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Savvra SavvasRaptis
space plasma physics & machine learning applications

JHU/APL Washington DC-Baltimore Area, MD, USA

Hannah Bollar hanbollar
🛠️ 🌱 🎨 🖥️ • Builder at the intersection of Physics, Art, && Code

Pasteur-ISI localhost:255

Mario Dagrada madagra
Scientific Software Engineer and Manager

Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Honghui Du Honghui-Du

University of Minnesota

Nicholas Kern nkern
NASA Hubble Fellow at MIT | Working at the intersection of ML and Astrophysics

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA

Andrin Rehmann andrinr
Interested in everything related to SciML, computer graphics and HPC.

@PasteurLabs Switzerland

Yongquan Qu yongquan-qu

Columbia University NYC

Alisson Henrique Kolling alikolling
Graduate student at FURG. Passionate about robotics and AI.

FURG Rio Grande, Brazil

Alexander Lavin BoltzmannBrain
SW Engineer specializing in AI & ML


Steve Bussetti sbussetti
I write software.

New Jersey, USA