Start with our actual observables.
For a given muon flux, how many neutrons? (when you have a neutron in the NMM, how many of them have an observable muon in the shield? What's their average rate?) Data: clean NMM neutron events.
Harder: how far away are the neutrons from the muons?
Question: estimates of the position sensitivity in the NMM? Yu may have worked on this.
Understand how multiplicity correlates with energy.
Simulations to understand what our measurements constrain, and what they don't. What can we do to increase constraints?
FLUKA: agreement on the number of produced high-energy (10 - 100 MeV) neutrons due to muons going through water? muon going through one tank (FLUKA tells us how many neutrons are made + they're fairly forward focused) + look at multiplicity in other tank how many muons pass through only one of the tanks?
Understanding muon efficiencies - for all the data-taking times, for stretchers with dead detectors, is there data we should not use
accurate gamma/neutron identification. Even in an event with neutron pulses, there might be gammas. How many neutrons are we missing?
Simulate the whole experiment - with the right materials for the cavern, maybe with gamma backgrounds, ...
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