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Ben zfben
A freelancer and full stack developer

@LightPillow Bangkok, Thailand

Eyal Yaakobi unix14
Senior mobile developer. Owner of 3P Cups, an indie development studio showcasing a portfolio of apps and games. Also known as 'unix14'.

3P Cups Israel

Abhijeet Pandit abhijeetpandit7
Software Engineer | Always looking to learn something new.

Anand Annavajhala whoisandy
Engineer 🧘

Hyderabad, Telangana – India

Bradford Jones BradfordDJones
I'm a full stack developer with over 30 years experience in the industry.

Jones Consulting, Inc. Marietta, GA

John McAndrews binarytide Plymouth, Ma

Ernst Salzmann etangreal
ErnstSalzmann(at) Berlin

henrique doro hdoro
Transitioning my career from web development to agroecology; creating


João Fernando Apel Miguel joaoapel
Engenheiro Agrícola tentando programar

Cascavel - PR

Özgür ÖZALP ozgurozalp
Full Stack Developer - React | Next.js | Node.js | PHP

Actioner Turkey, Istanbul

Codrin Iftimie codrin-iftimie

@spectrocloud Iasi, Romania

Konstantin Kovalev Constantiner
15+ years of full-stack web dev experience. TypeScript/JS expert. Passionate about new tech & challenges. Let's build something amazing together! 🚀

Bar, Montenegro

Paramanantham Harrison Param-Harrison
Full stack developer - Web, Mobile, Desktop

@Jobbatical, @jsmates-com Tallinn

Márton Török martonTorok
life is web. web is life.
Luis Osio Chico LOsioChico
⁜ Software Engineer || λ Diving into Functional Programming

Software Engineer

Sean Dinwiddie seandinwiddie
React.js & Redux.js Developer

Sean Dinwiddie Oregon, USA

Alex Muñoz alexmf91
Software Engineer | Frontend | Backend | Blockchain | Web3 | Solidity | TypeScript | JavaScript | React | React Native | Next.js | Node.js | NestJS | AWS

Barcelona (Spain) | Encamp (Andorra)

Zubin Khavarian zkMake
Software Engineer @EdClub (TypingClub) ⌨ Building UIs with React and TypeScript 🎧 Exploring Three.js ☕
Sehyun Chung sehyunchung
문제를 고해상도로 보자


Nurbek NurbekGithub

Astana, Kazakhstan

Stephen Rayner gruckion
Fullstack developer Typescript, React, C#.Net, Python, AWS and Azure


Sandro Maglione SandroMaglione
Helping teams ship at 🚀 | Typescript・Effect・React・XState | Personal blog at ✍️

@typeonce-dev Milan, Italy