SQLite FDW for PostgreSQL can connect PostgreSQL with or without PostGIS to SpatiaLite SQLite database file. This description contains only information about GIS support without common SQL and system descriptions from common FDW description.
Both SpatiaLite and PostGIS uses PROJ C++ library from
Open Source Geospatial Foundation for reprojecting and some calculations.
Recommended configuration of SQLite FDW with GIS support contains both SpatiaLite and PostGIS.
It is recommended to install only 1 version of PROJ in a system to avoid integration issue.
Before compilation you should ensure equal versions of PROJ library required by SpatiaLite and PostGIS on
your system. Otherwise some encapsualted and unwanted memory freeing errors can occur.
If you need different PROJ library versions, you can reference this PROJ issue
and try to use something like CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -DPROJ_RENAME_SYMBOLS -O2"
during compilation of
SpatiaLite or PostGIS to link one of this extensions with other PROJ version.
SQLite FDW should be compiled with
environment variable value. -
You must install SpatiaLite header files before compilation. Linux packages like
can contain this files. -
A column should have data type (domain) name from following list:
- addbandarg
- box2d
- box3d
- geography
- geometry
- geometry_dump
- geomval
- getfaceedges_returntype
- rastbandarg
- raster
- reclassarg
- summarystats
- topoelement
- topoelementarray
- topogeometry
- unionarg
- validatetopology_returntype
Only listed data types have full data transformation support:
- geography
- geometry
All other data types (domains) are treated as PostGIS specific, but unsupported.
You can use SpatiaLite GIS data support without PostGIS installation after such
SQL commands as CREATE DOMAIN geometry AS bytea;
and CREATE DOMAIN geography AS bytea;
This allows to have in PostgreSQL PostGIS compatible bytea
data easy
convertable to PostGIS storage format.
Vector GIS data in PostGIS can be stored in a columns with geography
or geometry
data type. This columns contains a binary data.
Well-known binary (WKB)
data storage format is a standard of Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)
and supported by GEOS library. PostGIS internal GIS data
storage format based on WKB with SRID
additions. This format is known as EWKB and supported by
GEOS library and SpatiaLite input/output functions.
Hexadecimal text representation of EWKB data is a transport form for geography
and geometry
GIS data between PostgreSQL and SpatiLite input/output functions.
Hence no PostGIS input/output functions are necessary, but all of this functions
are supported.
EWKB hexadecimal text data transport is faster than EWKT but slower than EWKB blob data transport.
SpatiaLite internal storage based on blob
data affinity
and is not a standard of OGC.
Also this format doesn't supported by GEOS library.
In opposition to PostGIS, SpatiaLite doesn't allow to store any GIS vector data without SRID. Hence any well-formed SpatiaLite data can be converted for PostGIS, but well-formed PostGIS data without SRID cannot be converted for SpatiaLite. All of SpatiaLite input functions will return
in this case. Please use ST_SetSRID PostGIS function in case of incomplete SRID data to prepare PostGIS data for importing to SpatiaLite or comparing with SpatiaLite data. -
PostgreSQL operator is pushed down to SQLite (SpatiaLite) for vector GIS data such asgeography
PostgreSQL operator is NOT pushed down.
End of description.