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wen cao WenCao1101
PhD Linköping University|Marie Curie Fellow for PRIME-ITN|Research interests:Computer Graphics, Machine Learning, DL

Linköping University Sweden

wang-will will-wang19

Sun Yat-sen University China


University of Southern California (USC) Los Angeles, USA

Paul Katsen pkpp1233

Blockspring San Francisco

ShanerWang jrcserendipity
There is only one heroism in the world: to see the world as it is and to love it.
Xiaoqian Liang Yubel426
Master, Xi'an JiaoTong University

Xi'an JiaoTong University

mortal mortal-Zero

Illinois Institute of Technology China

Zhitong Cui zhitongcui
HCI Researcher, ZJU


peakcoder iMemento
Unity3d Game & iOS Developer

浪浪山外の硬地骇客 China

Bo Qiu QB-1314
My research interests focus on 3D deep learning for urban spatial intelligence, especially for digital twin transportation. (LIESMARS, Wuhan University)

Wuhan University Wu Han

move fast and break things.
Me7a5hA Me7a5hA

World2Map hangzhou

yueliu1999 yueliu1999
Yue Liu is pursuing his master degree in College of Computer, NUDT. His current research interests include GNN, Deep Clustering and Self-Supervised Learning.

National University of Defense Technology Changsha, Hunan, China

Akhdan Fadhilah akhdanfadh
Graduate student in Computer Vision Lab., Tohoku University

Sendai, Japan

zejunma ZejunMa
Interested in Neural Graphics and Deep Learning.

Johns Hopkins Univerisity 307B, Clark Hall, Baltimore, MD 21218

Mai Haonan Maiiihn
master in ZJU, robotics, 3D vision

Zhejiang University

Ruijie Zhu RuijieZhu94
3D vision researcher.

USTC @OpenSpaceAI

Fan Shixiong fanshixiong
student of Northwestern Polytechnical University @ Northwestern Polytechnical University

Northwestern Polytechnical University

Zeo6 MLXLs

Shanghai Jiaotong University Shanghai, China

Alvin alvin528

Tsinghua University Beijing

Howard Yin yindaheng98
Just a PhD students, major in video live & super-resolution & edge computing.

Simon Fraser University Burnaby, BC, Canada

Sam Morozov sammorozov
Data Scientist / Web3 dev / ex-Analyst in fintech 🇷🇺


Tony Tony-comments
A master student in Univercity of Chinese Academy of Science

Institute of automation, Chinese academy of science Haidian district ,Beijing, China