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Clark Terry apollon282
I am a senior full stack software engineer with 9 years of experience

Baxter Spring ,KS

Roopesh Saravanan roopeshsn
Arista, Prev. Cisco, GSoC'23 @InternetHealthReport

@aristanetworks Bengaluru, KA, IN

Chris codesicario
Talent Acquisition

Cisco USA

周溢权 zhouyibetter
writing myself and coding my life.


Alireza Mansouri alirezadamash
ML Software Engineer


Wajahat Razi wajahatrazi

xFlow Research Inc Islamabad

Dhomini Bezerra Picanço dhominicx
BSc. Computer Engineering - UFPA. R&D Intern at @lasseufpa

@lasseufpa Belém, Pará

Emanuel Avila meiazero
Researcher and Majoring in Information Security on Federal University of Ceará - UFC ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Fortaleza, Brazil

Thierry Weissheimer Monteiro ThierryMonteiro
UFSM - Santa Maria, RS Cloud and TI Analyst at Newfront Developer and CS Student
bane banesec
i hack the things

Secure Origin California

Wenhao f-555
Ph.D Student, Network Measuring, Cyber security, DNS infrastructure

ICT, CAS Beijing

Ealwan Lee ealwanlee

SKAIChips Co. Ltd. Suwon, Korea

魏靖南 gaenan beijing, china

Learning embedded software development


Yuto Takano yutotakano
CS Masters student at ETH Zurich.

ETH Zürich Zürich, CH

Ramsey Ith Njema II rnjema
Down to earth guy with a strong passion for computers, and almost anything electronic

University of Malawi Malawi

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Carlo a67793581
Born in a predicament, died of happiness

AiJuYuLe BeiJing

Tosone tosone
Super brave boy.

@Bytedance Beijing

Aaron pay748
I am Aaron,i am a student .I love learning and open source.
Nenad Micic nmicic

Brussels, Belgium