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File metadata and controls

258 lines (238 loc) · 10.4 KB


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  • RoboCorp is a Python or YAML based programming platform using which we can automate many things like Web Automation and Desktop Automation
  • Unlike other platforms like UiPath and Automation Anywhere, it is coding based but do provides an feature to select and locate the element attributes from application
  • The RoboCorp follows a certain structure:
    1. Every Robot is created inside an virtual environment
    2. It consists of 3 files by default robot.yaml, tasks.robot, conda.yaml
  • robot.yaml -> This file defines the settings of the bot like python-path or basic python command to run the files
  • conda.yaml -> It is used to define the dependencies need to be present while running the program
  • tasks.robot -> This is the main file in which we write the code to execute bot
  • To Download files from web we can use RPA.HTTP
  • To Use Excel without installing excel in system we can use RPA.Excel.Files
  • To Automate on web we use RPA.Browser.Selenium
  • To print anything for testing purpose we can use Log keyword as Log ${variable_name}
  • In keywords if we have multiple arguments then we can pass them on multiple lines by using ... in beginning of each line
Keyword     Argument1="Some Value"
...     Argument2="Some Value 2"
...     Argument3="Some Value 3"
  • To use space in paths use \ , like /Users/piyus/Desktop/JOB/Piyush\ Agarwal\ _10.jpg


  • The Tasks file structure consists of 3 major parts
    1. Settings -> define the Documentation and Library required for the bot
    2. Keywords -> One can understand keywords as a block of code resembling an function definition
    3. Tasks -> This is the section which runs the bot and we call the keywords inside it
  • The idea of tasks.robot is to separate all the functions of bot into multiple keywords and call each keyword based on required sequence in the Tasks context


  • keywords are to be understand as functions
  • They can be with or without arguments
  • An Keyword Example without argument is
*** Keywords ***
Open The Website For Me
    Open Avaialble Browser
  • An Keyword Example with argument is
*** Keywords ***
Iterate Using Arguments
    [Arguments]     ${variable_name}
    ...more keywords


  • It is an argument for web keywords which are used to detect the element on which some action is to be performed over browser
  • There can be multiple ways to detect elements such as using name, id, css, XPath, FullXPath


  • This is a library used for web automation and includes various keywords that can be used for the same
  • Example is Open Available Browser
  • Keywords used are:
    1. Open Available Browser : Keyword url
    2. Input Text : Keyword locator text-to-be-entered
    3. Input Password : Keyword locator text-for-password-field
    4. Submit Form : Keyword (used to enter the form)
    5. Wait Until Page Contains Element : Keyword locator
    6. Click Button: Keyword button_name
    7. Select From List By Value: Keyword locator text_input
    8. Get Element Attribute : keyword locator outerHTML


  • This is a library used for downloading files from web browser using urls something like curl
  • keywords used are:
    1. Download : Keyword url


  • This is a library used for automating tasks with excel without having excel installed in the system
  • Keywords Used are:
    1. Open Workbook : Keyword FilePath
    2. Read Worksheet As Table : ${variable_name}= Keyword
    3. Close Workbook : Keyword


  • This library is used to do operations related to PDF
  • Keywords Used are:
    1. HTML To PDF : Keyword variable_with_html_attribute Output_File_Path_For_PDF


  • Syntax for loop is as
FOR     ${variable}      IN      @{collection_variable}
    Keyword To Call     ${variable}

Built In Variable

  • There are various built-in variables that can be used
  • Few Useful variables are:
    1. ${CURDIR} -> represents the current directory where our task file resides
    2. ${/} -> represents the path separator for the current operating system
    3. [Teardown] -> ensures that the keyword is executed for sure even if other keyword faces some error. It can be understood as the finally block of try-catch
    4. [Return] -> To Return any value from a Keyword which is basically a function we use this in-built variable
    5. [Arguments] -> To send arguments to the keyword while calling we use this in-built variable


  • Credentials in RoboCorp are stored in vault
  • Locally we can access credentials through Json file and over cloud we use Vault of RoboCorp
  • To Access Credentials, we need to configure few things:
    1. Create a directory named devdata in main folder
    2. Create a devdata/env.json file in devdata
    3. Add the following content inside the env.json file
        "RPA_SECRET_MANAGER": "RPA.Robocloud.Secrets.FileSecrets",
        "RPA_SECRET_FILE": "/Users/<your-username-here>/vault.json"
  • The content of vault.json is like
  "credentials": {
    "username": "some-username",
    "password": "some-password"
  "maria": {
    "user": "maria",
    "pass": "thoushallnotpass"
  • To Access Credentials we use the RPA.Robocloud.Secrets library
  • Which contains the Get Secret keyword
${secret}=      Get Secret      Credential_Name
  • To access any key from a dictionary, ${secret}[key-name-without-quotes]

Send Mail

  • To Send mails, we use RPA.Email.ImapSmtp library
  • It takes two arguments that are server name and port
Library     RPA.Email.ImapSmtp      smtp_port=587
  • To Authorize your mailing credentials, we use Authorize keyword as
Authorize       account="username"      password="pass"
  • To Send Message
Send Message        sender="sender-email"
...     recipients="reciever-email"
...     subject="subject line"
...     body="mailing body"
  • Attachments can be send using the attachments parameter
  • we can either send individual attachments or a list of attachments
Send Message        sender="sender-email"
...     recipients="reciever-email"
...     subject="subject line"
...     body="mailing body"
...     attachments=    file.txt
Send Message        sender="sender-email"
...     recipients="reciever-email"
...     subject="subject line"
...     body="mailing body"
...     attachments=@{Attachments}
  • Emails retrieved from Imap contains following keys which can be used
'Mail-Id', 'Message','Return-Path','Received','Message-ID','From','To','Subject','Date','MIME-Version','Content-Type','Body','Delivered-To','Has-Attachments'
  • Example to retrieve mails from server is
Get Messages Where Subject Contains
    [Arguments]     ${subject}
    @{emails}    List Messages       SUBJECT "${subject}"
    FOR     ${email}    IN      @{emails}
        Log     ${email}
        Log     ${email}[Subject]
        Log     ${email}[From]
        Log     ${email}[Date]
        Log     ${email}[Received]
        Log     ${email}[Has-Attachments]
    [Return]    @{emails}
  • Example to download the attachments
Download Attachments
    [Arguments]    @{emails}
    FOR    ${email}    IN    @{emails}
        Run Keyword If    ${email}[Has-Attachments] == True
        ...    Save Attachment    ${email}    target_folder=${CURDIR}${/}output    overwrite=True

File System

  • For file system operations we use RPA.FileSystem
  • Keywords for Directories are:
    ${dir_exists}=    Does Directory Exist    ${CURDIR}
    ${dir_does_not_exist}=    Does Directory Not Exist    ${CURDIR}
    ${dir_tree}=    Log Directory Tree    ${CURDIR}
    ${dir_is_empty}=    Is Directory Empty    ${CURDIR}
    ${dir_is_not_empty}=    Is Directory Not Empty    ${CURDIR}
    Create File    ${TEXT_FILE}    Hello    overwrite=True
    Wait Until Created    ${TEXT_FILE}
    Touch File    ${TEXT_FILE}
    ${file_exists}=    Does File Exist    ${TEXT_FILE}
    ${file_does_not_exist}=    Does File Not Exist    ${TEXT_FILE}
    ${file_is_empty}=    Is File Empty    ${TEXT_FILE}
    ${file_is_not_empty}=    Is File Not Empty    ${TEXT_FILE}
    ${found_files}=    Find Files    \*.txt
    Append To File    ${TEXT_FILE}    World!
    ${text_content}=    Read File    ${TEXT_FILE}
    ${absolute_path}=    Absolute Path    ${TEXT_FILE}
    ${created}=    Get File Creation Date    ${TEXT_FILE}
    ${extension}=    Get File Extension    ${TEXT_FILE}
    ${modified}=    Get File Modified Date    ${TEXT_FILE}
    ${name}=    Get File Name    ${TEXT_FILE}
    ${size}=    Get File Size    ${TEXT_FILE}
    Copy File    ${TEXT_FILE}    ${TEXT_FILE_COPY}
    ${files}=    List Files In Directory    ${CURDIR}
    ${directories}=    List Directories In Directory    ${CURDIR}
    Create Directory    ${NEW_DIR_1}
    ${files_to_move}=    Create List    ${TEXT_FILE}    ${TEXT_FILE_COPY}
    Move Files    ${files_to_move}    ${NEW_DIR_1}    overwrite=True
    Run Keyword If File Exists
    ...    ${NEW_DIR_2}/${TEXT_FILE}
    ...    Remove Directory    ${NEW_DIR_2}    recursive=True
    Move Directory    ${NEW_DIR_1}    ${NEW_DIR_2}    overwrite=True
    Run Keyword And Ignore Error
    ...    Copy Directory    ${NEW_DIR_2}    ${NEW_DIR_2_COPY}
    Run Keyword And Ignore Error
    ...    Change File Extension
    ...    ${NEW_DIR_2}/${TEXT_FILE_COPY}
    ...    .md
    Empty Directory    ${NEW_DIR_2_COPY}

Access Windows Credential Manager

  • By Default RoboCorp does not provide this feature
  • We can use keyring module for the same using its function get_credential(Address_Name,None)
import keyring

def Credentials(Address_Name):
    secret = dict()
    c = keyring.get_credential("Address_Name")
    secret["Username"] = c.username
    secret["Password"] = c.password
    return secret