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Miguel fez2013
Software Dev Currently working with: Next.js, React Native, Go


Abdhilahi R. Wabwire AbdhilahiRWabwire
Software Developer

Hyaena Technologies

Kostya Farber kostyafarber
Always trying to operate at the intersection of art and technology.

Aviva Zero, Software Engineer London, United Kingdom

Will Stobb unixAppreciator
An IT Student and Hobbyist

@sharetube 9th Ring, Vim

Tushar Dahiya tusharxoxoxo
Discord: tusharxoxoxo

Delhi, India

Amar Prakash Pandey amarlearning
Good coffee ☕ and a little code 💻 just this.

@sahajsoft India

Bonnia bonniabyte
Full Bunny Stack
buu bushuai

Shaanxi, China

Kirill Kriuchkov kirill-kruchkov

LeasePlan Digital Amsterdam

Prayson Wilfred Daniel Proteusiq
🐉 Principal Data Scientist | _42

Copenhagen, DK

Paulin Kubwira ThePaulin
Software developer, web developer with a background in mechanical engineering. I'm passionate about working on projects that challenge my skills as a developer


Brandon Tat bjtat

@appfolio SF Bay Area, CA

Mike Kuznetsov posidoni
Software Engineer | work: Go, Rust, TypeScript, Solidity / hobby: Neovim, Tmux, Nix(OS), TUI, PDE

avito-tech | ozon-tech | @42Paris alumni Dubai

Tristan Bietsch TristanBietsch
Founder of BitEscrow / Nummus

@BitEscrow / @NummusBTC

Firas Muhammed masterfiras101
Laravel | Vuejs | Inertiajs | PHP | Flutter


Tpaefawzen Tpaefawzen
If you are on Arch User Repository you can access to my contact.

employed at a small factory completely unrelated to IT

Kris krismatterz
Student, Code Artist, Music Producer
Илья Unitoshka
Micro-developer from Russia
xihale xihale


Jorge Valdez jorgeavaldez
pro bit monger

@showtime-xyz tampa, fl

WANG Xu feici02
A lifelong learner.

@taosdata Beijing, China

Uchkun Rakhimov uchkunrakhimow
Experienced Software Engineer | Node.js & TypeScript Enthusiast
Milan Špinka mspi21
Secure Code Enthusiast

Prague, Czech Republic



Paweł Waligóra pwalig
Computer Science student at Poznań University of Technology
ryoppippi ryoppippi
#opentowork I'm looking for a job, so if you are interested in me don't hesitate to contact me!


haruki7049 haruki7049
I can not speak English well


Aidos Galimzhan aidosgal
Go | C/C++ Enjoyer

Astana, Kazakhstan