 246564 js: 99559, wasm: 4492007, total: 4591566 18.8x
Release js: 135433, wasm: 8448, total: 143881 js: 81285, wasm: 80506, total: 161791 1.12x
Release (minimal) - js: 79402, wasm: 71195, total: 150197 1.04x
  • From these numbers, and for obvious reasons, there is more wasm code than javascript code in this implementation (which is a good thing).
  • Although the size is pretty terrible in Debug mode (almost a 19x size increase), in Release mode it is actually only a 12% increase which shows that wasm optimizes quite well :)
  • The last entry in the table shows the same results when compiling with all disable options turned on (EMSCRIPTEN_GLFW3_DISABLE_JOYSTICK, EMSCRIPTEN_GLFW3_DISABLE_MULTI_WINDOW_SUPPORT and EMSCRIPTEN_GLFW3_DISABLE_WARNING) for an even smaller footprint
  • Lastly, .wasm files compress extremely well, so it is worth serving them compressed

Supported functions

This table contains the list of all the functions supported by this implementation with a few relevant notes


GLFW 3.4 introduced the concept of platform. This implementation adds the GLFW_PLATFORM_EMSCRIPTEN define in empscriptem-glfw3.h: the value is reserved (in a comment), but it is not defined in glfw3.h.

Function Notes
glfwCreateCursor All GLFW cursors are supported: uses the css style cursor on the canvas
glfwCreateStandardCursor All GLFW cursors are supported
glfwCreateWindow Support as many windows as you want: see section describing the association of a window and a canvas
glfwDestroyWindow Reverts all changes (event listeners, css style, ...) set by this library
glfwExtensionSupported Same implementation as library_glfw.js
glfwFocusWindow Calls javascript HTMLElement.focus() on the canvas
glfwGetClipboardString Due to async nature of the browser API, only returns what was set via glfwSetClipboardString
glfwGetCurrentContext Only available if glfwMakeContextCurrent was called previously
glfwGetCursorPos Hi DPI aware
glfwGetFramebufferSize Hi DPI aware
glfwGetGamepadName If gamepad, corresponds to in javascript
glfwGetGamepadState If gamepad, then Gamepad.axes and Gamepad.buttons (js) remapped for GLFW
glfwGetJoystickAxes Corresponds to Gamepad.axes in javascript
glfwGetJoystickButtons Corresponds to Gamepad.buttons[x].value in javascript
glfwGetJoystickGUID Corresponds to Gamepad.mapping in javascript
glfwGetJoystickHats If gamepad, corresponds to Gamepad.buttons[x].pressed in javascript remapped for GLFW
glfwGetJoystickName Corresponds to in javascript (limited to 64 characters due to emscripten limitation)
glfwGetKey Support GLFW_STICKY_KEYS as well
glfwGetKeyName All names starts with DOM_PK_: example DOM_PK_F1.
glfwGetKeyScancode See KeyboardMapping.h for actual mapping
glfwGetMonitorContentScale Corresponds to window.devicePixelRatio in javascript
glfwGetMonitorName The constant "Browser"
glfwGetMonitorPos Always 0/0
glfwGetMonitors Due to javascript restrictions, always only 1 monitor
glfwGetMonitorWorkarea 0x0 for position, screen.widthxscreen.height for size
glfwGetMouseButton Support GLFW_STICKY_MOUSE_BUTTONS as well
glfwGetPlatform GLFW_PLATFORM_EMSCRIPTEN (see note above)
glfwGetPrimaryMonitor The single monitor returned in glfwGetMonitors
glfwGetTimerFrequency Always 1000
glfwGetTimerValue Corresponds to in javascript
glfwGetVersionString "Emscripten/WebAssembly GLFW " + GLFW version
glfwGetWindowContentScale If HiDPI aware (GLFW_SCALE_FRAMEBUFFER is GLFW_TRUE), then current monitor scale, otherwise 1.0
glfwGetWindowFrameSize Because a window is a canvas in this implementation, there is no edge => all 0
glfwGetWindowMonitor The single monitor returned in glfwGetMonitors
glfwGetWindowPos The position of the canvas in the page getBoundingClientRect(canvas).x&y
glfwGetWindowSize The size of the window/canvas
glfwGetWindowTitle The title of the window/canvas
glfwHideWindow Set css property to display: none for the canvas
glfwInit Set a listener to monitor content scale change (ex: moving browser to different resolution screen)
glfwJoystickIsGamepad Returns GLFW_TRUE when the joystick mapping (Gamepad.mapping) is "standard"
glfwJoystickPresent Listens to gamepadconnected and gamepaddisconnected events to determine the presence.
glfwMakeContextCurrent Since this implementation supports multiple windows, it is important to call this if using OpenGL
glfwPlatformSupported GLFW_TRUE for GLFW_PLATFORM_EMSCRIPTEN only (see note above)
glfwPollEvents Polls for joysticks only (can be disabled with EMSCRIPTEN_GLFW3_DISABLE_JOYSTICK define)
glfwRawMouseMotionSupported Always GLFW_FALSE (not supported)
glfwSetCharCallback Uses KeyboardEvent.key to compute the proper codepoint
glfwSetClipboardString Uses navigator.clipboard.writeText
glfwSetCursor Uses css style cursor: xxx for the canvas
glfwSetCursorEnterCallback Listeners to mouseenter and mouseleave events
glfwSetCursorPosCallback Hi DPI aware
glfwSetFramebufferSizeCallback Hi DPI aware
glfwSetMonitorCallback Callback is never called
glfwSetScrollCallback Listens to mousewheel events
glfwSetWindowAspectRatio Only works if the user is controlling the canvas size (spec does not define one way or another)
glfwSetWindowContentScaleCallback Callback only called if Hi DPI aware (GLFW_SCALE_FRAMEBUFFER is GLFW_TRUE)
glfwSetWindowOpacity Uses css style opacity: xxx for the canvas
glfwSetWindowPosCallback Returns callback provided: callback is never called
glfwSetWindowRefreshCallback Returns callback provided: callback is never called
glfwSetWindowSize Hi DPI Aware: set the size of the canvas (canvas.width = size * scale) + css style (style.width = size)
glfwSetWindowSizeLimits Only works if the user is controlling the canvas size (spec does not define one way or another)
glfwSetWindowTitle Corresponds to document.title in javascript
glfwShowWindow Removes css style display: none for the canvas
glfwSwapInterval Uses emscripten_set_main_loop_timing
glfwTerminate Tries to properly cleanup everything that was set during the course of the app (listeners, css styles, ...)
glfwVulkanSupported Always return GLFW_FALSE
glfwWindowHintString None

Non Supported functions

Note that these functions log a warning the first time they are called (which can be disabled via EMSCRIPTEN_GLFW3_DISABLE_WARNING define) and are doing nothing, returning the most "sensible" value (like nullptr) if there is an expected return value. Calling any of these will not break the library.

Function Notes
glfwGetGammaRamp No access from javascript
glfwGetMonitorPhysicalSize No access from javascript
glfwGetProcAddress Implemented by emscripten
glfwInitAllocator Due to javascript, memory cannot be managed
glfwSetCharModsCallback It is deprecated in GLFW
glfwSetCursorPos Javascript does not allow the cursor to be positioned
glfwSetDropCallback Javascript only gives access to filename, so it is pointless
glfwSetWindowCloseCallback There is no concept of "closing" a canvas
glfwSetWindowIcon Icon could be mapped to favicon, but beyond 1.0 scope
glfwSetWindowPos There is no generic way to set a canvas position