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Email Address Verification for Elixir that uses the API.


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A [Kickbox] ( API client written in Elixir.


The package can be installed as:

  1. Add kickbox to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:
def deps do
  # Get from hex
  [{:kickbox, "~> 0.1.0"}]
  # Or use the latest from master
  [{:kickbox, github: "pablo-co/kickbox-elixir"}]
  1. Ensure kickbox is started before your application:
def application do
  [applications: [:kickbox]]
  1. Add your Kickbox API key to your config
> You can set the `KICKBOX_API_KEY` environment variable or can set it
> manually:

# In your configuration file:
#  * General configuration: config/config.exs
#  * Recommended production only: config/prod.exs

config :kickbox, :kickbox_api_key, api_key: "my_api_key"

Verifying emails

You call Kickbox.verify/2 with an email and an optional keyword list to query the kickbox service.

# Just verify email
Kickbox.verify("[email protected]")

# Verify email specifying a max timeout of 9 seconds
Kickbox.verify("[email protected]", timeout: 9000)

# In general
Kickbox.verify(email_string, options)

You can then check the Kickbox.Verification struct for information regarding the queried email.

verification = Kickbox.verify("[email protected]")

# false

# invalid_domain

See Vertication struct for more information.


The valid options are:

  • api_key: Your Kickbox API key. It can also be configured using the KICKBOX_API_KEY environment variable or through a configuration file (see step 3).
  • timeout: Maximum time, in milliseconds, for the API to complete a verification request (default 6000).

options is a keyword list which gets converted to URL params, thus you can use any key/value you want (Note: These should be valid API params or they might get ignored by Kickbox).

Verification struct

Kickbox.verify/2 returns a Kickbox.Verification struct which contains information regarding the verification of the email.

  • result string - The verification result: deliverable, undeliverable, risky, unknown.
  • reason string - The reason for the result. Possible reasons are:
    • invalid_email - Specified email is not a valid email address syntax.
    • invalid_domain - Domain for email does not exist.
    • rejected_email - Email address was rejected by the SMTP server, email address does not exist.
    • accepted_email - Email address was accepted by the SMTP server.
    • low_quality - Email address has quality issues that may make it a risky or low-value address.
    • low_deliverability - Email address appears to be deliverable, but deliverability cannot be guaranteed.
    • no_connect - Could not connect to SMTP server.
    • timeout - SMTP session timed out.
    • invalid_smtp - SMTP server returned an unexpected/invalid response.
    • unavailable_smtp - SMTP server was unavailable to process our request.
    • unexpected_error - An unexpected error has occurred.
  • role? true | false - true if the email address is a role address ([email protected], [email protected], etc).
  • free? true | false - true if the email address uses a free email service like or
  • disposable? true | false - true if the email address uses a disposable domain like or
  • accept_all? true | false - true if the email was accepted, but the domain appears to accept all emails addressed to that domain.
  • did_you_mean null | string - Returns a suggested email if a possible spelling error was detected. ([email protected] -> [email protected])
  • sendex float - A quality score of the provided email address ranging between 0 (no quality) and 1 (perfect quality). More information on the Sendex Score can be found here.
  • email string - Returns a normalized version of the provided email address. ([email protected] -> [email protected])
  • user string - The user (a.k.a local part) of the provided email address. ([email protected] -> bob)
  • domain string - The domain of the provided email address. ([email protected] ->
  • success? true | false - true if the API request was successful (i.e., no authentication or unexpected errors occurred)
  • valid? true | false - true if the email address is deliverable (i.e., result key has a value of deliverable).

You can see all the latest documentation and a more complete explanation at Kickbox' API Documentation.


Email Address Verification for Elixir that uses the API.








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