This example application uses the Passage Element in a React application with an Express.js backend to authenticate users using biometrics or magic links. To run this example application, follow the instructions below to install and start the application.
- Rename the EXAMPLE.env file to .env for both the frontend and backend directories
- Replace the example variables for each .env file with your own Passage App ID and API Key. You can get these from the Passage Console.
Backend dependencies
cd backend/
npm i
node server.js
cd ..
Frontend dependencies
cd frontend/
npm i
npm run start
cd ..
The application will run on http://localhost:3000, which you can navigate to in your browser.
Navigate to http://localhost:3000 and see what it's like authenticating users using Passage with React and an Express.js backend!
Import passage from npm:
const Passage = require("@passageidentity/passage-node");
Instantiate the Passage class:
const passage = new Passage({
appID: process.env.PASSAGE_APP_ID,
apiKey: process.env.PASSAGE_API_KEY,
authStrategy: "HEADER",
Declare an Express route and use the instantiated Passage class to authenticate users!"/auth", async (req, res) => {
try {
const userID = await passage.authenticateRequest(req);
if (userID) {
// user is authenticated
const { email, phone } = await passage.user.get(userID);
const identifier = email ? email : phone;
authStatus: "success",
} catch (e) {
// authentication failed
authStatus: "failure",
The easiest way to add authentication to a web frontend is with a Passage Auth custom element. First you'll need to install the passage-elements package from npm:
npm i --save @passageidentity/passage-elements
Then import the package in the module where you intend to use the custom element
import '@passageidentity/passage-elements/passage-auth'
Importing this script will register the Passage custom element for use in your React components. For more information about custom elements refer to the online documentation.
Its then just a matter of embedding the passage-auth element into your component that will handle login. This is done in this example in the home component:
<div className="form-container">