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Project Title: Load Balancer Configuration Automation


This project aims to automate the setup and configuration of a load balancer and multiple web servers to improve the reliability and scalability of a web infrastructure. The task involves configuring HAProxy for load balancing and setting up redundant web servers with custom HTTP headers using Bash scripts and Puppet.


  • Load balancer
  • Web stack debugging

Background Context

The project provides two additional servers: gc-[STUDENT_ID]-web-02-XXXXXXXXXX and gc-[STUDENT_ID]-lb-01-XXXXXXXXXX. The goal is to enhance the web stack to ensure redundancy and handle more traffic efficiently. This involves configuring the web servers behind a load balancer, allowing for distribution of incoming requests and ensuring reliability even if one server fails.




  • Allowed editors: vi, vim, emacs
  • All files interpreted on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
  • Bash scripts must be executable
  • Scripts must pass Shellcheck (version 0.3.7) without errors
  • First line of Bash scripts: #!/usr/bin/env bash
  • Second line of Bash scripts: Comment explaining script's purpose


0. Double the number of webservers

  • Configure Nginx on web-01 and web-02 to include a custom HTTP header X-Served-By with the hostname.
  • Write a Bash script (0-custom_http_response_header) to configure a new Ubuntu machine to meet the task requirements.

1. Install your load balancer

  • Install and configure HAProxy on lb-01 to distribute traffic between web-01 and web-02.
  • Ensure HAProxy can be managed via an init script.
  • Write a Bash script (1-install_load_balancer) to configure a new Ubuntu machine to meet the task requirements.

2. Add a custom HTTP header with Puppet

  • Automate the creation of a custom HTTP header using Puppet.
  • Write a Puppet script (2-puppet_custom_http_response_header.pp) to configure a new Ubuntu machine to meet the task requirements.


  • GitHub repository: alx-system_engineering-devops
  • Directory: 0x0F-load_balancer
  • Files:
    • 0-custom_http_response_header
    • 1-install_load_balancer
    • 2-puppet_custom_http_response_header.pp


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