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PINE64 Collaborative Community Updates

This repository contains the drafts and finished posts for PINE64 community updates, as authored by the community in a collaborative manner. Anyone is able to contribute.


Contributing is done by submitting either short sentences, whole paragraphs or even just a single link into ingress/<date>/ Accompanying images may also be submitted to the ingress/<date>/ directory.

Either dump your contributions at the top of the file in a new paragraph or add a new section with a ## Heading at the bottom of the file, don't worry about formatting but try to use markdown where sensible.

When contributing images, try to contribute them in the best available quality, but strip them of any EXIF data you don't want to be public (e.g. with exiftool) as the repository itself is public. Processing the images into a form appropriate for the blog and/or update videos is done by the maintainers and video editors.

If you'd like to submit an entire section attributed to you specifically, please create a new section with a ## Heading at the bottom of the file and follow it with (By <your preferred name here>), for example ## PineCar's Tire Pressure Conundrum (By CounterPillow). In such a section, you may use first person pronouns (e.g. "I bought the Pinecorn"). Editing of such sections by the maintainers will respect your author voice, but may include editorial decisions such as shortening of sections, rewording for flow or clarification of certain terms.

The Process

The maintainers/editors of this repository will periodically take items from and write them as well formatted prose into the final/<date>/ file. This file is as closely representative to the final post to be published as is possible.

Items processed from ingress/<date>/ will be moved to ingress/<date>/

Dates are given in YYYY-MM format.

Contributors will be credited in each update post by their account name, if you'd like to be credited under a different handle please indicate this in your merge request.

For Editors

Please use American English spelling in the final written article (e.g. "color" instead of "colour".)

Begin with a TL;DR of all the sections, then a Housekeeping section for anything meta including FOSDEM, and then a Newsflash section for any small news items worth only about a paragraph or two. Then follow this with sections either dedicated to specific devices or to major topics.

Avoid needless editorialising, as the community update should be a product of the community's voice, not the editor's. Named community members may express their opinions in sections specifically attributed to them in the title, where they may also use first person pronouns. Otherwise, always write in third person, even when covering yourself.

Create a lead image that is relevant to at least one of the covered major topics. The lead image should be 1920 by 1080 pixels in resolution or a multiple thereof. Its filename should be "lead", to avoid any confusion.

Include the following text at the end of the opening section:

N.B. Comments on the blog post need to be in English and follow our Community Rules and Code of Conduct.

When finalising and publishing a community update, maintainers will add any "embargoed" product news from Pine Store to the post, publish the post on the PINE64 blog and create a new annotated git tag of the form vYYYY-MM reflecting the year and month of the update. A new directory for next month's community update is then created.


We aim to have posts out by the 15th of every month. Please submit any material you'd like to have included 2 days before this deadline. Late submissions may be included in the next month's community update instead.


By submitting to this repository, you agree that you have the necessary rights to submit your contributions and grant us a perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free license to adapt, feature and distribute your submission on or through the website as part of a community update, as well as produce and distribute video and audio adaptations of your contributions for the purpose of creating PINE64 community update videos and PINE64 podcasts.

You also grant a perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free license to have your contribution be distributed as part of this repository, and have it be modified or adapted into different forms for the purposes of creating PINE64 community updates.

Contributors retain the copyrights to their own contributions.