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Pat Nakajima nakajima
All of my popular repositories are bad ideas but I had fun making them! I used to work on this website but I don't anymore.
We can all have nice things.

@greatscottgadgets Robertson, South Africa

dammit!danny mnlo
music, eurorack, art, open source, electronics


~ aka goonf!sh. PancakeGoon
🧠 Resource Hoarder (Perma-learning) KeebDweeb. Synths/Sampling/Tape-Abuse. Musical coding & synthesis. Rally-sim. ...and DIY hackery of all'a'dat!

Dirty Fishbowl

RJ Duran rjduran
design + fabrication + engineering

Denver, CO

Mike Sannikov Atarity
Product Manager (electronics)


Juan Uicich juanuicich
Software engineer.

@umamicollective Remote

Stephan Eckes steckes
Rust and C++ Developer. Focus on Audio. Based in Berlin.

@ai-coustics Berlin, Germany

Pavlo Shelemba xshele01
Audio Engineering student at Brno University of Technology

@bastl-instruments Brno, Czech Republic

Didah Drieghe Didah

@bewellinnovations Belgium

Stefan Schmidt-Dichte ssd-ls-a
Master's Computer Science student at Leipzig University | Bachelor's from HTWK Leipzig
Ondřej Vaculík vaculiko

ISI Brno Czech Republic

Sid Rockett SidRockett
My name is Sid Rockett and I create experimental synthesizers and noise makers.


Petr Horacek phoracek

Red Hat Czech Republic