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Bruno Vollono Burnoh
Computer Science student at Sapienza University of Rome

Fondi, LT, Italy

aglaia norza AglaiaNorza

sapienza italy

Matteo Collica matypist
📍Rome, Italy (🏠 Sicily ☀️) 🌻 ENFJ 📚 Sapienza University of Rome, bachelor degree course in Informatics (L-31) @sapienzastudentsnetwork

Sapienza Students Network Rome, Italy

Graduated from Law school and currently working as a Backend Developer. Unsatisfied with status quo.

Curitiba - Brazil

Eva evaevangelisti
Computer science student

Rome, Italy

Damir Tassybayev tassdam
Senior Bachelor Student | cs@sapienza
Francesco, Ciro Petrone petrons01
Hello everyone !!

Rome, Italy.

Alessio Marini alem1105

Sapienza University of Rome Soriano nel Cimino (VT), Italy

Riccardo SickRickX2

Sapienza, University of Rome Italy

(▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)
Federico Airoldi AiroldiFederico
I'm Federico an Italian boy in love with space, rockets and much more

Italy, Bergamo

Abdullah Habberrih habberrih
Backend Developer | Computer Science Student | Huawei Seeds for The Future Ambassador

Roma, Italy

Cheek milkyicedtea
ignoranceuwu on discord if you wanna come chat a bit :D

@Biblioteca-Midossi, Student @sapienzastudentsnetwork Italy

Tommaso Abitante TomabGH
Sviluppatore, Programmatore, Web Developer


NilAtabey NilAtabey
Nil 👋 CS&AI Student 🖥️ REPLY Student Ambassador 👩‍🎓 Upgrade Education Mentor 💼 Girls Only - Discord Bot Developer 👾

Sapienza University of Rome Rome

Java developer and founder of @FrozenBlock

FrozenBlock Italy

Sofia La Rosa sophiex64
Computer Science student @ Sapienza Università di Roma
Dennis Acconcio dennis-dan

Corbara di Sessa Aurunca (CE)