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Troy bbqchickenrobot
Senior Full stack .NET developer (C#/F#) and Rust, v-lang enthusiast.

Microbians Los Angeles

Gerard Jaryczewski gjaryczewski
I like programming.

Senior Developer @ KMD Poland | Tech Leader | KMP | PSPO Warsaw, Poland

Remo Oser RemoOser

o.s.i..s.a. GmbH 4244 Röschenz, CH

magazinkrisso 13inccc

inccc0rp. sofia

予纾 Yuisyuu

@SourceLandDev @Hosihikari @HosihikariAndMore 青岛

Jose A. Fernandez fernandezja

Desarrollos NEA Argentina

Pierre Large plarge
I am a French .NET developer👨‍💻 and I work in Switzerland 🇨🇭. I like to learn and share technical topics. So I created @AsCodingStone for that.

Between Geneva (CH) and Aix-les-Bains (FR)

Henrique Souza SouzaHenrique
May the source be with you! </>

Software developer São Paulo

Rohan Cragg rohancragg

Quorum Kirkcaldy, Fife, UK

محمد البلوي, مبرمج


⭐ 🐾 vaginessa

Ex St. Pauli Gourmetclub -> @NinjaMiepelz 187 Strassenkatzen

Vladyslav vlady5lav
Science & Tech Enthusiast

Hobbyist Developer & System Administrator Andromeda Galaxy, Local Group, Virgo Supercluster, Laniakea Supercluster

Bourennane Abdelkrim karimkod
#dontet #csharp #flutter #dart

Cellenza Paris, France

Andrew Lawrence phrequencyviii
weirdo who constantly deletes his commits

Virginia, USA

Blaise Liu blaiseliu

Optimizely Charleston, WV


Sciism Seattle, WA

Arash Farahmandi Arashf
I am a Full-stack Developer. Asp.Net Core, React, Flutter.

Perxact Engineering GmbH UK, London

Radium Zheng ztl8702
Language Tech

@zingzeu Australia

Alex Hedley AlexHedley
Senior Developer from the North East of England

Newcastle Upon Tyne

Drew Heyworth juryrigcoder
Technical Lead Developer for a UK Gov arms length organisation, working on web projects and systems integration.


Thiago Luiz Silva thluiz
Software Developer and Mentor: .Net (C#/F#), Javascript, Sql Server, NodeJs, Angular, React, and Azure. Microservices, Serverless, DDD, TDD are my passions.

BairesDev Rio de Janeiro

alex sevus

probably somewhere in the pacific northwest

null data nulldataset
null data

null null null data

Robert Bleattler rbleattler
30ish. Developer-ish. PowerShell enthusiast.


Michael Zhuang ilovejs
Go, Python, Js engineering


Rhys Williams xanth

@RightCrowd Gold Coast

Kevin Alama aldriguz
Software Engineer

Trujillo, Peru

Joshua Green jgstylez
Designer | Developer | Grad student