This is the Text Scanner paper implementation code.
About the paper unstanding, please read about it at my blog : TextScanner的一些研究
- implement the network
- implement the mutual-supervision mechanism
- implement loss function
- create the character annotation GT, and prepare none character level GT
- implement train code
- implement evaluation code
- train the model
- 2020.4.24 create the project and implement the skeleton of the project
- 2020.4.30 implement the network code, and finish the GT generator and loss function
- 2020.5.12 the network works now after hundreds of trouble-shootings,TF2.0/tk.keras is full of pit
- 2020.6.03 make a new branch to solave the OOM issue
- b_troubleshooting_OOM: This try to fix the GPU OOM issue, Currently I work on this branch mainly.<------
- b_wordform_in_model: Implement word formulation as internal layer of model, this branch did not consider the OOM issue(reduce the charsets size), focus on the elegance of code implementation.
- b_multiple_gpus_train: implements the multiple gpus training
Developing detail can be tracked by my textscanner implementation issues.