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Top0619 Jenis0619
I love warm hugs.

Ashburn, VA, USA

Patrick Faustino patrickallanfaustino
My name is Patrick Faustino, a PhD student researching molecular dynamics simulations and applying machine learning to study biphasic aqueous systems with ionic

Universidade Estadual Paulista, UNESP Brazil

Yidian Wang ywang002
I am a PhD student @ Politecnico di Milano, studying Molecular Dynamics Simulation.

politecnico di Milano

Rohith Srinivaas M rohithsrinivaas
Graduate Student Researcher @ UC Berkeley, Ex-Data Scientist. B.Tech & M.Tech, IIT Madras.

Berkeley Lab Berkeley, California, United States


University of Massachusetts Lowell Massachusetts, USA

José Arthur Josearthur266
I'm graduating in Physics. I work with Molecular Dynamics using LAMMPS and VMD, studying nanotechnology and simulation nanostructure.

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte Parnamirim, RN.

Matt Thompson mattwthompson
Senior Research Software Engineer @openforcefield @omsf, formerly @shirtsgroup at UC Boulder and Cummings Group at Vanderbilt @mosdef-hub

Open Molecular Software Foundation Iowa City, IA

Simon Gravelle simongravelle
CNRS researcher in LIPhy, Grenoble, France

LIPhy Grenoble, France

Pamella Carneiro pamellaccar
PhD candidate in physical-chemistry at State University of Campinas (UNICAMP). My interests are Theoretical Chemistry and Molecular Dynamics of complex systems.

University of Campinas (UNICAMP). Campinas, SP

Giovanni Rodrigues Morselli grmorselli
PhD candidate in chemistry at University of São Paulo.
Gang Tang obaica
Associate Professor at Beijing Institute of Technology ([email protected]).

Beijing Institute of Technology Beijing, China

anqi duan AQ27na

City University of Hong Kong Hong Kong

Arun Nissimagoudar arunnissimagoudar

Indo-Korea Science and Technology Center Bangalore

Abolfazl aalizadehs

Universite Laval Canada

Shengde Zhang zhangshd
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Guangzhou / major in Sustainable Energy and Environment

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Guangzhou China

Mathieu Cancade mcancade
PhD Student @ ENS de Lyon

ENS de Lyon Lyon

Thibaut thibautflottat
Computational physicist, mostly working with molecular simulation.


Fufang Yang ThomasYang

ENS de Lyon Lyon, France

Kim group at Kentech Jeongmin0658
We are a research group to advance sustainability using computational methods at KENTECH

Department of Energy Engineering, KENTECH Naju, Korea

Sreehari Batni Ravindranath SH2402
PhD researcher at IFM Deakin

Deakin Burwood campus Australia

Vinicius Piccoli viniciuspiccoli
My name is Vinicius Piccoli. I am a PhD student interested in molecular dynamics simulations of solutions containing complex solutes.

Unicamp Campinas, SP - Brazil

Maxi Attiogbe maxiattiogbe
MIT senior AI major + Math Minor Interested in biology-, chemistry-, and physics-informed deep learning for drug discovery and design

ENS de Lyon Lyon, France

LEI LIU haibianshifeng
Ph.D student of China University of Petroleum (East China)

China University of Petroleum (East China)