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File metadata and controls

421 lines (346 loc) · 14.6 KB

How to develop an Extension

In this section, we will use a demo webinizer-extension-demo to demonstrate how to develop a Webinizer extension. The source code of this demo is placed in ${webinizer_root}/extensions/webinizer-extension-demo.

Webinizer Extension Package directory

Below is the package directory of the webinizer-extension-demo.

          test    (test file for DemoAction)
          /.webinizer  (project config for DemoAdvisor)
        /DemoBuilder   (project config for DemoBuilder)

The extension directory has the following properties;

  • package.json & tsconfig.ts are required to all extension packages.
  • package.json contains the npm package config data and the metadata of the extension.
  • tsconfig.json contains the typescript project config data of the extension.
  • src folder contains the source code of extension, while tests folder contains the test code of the extension.
  • index.ts under src folder contains code that loads all the components of the extension, and this file is required to all extensions.
  • The folder structure under tests can be decided by the extension developer to make it convenient for testing.
  • An extension can contain one or more actions, advisors and builders. They are placed in the corresponding folders, and they are optional.
  • webinizer-extension-demo will extend Webinizer with a DemoAction, a DemoAdvisor and a DemoBuilder.

Webinizer Extension Metadata

A Webinizer extension must contain a package.json which contains the package config data and the extension metadata. Below is an example of the metadata for webinizer-extension-demo.

  "name": "webinizer-extension-demo",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "description": "This is a demo extension for webinizer.",
  "main": "dist/index.js",
  "scripts": {
    "build": "rimraf dist && tsc -p .",
    "pretest": "npm run build",
    "test": "cross-env TS_NODE_PROJECT='./tsconfig.json' mocha -r ts-node/register tests/index.ts"
  "author": "",
  "license": "ISC",
  "webinizerExtMeta": {
    "status": "enable",
    "actions": [
        "__type__": "DemoAction",
        "desc": "this is demo action"
    "advisors": [
        "__type__": "DemoAdvisor",
        "desc": "this is demo advisor",
        "tags": [
    "builders": [
        "__type__": "DemoBuilder",
        "desc": "this is demo builder"

Besides name & description, other metadata of extension is in the property webinizerExtMeta.

The details of each field of the metadata are as below:

Extension Metadata fields
Element name Description Required or optional
name The name of the extension required
description The description of the extension required
webinizerExtMeta.status The status of the extension. Only when it is "enabled", the extension will be load by Webinizer. required
webinizerExtMeta.actions Array of action items. It can be absence or empty. optional
[action].__type__ The type of an action. [action] means an action in the action arrary. If there is an action item in action array, the "__type__" element is required for this action item. required
[action].desc The description of an action. If there is an action item in action array, the "description" element is required for this action item. required
webinizerExtMeta.advisors Array of advisor items. It can be absence or empty. optional
[advisor].__type__ The type of an advisor. [advisor] means an advisor in advisor array. If there is an advisor item in advisor array, the "__type__" element is required for this advisor item. required
[advisor].desc The description of an advisor. If there is an advisor item in advisor array, the "description" element is required for this advisor item. required
[advisor].tags The tags of the advisor pipelines that the advisor item belongs to. Each advisor pipeline has a tag to represent this pipeline. An advisor should be added to advisor pipelines, otherwise it will be never used by Webinizer. An advisor can be added to multiple advisor pipelines, thus can have multiple tags. required Array of builder items. It can be absence or empty. optional
[builder].__type__ The type of a builder. [builder] means a builder in builder array. If there is a builder item in builder array, the "__type__" element is required for this builder item. required
[builder].desc The description of a builder. If there is a builder item in builder array, the "description" element is required for this builder item. required


A Webinizer extension must have a tsconfig.json which is the typescript project config file. Below is an example of the tsconfig.json for webinizer-extension-demo.

  "extends": "../../tsconfig.base.json",
  "include": ["src/**/*", "../../typings/webinizer.d.ts"],
  "compilerOptions": {
    "outDir": "./dist"

Things to note;

  • It should be extended from the ${webinizer_root}/tsconfig.base.json file.
  • It must include file ${webinizer_root}/typings/webinizer.d.ts in include field, which is the declaration file for :ref:`extension-api`.
  • It should specify the tsc outDir as ./dist.


A Webinizer extension must have an index.ts in src folder which will help to load the actions, advisors, and builders of the extension. Below is the example code of index.ts of webinizer-extension-demo.

import * as webinizer from "webinizer";
import path from "path";

const builderPath = path.join(__dirname, "builders");
const advisorPath = path.join(__dirname, "advisors");
const actionPath = path.join(__dirname, "actions");
const moduleDirectories = [builderPath, advisorPath, actionPath];

export default async function load() {
  for (const md of moduleDirectories) {
    await webinizer.loadAllModulesInDirctory(md);

Things to note;

  • Use import * as webinizer from "webinizer" to import the :ref:`extension-api`.
  • index.ts must have an export default function load() to walk through all the module directories (builder, action, advisor and so on) and load all the modules under the directories.
  • Section :ref:`extension-api` explains details on available API.

Extend Webinizer with a new builder

Below is the example code of a new builder DemoBuilder of webinizer-extension-demo.

import shlex from "shlex";
import * as webinizer from "webinizer";

const log = webinizer.getLogger("DemoBuilderStep");

class DemoBuilderFactory implements webinizer.IBuilderFactory {
  name = "demo_builder";
  desc = "Demo builder for webinizer extension demo";
  /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */
  detect(proj: webinizer.Project): DemoBuilder | null {
    // TODO. implement detect here
    return null;

  createDefault(proj: webinizer.Project, args?: string): DemoBuilder {
    // use project root as default rootBuildFilePath
    return new DemoBuilder(proj, 0, "${projectRoot}", args || "");

  fromJson(proj: webinizer.Project, o: webinizer.IJsonObject, index: number): webinizer.IBuilder {
    webinizer.checkJsonType(DemoBuilder.__type__, o);
    return new DemoBuilder(
      o.rootBuildFilePath as string,
      o.args ? (o.args as string) : ""

class DemoBuilder implements webinizer.IBuilder {
  static __type__ = "DemoBuilder";
  type = DemoBuilder.__type__;
  desc = "demo builder";
  args: string[];
  id: number;
  private _proj: webinizer.Project;
  private _rootBuildFilePath: string;

  constructor(proj: webinizer.Project, id: number, rootBuildFilePath: string, args: string) {
    this._proj = proj; = id;
    this.args = shlex.split(args);
    this._rootBuildFilePath = rootBuildFilePath;
  toJson(): webinizer.IBuilderJson {
    return {
      __type__: this.type,
      desc: this.desc,
      args: shlex.join(this.args),
      rootBuildFilePath: this._rootBuildFilePath,

  private async _analyzeErrors(adviseManager: webinizer.AdviseManager, errors: string) {
    adviseManager.queueRequest(new webinizer.ErrorAdviseRequest(["demo"], errors, null,;

  async build(adviseManager: webinizer.AdviseManager): Promise<boolean> {"Start the build of demo builder...");
    const error = "demo builder error";
    await this._analyzeErrors(adviseManager, error);
    return false;

// loading
export default function onload() {
  webinizer.ALL_BUILDER_FACTORIES.register(DemoBuilder.__type__, new DemoBuilderFactory());

Things to note;

  • DemoBuilder must implement interface IBuilder, implement the functions build() and toJson().
  • DemoBuilder must have a factory class DemoBuilderFactory which implements interface IBuilderFactory and implements the functions detect() and createDefault().
  • It should have an export default function onload() which will register the DemoBuilderFactory with DemoBuilder's type at loading time.
  • Section :ref:`extension-api` explains details on available API.

Extending Webinizer with a new advisor

Below is the example code of a new advisor DemoAdvisor of webinizer-extension-demo.

import * as webinizer from "webinizer";

class DemoAdvisorFactory implements webinizer.IAdvisorFactory {
  name = "DemoAdvisorFactory";
  desc = "Use this factory class to create DemoAdvisor instance";

  createAdvisor(): webinizer.IAdvisor {
    return new DemoAdvisor();

class DemoAdvisor implements webinizer.IAdvisor {
  static __type__ = "DemoAdvisor";
  type = DemoAdvisor.__type__;
  desc = "Demo advisor for Webinizer extension demo";

  private _getSuggestionExample(): webinizer.SuggestionExample {
    const before = `This is demo advisor for Webinizer Extension Demo`;
    const after = `This is demo advisor for Webinizer Extension Demo!!!!!!`;
    return new webinizer.SuggestionExample(before, after);

  private async _generateTestAdvise(
    proj: webinizer.Project,
    req: webinizer.ErrorAdviseRequest
  ): Promise<webinizer.IAdviseResult> {
    const action = new webinizer.ShowSuggestionAction(
      `Demo Advisor for Webinizer Extension Demo.`,

    return {
      handled: true,
      recipe: new webinizer.Recipe(
        "Recipe for demo advisor of Webinizer extension demo",

  /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */
  async advise(
    proj: webinizer.Project,
    req: webinizer.IAdviseRequest,
    requestList: ReadonlyArray<webinizer.IAdviseRequest> // one can only return newRequestQueue to change it
  ): Promise<webinizer.IAdviseResult> {
    if (req instanceof webinizer.ErrorAdviseRequest) {
      const errorReq = req as webinizer.ErrorAdviseRequest;
      if (errorReq.error.includes("demo builder error")) {
        return this._generateTestAdvise(proj, errorReq);
    return {
      handled: false,

// loading
export default function onload() {
  webinizer.registerAdvisorFactory(DemoAdvisor.__type__, new DemoAdvisorFactory());

Things to note;

  • DemoAdvisor must implement interface IAdvisor, and implement the function advise().
  • DemoAdvisor must have a factory class DemoAdvisorFactory which implements interface IAdvisorFactory and implements the function createAdvisor().
  • It should have an export default function onload() which will register the DemoAdvisorFactory with DemoAdvisor's type at loading time.
  • Section :ref:`extension-api` explains details on available API.

Extending Webinizer with a new action

Below is the example code of a new action DemoAction of webinizer-extension-demo

import * as webinizer from "webinizer";

export class DemoAction implements webinizer.IAction {
  static __type__ = "DemoAction";
  type: string = DemoAction.__type__;
  desc: string;

  constructor(desc: string) {
    this.desc = desc;

  async apply(): Promise<boolean> {
    return false;
  toJson(): webinizer.IJsonObject {
    return {
      __type__: DemoAction.__type__,
      desc: this.desc,

  static fromJson(proj: webinizer.Project, o: webinizer.IJsonObject): DemoAction {
    webinizer.checkJsonType(DemoAction.__type__, o);
    return new DemoAction(o.desc as string);

export default function onload() {
  webinizer.ALL_ACTION_FACTORIES.register(DemoAction.__type__, DemoAction.fromJson);

Things to note;

  • DemoAction must implement interface IAction, and implement function apply().
  • It should have an export default function onload() which will register the DemoAction with its type at loading time.
  • Section :ref:`extension-api` explains details on available API.

Webinizer Extension API

To view API details for Webinizer Extension, run npm run doc command from the ${webinizer_root} directory and the API documentation will be generated under the docs folder.

Launch the file ${webinizer_root}/docs/index.html in the browser to view the API documentation interactively.