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Sudur Bhattarai sudurbhattarai
Geomatics Engineer

Paschimanchal Campus Lamachaur-16, Pokhara, Nepal

Supath Dhital supathdhitalGEO
Stop Dreaming! The Best is yet to come,

Surface Dynamics Modeling Lab Tuscaloosa, AL

Yixian Chen YixianChen-234
A postdoctoral researcher currently working on river slope at The University of Alabama.

The University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, Alabama

Reihaneh Zarrabi Reizrb
PhD Student and Graduate Research Assistant at the University of Alabama (UA)

University of Alabama United States

Dipsikha Devi dipsikha-devi

The University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, United States

Huang Zeqin huangzq681
PhD candidate in hydrology science from SYSU. Worried about climate change.

Sun Yat-sen University Guangzhou, China