Quantum ESPRESSO (web) is an integrated suite of Open-Source computer codes for electronic-structure calculations and materials modeling at the nanoscale. It is based on DFT, Molecular Dynamics, plane waves, and pseudopotentials. It is usually preinstalled in superclusters like Atlas & Hyperion.
These are general indications for the creation of QE inputs. The full list of input parameters is in the Quantum ESPRESSO input data description. Inputs can also be created with a graphical interface with PWgui. Once we know what we are doing this may not be necessary, but until then PWgui is really useful to know what parameters to introduce and so on.
It is useful to follow a custom naming convention for the calculations, as:
Inputs for PWsfc pw.x are filename.in
, which is usually called from a Slurm file with MPI paralellization. For example, for a geometry optimization calculation we would run (source: Atlas & Hyperion HPC wiki on QE):
srun --cpu_bind=cores pw.x input.in > output.out
Input values are in atomic units, unless stated otherwise. This means that energy units are in Rydbergs, and distance units in bohrs. We can convert between these units easily with the ATON Python package.
Note that energy is an extensive parameter. Consequently, the thresholds for the energy are also extensive, so these depend on the number of atoms of the system.
In general, it is good practice to write exponentials with double precision, with d
instead of e
, as in conv_thr = 1.47d-12
, to avoid weird numeric errors.
Isotopes in the ATOMIC_SPECIES must start by the actual letter from the species, such as H2; It cannot be D.
To export to a .CIF file after the calculation, we can use ASE. The graphical option would be to open the output on XCrySDen and save it as .xsf
, then open it on VESTA and save it as .cif
. This last option seems to preserve a bit better the numerical precision, since both ASE and VESTA cut some decimals for some weird reason. But this can be solved by copying those positions by hand in the final CIF file.
In Quantum Espresso, the structure information is provided by ibrav
number, and corresponding celldm
values or lattice constants and cosines of angle between the axes. There are only 14 Bravais lattices, check the ibrav parameters for QE.
It is also possible to set ibrav=0
and provide lattice vectors in CELL_PARAMETERS
, with sufficiently decimal accuracy to facilitate symmetry detection. This is done automatically when creating an input from a CIF file with cif2cell, as
cif2cell CsPbI3.cif -p quantum-espresso -o relax.in
To fix the bravais lattice, we must specify the corresponding ibrav number, providing the proper lattice parameters, and adding cell_dofree='ibrav'
. For example, to fix the lattice at 90º angles, we might want a simple orthorhombic cell, so we set ibrav=8
and specify A, B and C.
The tag cell_dofree
specifies which cell parameters should be relaxed, fixing the rest of the cell. Check the documentation to see the full list of options.
For phonons, we will probably need an SCF convergence of conv_thr=1.0d-10
or even smaller.
In most cases, we reach total energy convergence before the forces converge, so the etot_conv_thr
is usually not that important.
For electronic calculations, a forc_conv_thr
of about
The pressure convergence by default is usually okay, but we might want to reduce press_conv_thr
for phonon studies.
Semiconductors are commonly treated as insulators, so that occupations=fixed
. However, if the system is metallic or is difficult to work with numerically, we should apply some smearing to broaden the bands in a continuous spectrum. This would be the case for processes not accounted in the model, such as electron-pnonon interaction, electron-electron scattering, etc.
At the end of every SCF step there is a description of the forces acting on atoms:
Forces acting on atoms (cartesian axes, Ry/au):
atom 1 type 1 force = 0.00000620 0.00000000 0.00002841
atom 5 type 2 force = -0.00576159 0.00997884 -0.00407008
Total force = 0.024421 Total SCF correction = 0.000247
The Total force
listed here is the square root of the sum of all of the force components squared rather than the sum of the magnitudes of the individual forces on the atoms. This number is a guide to check overall accuracy: if the Total SCF correction
is comparable to the Total force
it usually means we need to try to better converge the SCF cycle via conv_thr
A denser grid leads to a more resolved band structure, however the computational cost increases significantly. The size of the primitive cell should also be taken into account: large (super)cells require fewer k-points, since the Brillouin zone decreases for bigger cells.
Quantum ESPRESSO also allows for shifting the Monkhost-Pack grid. Depending on the symmetries of the structure, the shift moves the k-point mesh semilattice. The number of inequivalent points then decreases, resulting in a reduction in the total number of k-points. However, we should leave it without offset for gamma-point calculations.
K_POINTS (automatic)
Kx Ky Kz 0 0 0 # (non-shifted)
Kx Ky Kz 1 1 1 # (shifted)
See also: StackExchange - How to know optimal K-points grid values for good DFT calculation?
From Pranabdas' guide, to perform a phonon dispersion we have to:
- Perform SCF calculation using
- Calculate the dynamical matrix on a uniform mesh of q-points using
- Perform inverse Fourier transform of the dynamical matrix to obtain inverse Fourier components in real space using
- Perform Fourier transformation of the real space components to get the dynamical matrix at any q by using
- Plot the phonon dispersion, etc
HOWEVER, as of 2024 ph.x does not support the three-body terms with the D3 dispersion correction. Instead, we should use the supercell approach with Phonopy. This python package is the de facto standard for phonon calculations.
We can choose between Norm-Conserving (NC), PAW and Ultra Soft (US) pseudopotentials.
For example, to study perovskites, #druzbicki2024 used NC pseudos, automatically generated by the CASTEP DFT code.
PAW pseudos are better than US for perovskites, according to a vasp workshop.
Quantum ESPRESSO uses pseudos in UPF format, and can be obtained from:
- Pseudo-Dojo
- Pslibrary Need to compile it myself.
- Standard Solid State PPs (SSSP) "Best verified PPs"
- Quantum ESPRESSO pseudos
- Other PPs resources
- MSE404 - Modelling Materials with Density Functional Theory 👍️
- pranabdas - DFT Tutorials using Quantum Espresso 👍️
- Open online course on DFT using Quantum ESPRESSO 👍️
- Iterative Convergence Criteria in DFT - VASP and Quantum ESPRESSO
- Tutorial on IR and Raman spectra with Quantum Espresso
- Quantum Espresso Walkthrough
- ATON Contains a Python interface for QE calculations
- cif2cell
- MaterialsCloud - Quantum ESPRESSO PWscf input generator and structure visualizer
- MaterialsCloud - Interactive phonon visualizer
- MaterialsCloud - See K-path
- YAIV (by Martin) Yet another Ab-Initio Visualizer
NOTE: The following floating-point exceptions are signalling: IEEE_UNDERFLOW_FLAG IEEE_DENORMAL
Sometimes the slurm output may indicate floating point exceptions as below, which is irrelevant. We can ignore it.
Error in routine c_bands (1):
too many bands are not converged
Increase ecutwfc
and / or decrease conv_thr
(QE users Forum - Too many bands are not converged from nscf calculation)
Try to decrease mixing_beta
, or vary other settings from the &ELECTRONS
Change the scheme of diagonalization method (at &ELECTRONS
), e.g. to diagonalization = ppcg
. Lower &ELECTRONS diago_thr_init
to a "reasonable value", such as ~1.0d-7. (QE users Forum - Too many bands are not converged)
SCF correction compared to forces is large: reduce conv_thr to get better values
The code reduces the starting self-consistency threshold conv_thr
when approaching the minimum energy configuration, up to conv_thr / upscale
. Reducing conv_thr
) or increasing upscale
(at &IONS
) yields a smoother structural optimization, but if conv_thr
becomes too small, electronic self-consistency may not converge. You may also increase etot_conv_thr
and forc_conv_thr
that determine the threshold for convergence. (PWscf User's Guide)
It is not an error per se, only a warning. If the forces are small it may be usable. (SOURCE?? I forgot the link)
bfgs failed after 85 scf cycles and 79 bfgs steps, convergence not achieved
(criteria: energy < 3.5E-12 Ry, force < 3.9E-07 Ry/Bohr, cell < 1.0E-04 kbar)
Make sure that the energy is actually converging. Increasing the number of electron_maxstep
will only help if the energy is converging slowly. Otherwise if the accuracy is alternating rapidly, or it converges up to a certain value and diverges again, then this might not help at all. That would indicate a problematic input file, or simply that the system may be characterized by ”floppy” low-energy modes, that make very difficult (and of little use anyway) to reach a well converged structure, no matter what. More relaxed thresholds and a big upscale
could help.
To check how the SCF accuracy changes, we can use the following command:
grep -s 'estimated scf accuracy' scf.out
We may then consider reducing conv_thr
with a less-tightened value.
(Stack Exchange, PWscf User's Guide)
A desperate option is to copy the final coordinates to the input file and run it again, sometimes it may work.
BFGS can rarely hold forc_con_thr
lower than ion_dynamics
can also work. Damped dynamics takes much longer, but it is more robust. (source)
The translational invariance in the calculations is not perfect, which results in a loss of precision in the forces, which can be tricky for low forc_conv_thr
values. The situation can improve somewhat by increasing the ecutrho
cutoff. (source)
Error in routine bfgs (1):
dE0s is positive which should never happen
This kind of errors invariably happens when you are very close to the minimum and you have some numerical noise on forces. For most cases, the system is sufficiently
We can try to run the calculation again. If it persists, slightly modify some atoms randomly and run again. (source). You can also try running the calculation from the last positions (source).