This resource is a simple MongoDB wrapper for FiveM. It's running on top of MongoDB Node Driver.
- Clone this repository to
folder. - Copy
to your server root directory. - Add the following lines to your server config:
exec "database.cfg"
start mongodb
- Change
. - Run
npm install
Every callback accepts success<boolean>
as its first argument. If success
is false
, second argument contains error message.
returns status<boolean>
Returns true if database connection is established.
- params objectparams.collection<string>
- collection nameparams.documents<Object>
- an array of documents to insertparams.options<Object>
- optional settings object. See collection.insertMany in docscallback(success<boolean>, insertedCount<number>, insertedIds<Array>)
- callback (optional)
Inserts an array of documents into MongoDB.
Example (Lua):
exports.mongodb:insert({collection = "users", documents = {
{ name = "plesalex100", adminLevel = 5, userMoney = {wallet = 100, bank = 5000} },
{ name = "alexples99", adminLevel = 0, userMoney = {wallet = 0, bank = 1000} },
{ name = "ples100alex", adminLevel = 3, userMoney = {wallet = 2000, bank = 50} }
}}, function(success, insertedIds)
for i in pairs(insertedIds) do
print("Inserted document with _id = "..insetredIds[i])
- params objectparams.collection<string>
- collection nameparams.document<Object>
- document objectparams.options<Object>
- optional settings object. See collection.insertMany in docscallback(success<boolean>, insertedCount<number>, insertedIds<Array>)
- callback (optional)
Inserts a single document into MongoDB.
Example (Lua):
local insertedId = exports.mongodb:insertOne({collection = "users", document = {
name = "100alexples", adminLevel = 0, userMoney = {wallet = 500, bank = 1000}
print("Inserted document with _id = "..insertedId)
- params objectparams.collection<string>
- collection nameparams.query<Object>
- filter query objectparams.options<Object>
- optional settings object. See collection.find in docsparams.limit<number>
- limit documents countcallback(success<boolean>, documents<Array>)
- callback (optional)returns results<Array>
Performs a find query.
Example (Lua):
exports.mongodb:find({ collection = "users", query = { adminLevel = { ['$gte'] = 1 } }, options = {
projection = {
_id = 0,
name = 1,
adminLevel = 1
}}, function (success, result)
if not success then return end
for i in pairs(result) do
print("Name: "..result[i].name..", Admin Level: "..result[i].adminLevel)
-- async method
local admins = exports.mognodb:find({collection = "users", query = { adminLevel = { ['$gte'] = 1 } }, options = {
projection = {
_id = 0,
name = 1,
adminLevel = 1
if admins then
for i in pairs(admins) do
print("Name: "..admins[i].name..", Admin Level: "..admins[i].adminLevel)
- params objectparams.collection<string>
- collection nameparams.query<Object>
- filter query objectparams.options<Object>
- optional settings object. See collection.find in docscallback(success<boolean>, documents<Array>)
- callback (optional)returns result<Object>
Example (Lua):
exports.mongodb:findOne({ collection = "users", query = { id = id }, options = {
projection = {
_id = 0,
name = 1
}}, function (success, result)
if not success then
print("Error message: "..tostring(result))
print("User name is "..result[1].name)
-- async method
local user = exports.mognodb:findOne({collection = "users", query = { id = id }, options = {
projection = {
_id = 0,
name = 1
if user then
print("User name is "
- params objectparams.collection<string>
- collection nameparams.query<Object>
- filter query objectparams.update<Object>
- update query objectparams.pipeline<Array>
- pipeline query array | if pipeline exists, update parametere becomes unusedparams.options<Object>
- optional settings object. See collection.updateMany in docscallback(success<boolean>, updatedCount<number>)
- callback (optional)
Update multiple documents on MongoDB.
Example (Lua):
-- without pipeline
exports.mongodb:update({ collection = "users", query = { eligibile = { ['$exists'] = true }, update = {
['$unset'] = {
eligible = 1
exports.mongodb:update({ collection = "users", query = { hoursPlayed = { ['$gte'] = 10, ['$lte'] = 100 } }, update = {
['$set'] = {
eligible = true
}}, function (success, nModified)
if not success then return end
print(nModified.." users are now eligible (have between 10 and 100 hours played)")
-- using pipeline
exports.mongodb:update({ collection = "users", query = {}, pipeline = {
['$unset'] = "eligible"
['$match'] = { hoursPlayed = { ['$gte'] = 10, ['$lte'] = 100 } }
['$set'] = { eligible = true }
- params objectparams.collection<string>
- collection nameparams.query<Object>
- filter query objectparams.update<Object>
- update query objectparams.pipeline<Array>
- pipeline query array | if pipeline exists, update parametere becomes unusedparams.options<Object>
- optional settings object. See collection.updateMany in docscallback(success<boolean>, updatedCount<number>)
- callback (optional)
Update a single document on MongoDB.
- params objectparams.collection<string>
- collection nameparams.query<Object>
- filter query objectparams.options<Object>
- optional settings object. See collection.countDocuments in docscallback(success<boolean>, count<number>)
- callback (optional)returns result<Int>
Gets the number of documents matching the filter.
Example (Lua)
-- async method
local adminsCount = exports.mognodb:count({collection = "users", query = { adminLevel = { ['$gte'] = 1 } })
print("There are in total "..adminsCount.." admins")
- params objectparams.collection<string>
- collection nameparams.query<Object>
- filter query objectparams.options<Object>
- optional settings object. See collection.deleteMany in docscallback(success<boolean>, deletedCount<number>)
- callback (optional)
Delete multiple documents on MongoDB.
Example (Lua):
exports.mongodb:delete({collection = "userPunish", query = { expireDate = { ['$lte'] = os.time() } } }, function(success, deleteCount)
print("Deleted "..deleteCount.." documents")
- params objectparams.collection<string>
- collection nameparams.query<Object>
- filter query objectparams.options<Object>
- optional settings object. See collection.deleteMany in docscallback(success<boolean>, deletedCount<number>)
- callback (optional)
Delete a document on MongoDB.
- params objectparams.collection<string>
- collection nameparams.pipeline<Array>
- pipeline query arrayreturns results<Array>
Perform an aggregation on MongoDB
Example (Lua):
local results = exports.mongodb:aggregate({collection = "users", pipeline = {
-- project only the name, wallet and bank
['$project'] = {
name = 1,
wallet = "$userMoney.wallet",
bank = "$"
-- add total field that is equal to wallet field + bank field
['$addFields'] = {
total = {['$add'] = {"$wallet", "$bank"}}
-- sort documents by total, in descending order
['$sort'] = {
total = -1
-- limit documents to 10
['$limit'] = 10
-- print top 10 richest players on the server.
for i in pairs(results) do
print("#"..i.." User "..results[i].name.." Total: $"..results[i].total)