Add the URL to the /etc/layman/layman.cfg file:
It should look something like this:
overlays :
Next, run the command:
# layman --fetch
After that the command:
# layman -L
the command must show the presence of the TDE overlay.
Next, set the overlay with the command:
# layman -a TDE
Next, determine the version of TDE to install. There are several files in the /var/lib/layman/TDE/package.keywords directory:
- the tde-14.0.7 file corresponds to TDE version 14.0.7;
- the tde-14.0.999 file corresponds to TDE version 14.0.x;
- the tde-999 file corresponds to TDE version 14.1.x, master branch;
Warning: the new version of portage uses the /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords directory instead of the /etc/portage/package.keywords directory.
Select the required version and create a symbolic link to the file corresponding to the selected version:
# cd /etc/portage/package.keywords
# ln -sf /var/lib/layman/TDE/package.keywords/tde-14.0.7
Select the language to install, for this, use the L10N variable in the /etc/portage/make.conf file:
L10N="de en"
For a minimal installation, run the command:
# emerge -av tde-minimal
For a basic installation, run the command:
# emerge -av tde-base
PS: It is currently recommended to use the official Trinity Desktop repository.