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@akfincode akfincode
Gen AI, AI Security, Data, Cloud & Computer Vision Consultant

Chicago, IL

Abolfazl Karimi abol-karimi
PhD student in computer science at UNC-Chapel Hill
Abhishek Nalawade abhishek96k
Software Developer | Java | Node.js | React.js | Microservices

Ellicium Solutions Pune , Maharashtra

Steve haegyung


Crystal_Alchemist q1blue

Quantum Blockchain Ai

Justyn Clark justyn-clark
Modern Full-stack Engineer // CEO @justynclarknetwork

Justyn Clark Network Los Angeles, CA

Sanskar Modi sanskarmodi8
AI/ML Engineer | Open Source Contributor | Passionate about building useful projects πŸš€


Rakhim Abdullayev Rakhimjon

IMV Axborot Texnologilari Markazi Tashkent

Deepak Singh Deepakeon
Interests - breakfast
Parth Rane parth-rane-7227

R C Patel Institute of Technology, Shirpur. Shirpur

Shreyas Manolkar shreyasmanolkar
πŸ”± I enjoy creating things that live on the internet. πŸ”±

conceptionAI Pune, Maharashtra

Saikat Sukai Saikat-Sukai
Data Science student at IIT Madras. Freelancer skilled in Android, Java, Python. Enthusiastic about Robotics, animation,and AI. Nature lover, bringing change.

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Glen Alex Porter Jr bitolodeonai7
Student of Media / Entertainment Technologies and Sciences

Ai Avatar Alliance, LLC Los Angeles, CA

Oltre.Digital oltredigital
"Today's problems come from yesterday's solutions." (Simmons)

Oltre.Digital Brussels, Belgium

Toshish Jawale toshish
Co-founder & CTO @symblai

@symblai San Francisco Bay Area

Zhanliang Liu liuzl
AGI; Large Language Model, Large Multimodal Model; Robotics; Web Crawling; Distributed System

<-Baidu/Tencent/MSRA Earth

Kedar Vijay Kulkarni kedarvijaykulkarni
πŸš€ Senior Software Engineer | JavaScript Enthusiast | ReactJS | EmberJS | Docker | RestAPI | Open Source | ChatBot & NLP Enthusiast

@quantumgrad Thane, Maharashtra, India

Chris Iapetus chris-iapetus

dvcsrv St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada

David vonThenen davidvonthenen
AI/ML Engineer/Developer Advocate, building communities, and more! (V|v)on(\s)[0,1](T|t)hen(en|an|on)* = Yup that's me

@digitalocean Long Beach, CA

Linxford Kwabena πŸ’™ Linxford
πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Software Engineer | AI Enthusiast | Technical Writer πŸ“| Freelancer 🌐


Subodh Jena subodhjena
coder/programmer ✌️❀️

@recruitiq @splitster @symblai @atomic-habits Earth 🌎

YΓΆnet Yonet
@w3c immersive-web

@Azure San Francisco

Sai Ganesh Manda mvsg2
Astrophile | Quantum enthusiast | Curious explorer | Passionate programmer
Dr. Renard Sc.D DrRenardScD
I am a chronically ill doctor working to get solutions for those with chronic illness.

New Jersey, USA

Teemu Maatta tmgthb
Author. Autonomous agents. Robotics. NLP. Machine Learning Engineer.

Kyndryl Madrid

Harsh Avinash Harsh-Avinash
Connected, no Internet.β€Žβ€Žβ€Žβ€Žβ€Ž

Vellore Institute of Technology Vellore, Tamil Nadu