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Dewayne Bagley dweedul

Lognormal Solutions, Inc

akash chaurasiya
Giorgos Sgouridis gsgou
My name is Giorgos Sgouridis. I am a software engineer.

Germany, Berlin

Software Development, TDD, BDD, SDET, Emacs.


nevermore NeverMorewd
Ilnaz Khasanov Ilnazz
The .Net C# developer and one of the creators of the @SimulationStorm project

Russian Federation, Kazan

Nabeel S. nabeelio
some compilation required
D3n1s.Net D3n1sNet
Ich, der Ersteller, bin nicht verantwortlich für Handlungen und/oder Schäden, die durch diese Software verursacht werden. Sie tragen die volle Verantwortung

dToolz Was y

Karim Fahmy realkarimfahmy
human as a service

@Cegedim Cairo

写代码的厨子 chancezheng
C#、C++、F# Developer

@CookCSharp Wuhan.China

C# | Unity | WPF

Bravasoft Poznan, Poland

Roland Pheasant RolandPheasant
I used to have free time, then I started doing open source programming


Luisa Luisa-m17
Program development is ART
Alexis Daniel Hernandez Gamez Al3xisDani3l
Lover of creating business projects and improving areas of opportunity with software

Ciudad Juarez

Halil Ibrahim Özcan ibrahim324
.NET | F# | C#

sked Software GmbH Siegen

Cole Tobin colejohnson66

Mark-10 Corp. Long Island, New York

Gleb Bakanov Gotcha7770

Mixvel Saint-Petersburg

Mathias Fischler Mafii
Still trying to find out what an endofunctor is 😅

@messerli-informatik-ag Dietikon

Xavier Martínez xavizardKnight
Student, programming in C#/.NET in my free time (Unity3D, AvaloniaUI, Terminal.GUI). My projects are in GitLab. Visca Catalunya!

Valls, Catalunya

shyboy BoyFaceGirl
Jose Pedro Hurtado Vega Joseph0207
Identity Manahement and Services of My Cloud Storage Account Iam

Github, Inc. La Esperanza Colon, Qro

Aaron mou akuan
Ordinary people


Henrique Souza SouzaHenrique
May the source be with you! </>

Software developer São Paulo

tkezyo tkezyo
dotnet developer


Darshan Panchal darshanio
Mobile App Developer | MAUI | Android & iOS Enthusiast | Crafting Digital Experiences

Pune, India.

Muhtalip Dede muhtalipdede
Software Developer


Peter Martens petermartens98
AI Developer | Cognitive Neuroscience Grad