- rebase Array, (Text, and Scalar) on common new Base
- rounding error in scientific notation of stored data
- fix pdpy lang compiler
- handle expr arguments differently: Arguments class?
- general purpose make file
- include author and description attributes from META.pd stuff or externals parsing ?
- option to turn class aliases into original names
- add new file object classes
- unescape args when encoding to json
- move xml io from Base to another class
- pd method in arrays returns obj instead of array as cls
- pd method in empty messages returns obj instead of msg as cls
- pd method in scalar is not returning the data
- empty object boxes are ommitted
- pd method in struct is not returning the array struct definition
- xml output
- xml input
- doubly escaped comma characters when going from json to pd
- rename classes coherently
- 1st element of text in comments in xml input is lost
- xml: normalize object tags with attribute as real name, ie:
<obj ="*~">