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Anthony Tan Yen Kun TYK3

University of Southampton Southampton, UK

AHS Ali6114

Information Technology University (ITU)

Ethan Turnbull brad-berry

University Of Southampton United Kingdom

Brandon Wong Ze Rong BrandonWZR
Student at University of Southampton Languages: Python, Java
Harmesh Jethwa harmeshjethwa
Studying Computer Science at the University of Southampton.

Undergraduate @ University of Southampton United Kingdom

Dmytro Avdieienko Avdieienko
Head of Software for @sufst | University of Southampton

Southampton, UK

Kris Collier krisCollier

Visa Cash App Racing Bulls

Leon Brindley LeonBrindley
University of Cambridge Sensor CDT Student. University of Southampton MEng Electronic Engineering with Computer Systems Graduate.

University of Cambridge Cambridge, United Kingdom

Brennan Sze To mhszeto2019
Hello, my name is Brennan Sze To


jiaqi wang SonjaWangJQ
Interesting in ML, acoustic. Msc Mechanical Engineering at the Uni of Southampton Member of sufst
George Peppard inventor02
MEng Computer Science undergraduate and Infrastructure Engineer

@southampton Southampton

Semeli Kyriacou semekyr
Computer Science at University of Southampton
