phpMyFAQ offers interfaces to access phpMyFAQ installations with other clients like an iPhone App. phpMyFAQ includes a REST API and offers APIs for various services like fetching the phpMyFAQ version or doing a search against the phpMyFAQ installation.
Public endpoints require no Authentication.
- Version:
GET /api/v3.0/version
- Title:
GET /api/v3.0/title
- Language:
GET /api/v3.0/language
- News:
GET /api/v3.0/news
- Categories:
GET /api/v3.0/categories
- Tags:
GET /api/v3.0/tags
- Open Questions:
GET /api/v3.0/open-questions
- Search:
GET /api/v3.0/search?q=<search string>
- Popular Searches:
GET /api/v3.0/searches/popular
- Attachments:
GET /api/v3.0/attachments
- Comments:
GET /api/v3.0/comments
- All FAQs:
GET /api/v3.0/faqs
- All FAQs per Category:
GET /api/v3.0/faqs/:categoryId
- All FAQs per Tags:
GET /api/v3.0/faqs/tags/:tagId
- FAQ:
GET /api/v3.0/faq/:categoryId/:faqId
- FAQ as PDF:
GET /api/v3.0/faq/:categoryId/:faqId?filter=pdf
- Latest FAQs:
GET /api/v3.0/faqs/latest
- Popular FAQs:
GET /api/v3.0/faqs/popular
- Sticky FAQs:
GET /api/v3.0/faqs/sticky
- Login:
POST /api/v3.0/login
Closed endpoints require a valid API client token to be included in the header of the request. An API client token can be acquired from the admin configuration.
- Add category:
POST /api/v3.0/category
- Add FAQ:
POST /api/v3.0/faq
- Update FAQ:
PUT /api/v3.0/faq/:categoryId/:faqId
- Add question:
POST /api/v3.0/question
- All groups:
GET /api/v3.0/groups
- Register:
POST /api/v3.0/register
Copyright © 2001-2024 Thorsten Rinne and the phpMyFAQ Team