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Makai MicroEvan
Computer Engineering student | Taking advantage of Tech
Eikonsphere Eikonsphere

Eikonsphere Eikonsphere

Aal izz well
Lei ZiKang LeiZiKang
Write the code. Change the world.
Tomohiro Mitani tomozilla
Running Brightenly

Brightenly Tokyo

Pinky Collie pinkycollie
Developing with multiple AIs & Co-Pilots on my Windows in my room right in Texas

@MBTQ-Universe @360-Buinsess-Magician Dallas, Texas

ZKkkk codeusb
Mudra senjaliya mudra-senjaliya
"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing." - Walt Disney

Berlin, DE

Nidhin Dileepkumar crackcode09

PBC Linear Roscoe, IL

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Marwen - JAMMELI Jammeli
I’m a hardworking person, love to explore, always have a big hunger to new knowledge. I love to inspire other people around me and get inspired by them.


Technicien vidéo & développeur desktop et web : .NET (C#), Java, Python, PHP, C++, HTML/CSS/JavaScript.

Studio l'Equipe Bruxelles

Abinyah Walker abinyah
DevOps, Security and High Performance Computing

SpotHero Toronto, ON

Ivan Sager ivansager

Sager Systems USA

Tony López lopezpagan
Web Developer Puerto Rico

Anmol Deep adsk2050
Site: Email: [email protected]

IIT Guwahati Guwahati, Assam, India

Siddharth Harsh Raj siddharthharshraj
Software Developer | Open Source Contributor | Focused on building robust, scalable solutions | Constantly learning and growing, one step at a time 🚀


Olashina olashina201
Software Engineer focused on abstractions, reducing cognitive overhead, and Design for Humans.

Lagos, Nigeria

David Nguyen hoangsvit
A passionate full-stack developer from @ePlus-DEV

Founder at @ePlus-DEV Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam

Nguyen Anh Duc anhduca4
Full Stack Developer

Jamja Hanoi

Eva Decker evadecker
Design Engineer. Makin’ internet stuff.

@namesakefyi New York, New York

Jedi Chou JediChou
I'm a tester at FOXCONN

FOXCONN ShenZhen China